::======================================== ::Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod) ::By eskayelle ::January 2020 ::======================================== :: ::**CONTENTS** :: ::*****INTRODUCTION***** ::*****TOOLS USED***** ::*****INSTRUCTIONS***** ::*****SPECIAL THANKS***** ::*****BATCH FILE ASSEMBLY***** :: :: ::*****INTRODUCTION***** ::Aside from Gulliver's Triple Challenge, a Pong clone from the 1970s, ::the first video game I'd ever played was Astroblast for Atari. ::Developed by Hal Finney as a port of the Intellivision's Astrosmash, ::this game was my first foray into cartridges and joysticks. :: ::One of my favorite memories of this game was a four year-old me hitting 1,000 points one night in the mid-80s, ::just a few days after we'd purchased it. ::Not knowing what to expect, and having no exposure to video games other than that Pong clone, ::my dad's first reaction was to shout, "You blew up the TV!" ::I'm sure there were a few expletives peppered in there; those were the times... :: ::Astroblast being my first real video game love, I played the heck out of out, ::through elementary school, high school, and just after college. ::(I still break it out every now and then, which helped prompt me to work on these mods.) ::My family held little tournaments on holidays to see who could take the highest score. ::A simple game really, it was a great bonding tool, and it really defined Atari's motto back then: ::Easy to play; difficult to master. :: ::The purpose of these Astroblast hacks is twofold: ::1) To remove the ROM's access to the paddles. ::Astroblast is the one game designed for Atari that permitted both paddle and joystick play, ::paddle being the better bet for ease of play and higher scores... ::... but we didn't all have paddles (I didn't till after college...). :: ::And... with some emulators, the default is to read as if paddles are active, ::making gameplay difficult on a d-pad or analog stick due to the much higher paddle input object velocity. ::These hacks effectively eliminate the paddle read and force the joystick input object velocity instead. ::This makes the game more enjoyable on an Atari Flashback, or a PSP, a DS, a modified Arcade 1up with Odroid/Raspberry Pi... :: ::2) With more joystick-centered gameplay, to enhance the experience when using a joystick or d-pad. ::(Remember... original Astroblast is optimally played when using paddles, ::so the Rainbow Brite Mod accommodates for that by being friendlier with scoring penalties, ::and by giving a lot more tastes of the various difficulty levels, ::that last difficulty extremely hard to attain and keep up with in the original game with just a joystick.) :: :: ::The following romhacks are distributed as separate IPS patches, which should each be patched to an original NTSC Astroblast ROM: ::Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod) (2020) (Double Z) (h) :: ::Use a tool like LunarIPS (Windows) or UniPatcher (Android) to patch one of the above mods to your Astroblast ROM. ::The patched ROM then can be opened and played via several emulators, including in Windows, Linux, and Android environments. :: ::The following is a list of known Windows or Android emulators within which this ROM works; ::note that it also works with Raspberry Pi/RetroArch. :: ::Windows-- ::1) Stella 6.0 ::2) RetroArch build date Feb 3 2019 :: ::Android-- ::1) 2600.emu v1.5.37 :: ::This romhack provides the following enhancements to the Astroblast experience: :: ::Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod) (2020) (Double Z) (h) ::1) Removes the paddle capability in favor of joysticks ("Without a Paddle" mod). ::2) Forces the game to rotate among the 5 difficulty settings every 200 points. ::At 100,000 points, the hardest difficulty level is set and maintained ("Controlled Chaos" / "Rainbow Brite" mods). ::3) Reduces the penalty incurred when a base is destroyed ("Sweet Dreams" mod). :: :: ::*****TOOLS USED***** ::1) DASM ::2) XVI32 ::3) Stella 6.0 :: :: ::*****INSTRUCTIONS***** ::Head over to AtariAge for instructions on how to play the original game. ::This hack does not modify gameplay other than removing the ability to use paddles, ::removing the background color changes, cycling difficulty settings every 200 points, ::and reducing the penalty for a destroyed base. :: ::www.atariage.com/manual_html_page.php?SoftwareID=832 :: :: ::*****SPECIAL THANKS***** ::1) To Hal Finney, for making a great game that fostered my love for video games over the years. ::2) To Dennis Debro, for taking the time to reverse engineer Astroblast and put his findings to public domain. ::3) To Andrew Davie, for his awesome Atari 2600 Programming for Newbies guide. ::4) To my dad, for the fond memories of Astroblast throughout the years. I owe you one TV... :: :: ::*****BATCH FILE ASSEMBLY***** ::Rainbow Brite v2 dasm "Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod v2) (2020) (Double Z) (h).asm" -lastroblast-cc.txt -f3 -v5 -o"Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod v2) (2020) (Double Z) (h).bin" fc /B "Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod v2) (2020) (Double Z) (h).bin" "Astroblast (1982) (Mattel) (!).a26" > astroblastcompare-cc.txt @pause