Rally Chase CD to MVS (aka "Rally THRAS") By PunchMSX - @punch@mast.pceninja.com and Neo Alec This is a patch that allows you to play the CD version of Thrash Rally (Rally Chase) on a Neo-Geo MVS/AES. The CD version rebalances difficulty and adds a new manual gear mechanic to the game. Requirements: A copy of Thrash Rally (trally.zip) A copy of the RALLY.PRG from the Rally Chase NGCD CD-ROM ROMWak (https://github.com/freem/romwak) Instructions: 1. Download ROMWak from the link above, unzip it. 2. Copy RALLY.PRG from the Rally Chase CD-ROM to the ROMWak folder. 3. Open a command prompt terminal in that folder and run romwak_x64 /f RALLY.PRG RALLY2.PRG 4. Apply xdelta patch "rallychase_mvs.xdelta" to RALLY2.PRG. 5. Split your patched file into two parts: 038-p1.p1 and 038-p2.p2 with romwak_x64 /h Patched_RALLY2.PRG 038-p1.p1 038-p2.p2 6. Unzip trally.zip, rewrite P1 and P2 ROMs with the files you created in 5. To correct the title screen: 7. (new!) use patches 038-c1-patch.xdelta and 038-c2-patch.xdelta to patch up the graphics data C roms 038-c1.c1 and 038-c2.c2 in trally.zip. This should be enough! If you're using MAME to play the 'geo, since the CRC hashes of the game will be wrong, just start MAME via command line with mame trally.zip and you should be playing the game in no time. Known Issues: - Demo play has no sound Special thanks to Neo Alec for offering support and encouragement, and for testing this on real hardware via a NeoSD. Also for for the C rom graphics conversion patches.