Refined Platinum patch for Pokemon Platinum by RefinedPlat Link to this changelog on Google Docs For the record, this is only associated with Refined Gold, Refined Platinum, and not-yet-released Gen 5 patches. Absolutely NO connection to Refined Crystal or anything. This patch was made working off of the 4997, or "Rev 1" ROM, using DSPRE and Pokeditor. 1X Introduction 1X0 List of Changelogs General Changelog (encounters, evolutions, additional ground items, technical stuff) Trainer Changes Moveset Changes Wild Held Item Changes Download Link (in case you found the document via Google Docs only) 1a Table of Contents 1X Introduction 1X0 List of Changelogs 1a Table of Contents 1b Releases 1c About 1d Applying 2X Pokemon Changes 2a Evolution Changes 2b Movepool Changes 2b1 Legendary Move Changes 2c Abilities On Trainer Pokemon 3X Wild Encounters 3a Pre-E4 Walking 3b Postgame 3c Surfing 3c Fishing 3d Poke Radar 3e Starters 3f Swarms 3g Dual-Slot Mode 4X Event Changes 4a Events - About 4b Event Changes List 4cX Legendary Encounters 4d0 Vanilla 4d1 Post-Dex 4d2 Post-Stark 4d3 Main Game Rematches 4eX Field Trainer Additions 4e1 Superbosses 4e2 Field NPCs 5X Various Notes 6X Technical Stuff 6aX Flags 6a1 Important Vanilla Flags 6a2 Formerly Unused Flags 6bX Variables 6b1 Important Vanilla Variables 6b2 Formerly Unused Variables 6c Script Files 6d Event Files 6e Text Files 6f Trainer IDs 6g Trainers 6h Misc. 7X Held Item Changes 7a Legendary Items 8X Known Bugs 8a Bug Bugs 8b System Limitations ZX Disclaimers and Credits 1b Releases v5.1 - 6/7/2024 *Rearranged encounters concerning certain Great Marsh Pokemon. **Tropius and Tangela are now endemic to the Great Marsh. They remain at their normal ~20% rate in the appropriate time and Area in the Great Marsh. *Adjusted NPC dialogue to reflect above changes. *A spare Move Deleter is in the Move Reminder’s house for convenience. *Fixed a critical bug where certain trainers would load invalid Pokemon. v5.0 - 4/26/2024 Trials of the Trinity *The Regi Event has been reworked. The TRIALS await the human who walks in the land of their master; face them, and overcome the power of rubble, rime and rust. **This event is doable even if you had beaten the Regis already in your save file *Ho-Oh now requires having met all three of the beasts to battle. Lugia now requires having captured all three of the roaming birds and informing Professor Oak in Eterna. *Main game legendaries (Azelf, Giratina, Darkrai, etc) can now be rematched at the relevant locations. These rematches are available when capturing all in a group of them. *Charon now has a trump card in Stark Mountain. *Flint and Volkner’s Fight Area multi now has a slightly better team but is still very easy so as to not block the player from progressing. *Revamps and improvements to various trainers throughout the game, including improving the superboss teams. *Altair’s On Cyrus dialogue has been revised to better convey what I intended. *Wild encounters have been optimized and enhanced to be neater and more accessible. **Sinnoh starters are now found in the three lakes, meaning none of them can be accessed at all until after Byron. **Cranidos and Shieldon have been removed from Oreburgh Gate for balancing purposes; they can still be obtained by trading the fossils at Canalave or from encountering them at Victory Road. *In the Trainer Patch, hail will fall during the Candice Gym battle (but not the rest of the gym itself!) *Going forward, the hack will be split into two patches. **The Trainer Patch includes various main game trainer changes that will be later split off into a Refined Gold style Overhaul patch. **The Base Patch includes just the normal encounter, script, and so on changes. Postgame remains changed. **Apply one patch. Leave the other alone. v4.3.1 - 11/19/2023 *Untrimmed file to reduce patch size. v4.3 - 5/7/2023 Anneal *Additional bugfixing and revisions. Shout out to Josplay. *More movepool changes and script optimizations. *Huge readmes available on Google Docs instead of just somewhat cryptic .txt files. *Unremoved Lotad. v4.2.1 - 1/26/2023 Restabilize *Flags have been relocated to ensure compatibility going forward. Earlier versions, while compatible, may require you to redo certain segments of the postgame questlines. *Properly implemented trainer text. *Substantial amount of bugfixing. v4.1.2 - 1/24/2023 *Fixes and tweaks v4.1.1 - 1/23/2023 *Fixes and tweaks. Fixed the Argenta crashing glitch around this point? v4.0.5 - 12/5/2022 *Fixes and tweaks v4.0.4 - 11/20/2022 *Minor trainer rebalancing, most notably nerfing Jupiter's Meditite. *Filled in errors in the trainer documentation. v4.0.3 *Updated select fishing encounters. *Hall of Fame completion screen now says version number. *Small tweaks to trainer builds involving Klutz, Return and Trick. v4.0.1 *Assorted minor bugfixes. *Buffed movepools for HQ and Coronet Grunts. v4.0 - Brain to Pick *Superbosses have been reworked - fighting either OAK'S AIDE or POST-STARK REMATCH ELITE FOUR is now required to do the Galactic Superbosses. After you beat one of them, someone will want to talk to you... **FRONTIER BRAINS have been added as superbosses! These are rewards for completing their Silver Print, and please view them as purely optional. **Oak's Aide, Altair, and the Galactic Superbosses have been rebalanced. **Barry will now do harder fights if you have beaten a certain someone in Twinleaf. *A variety of NPCs have been added, attached to various main and postgame events. They just talk, it's to add some flavor to the world. **Elite Four NPCs are scattered around the Battle Zone post-E4. **Gym Leaders are scattered across mainland Sinnoh after certain story events. **Frontier Brains are scattered across mainland Sinnoh post-Silver Print. **Cheryl and Marley are in Floaroma post-Shaymin. **Riley and Buck are in Mt. Coronet Bottom Lake post-Shaymin. ***There is no Mira NPC. **Johanna gets extra text post-Stark, and one more post-Master Rank for good measure! *Turnback Cyrus now has a different battle background. *Dialga and Palkia's postgame Spear Pillar matches have different battle backgrounds instead of the same generic rocky terrain. *Post-Stark fights now check for 0xD6 instead of 0x125, so they activate once Charon is arrested. Of course, you still need to talk to Buck in the Battleground to fight him or Heatran. *Wild held evolution item changes have been reverted; they can be bought in postgame. *Spiritomb has been removed from Lost Tower. Hallowed Tower no longer uses up Odd Keystones if you run. *You can view your Diplomas again in your bedroom. **The "X Button Opens The Menu" board is now a misc spawnable, for convenience. *The intro sequence for the Arceus fight has been revamped. **Arceus now checks for the flag set by getting the Diploma instead of the Azure Flute, improving compatibility with 100%ed vanilla saves. **The Game Director no longer gives you infinite Azure Flutes. Only one incomprehensible eldritch artifact per player. *There is now a Fossil Guild in Canalave. You can exchange fossils for the appropriate counterpart. *EVEN MORE movepool changes! Thanks to redoing it in Pokeditor, it is now basically glitch-free. *The Emotion Trio, the roaming birds, and Darkrai+Cresselia are now 55, 65 and 70 respectively. v3.3.1 - 11/13/2021 *Post-Dex legendaries now check if you have taken the ferry to Fight Area at least once instead. No significant impact on in-game play, but it's neater. *Latios is now outside and clears out hail before battle. v3.3 Monsoon Pageant *I have discovered how to change the weather. Tremble before me. **All weather-changing fights now do so smoothly without warps. *It is now raining on Route 230 and some parts of 226 to make it more interesting. *Additional text for Oak's Aide and Prof. Oak. *The Judge now gives more accurate information, specifying numerical values of a Pokemon's IVs instead of just ballparks. This was more because I figured out how than because it was important. *Leppa Berry seller added to Sunyshore for Quality of Life purposes. v3.2.1 - 11/11/2021 Path of Triumph *The final stretch of the game, from Route 222 to Victory Road, has been exhaustively rebalanced. Trainers are now a more appropriate curve, and the wilds are more powerful. Tackling the E4 without grinding should feel more feasible (though not easy). **Volkner-VR should feel more difficult than normal. However, the actual E4 is unchanged from 3.1.4; any difficulty is mostly from vanilla's level spike. *Battle Zone and Postgame Victory Road has been nerfed, and should be approachable after beating the Elite Four, more or less. Other rematch trainers have had nominal changes. *Feebas rates in Mt. Coronet have been redone. Probopass replace Nosepass on the final section. *Even more move changes, catching some real stinkers like Roselia (only Grass attacks) and Stunky (super backloaded movepool). *Various minor bugfixes. v3.1.4 - 11/2/2021 *Minor IV changes, changed select encounters slightly. *Added Looker NPC. v3.1 Zoning Violation *Additional Superbosses have been added. Altair now requires you to have fought the 4 Weather superbosses. **Mars, Jupiter and Eris are all available as superbosses. *All Battle Zone and Postgame Victory Road trainers have been buffed to make things more interesting. A significant amount of postgame rematches have been buffed. **All Postgame wilds have been buffed by +4 levels. **Cyrus, Candice, Volkner, League Barry and the Elite Four have also been given items and nominal buffs. *Some more abilities have been swapped for trainers, and additional movepool changes. *Wild held Shard rates have been lowered to keep the Underground and Great Marsh Shard Giver relevant. v3.0.2 - 10/19/2021 *HP drop speed is now up to 2x faster against high-HP foes. v3 Celestial Alignment *Superbosses have been added as Post-Rematch E4 challenges. **Fights are meant to be post-Rematch Cynthia. **Oak's Aide, Cyrus, Saturn and Altair are available as superbosses. *There is now a shop in the Survival Area that sells Evolution Items and Berries. *Starters have been moved to routes around Veilstone for balance purposes. **Minor encounter changes. *Hallowed Tower now will not awaken unless you have 5 badges. *Post-Stark rematches with Gym Leaders and Elite Four members now have new teams. The main game fights with the three Commanders have been spiced. **Someone is on break in Celestic Town. **Relevant Battleground trainers, as well as Bertha, call in the appropriate weather ahead of time. *Barry can now be fought at any time, and lets you pick what difficulty you want to fight him at. Requirements for the tiers reduced from 10 and 20 to 6 and 12. *Darkrai and Secret Key events have been reworked. **The Flame Plate Arceus event now checks for Palkia's flag. *Post-Stark Rematches for the League now have alternate text, just for fun. v2.1.3 - 6/24/2021 Lucario Update *Lucario can now be found in Victory Road, and Riolu on the topmost floors of Mt. Coronet. Some Onix encounters have been replaced by Steelix. v2.1.2 - 4/6/2021 Minor Fixes *Shifted Old Chateau's encounters a little, limited Feebas to 4F and B1F of Mt. Coronet, and rewrote some hints. v2.1 - 3/29/2021 Trainer Abilities *Certain Pokemon have had their first and second abilities swapped, that way trainers with a Machop will have No Guard instead of Guts. THIS HAS NO EFFECT OUTSIDE OF NORMAL TRAINERS, AND DOES NOT AFFECT THE BATTLE FRONTIER NOR WILD POKEMON IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. *Machoke and Kadabra now evolve at level 38, while Poliwhirl, Haunter and Graveler effectively evolve at level 36. **Gastly and Haunter now learn Ominous Wind at level 22 and 1 (and Sucker Punch at level 24 as a result) to compensate for not getting any special stab until level 36. *Deoxys now has post-battle text. *Various legendaries have less annoying battles now, with things like making Dialga use Mud-Slap instead of Double Team or taking away Recover from Deoxys. v2.0 - 3/23/2021 Legendaries, Moves and TMs *All events are restored and all previously unavailable legendaries have been added as static encounters. *Movepools have been edited somewhat for the legendary fights, as well as for general QoL. *A TM shop has been added to the Resort Area. *Added additional puns and jokes and a handful of NPCs. v1.0 - 1/20/2021 First Release *All non-legendary Pokemon are freely available in the wild. Only Sinnoh Dex Pokemon are available pre-E4, with one exception. *An overwhelming amount more Pokemon now hold held items. 1c About This is a standalone patch meant to enhance and improve Pokemon Platinum while keeping the original feel. Instead of being a complete reworking of the game, this is essentially "Vanilla Platinum+", with versions exclusives fixed, trade evolutions rectified, evolution items and berries both renewable, and alternatives provided for the more luck-based encounters. If you want to go back to Platinum, whether to revisit memories or make new ones, this mod is meant to help make them a little more vivid. Changes to encounters that can be found pre-Elite Four are strictly within the Sinnoh Dex. All exotics added are post-E4. There is one exception to this on Route 208; otherwise, it'll just be a more diverse assortment of the Pokemon you first saw when you played Platinum. All Pokemon only situationally obtainable via Honey Tree, Great Marsh, or Trophy Garden that have been given additional areas are still fully accessible in the Honey Trees, Great Marsh, or Trophy Garden respectively. For instance, Yanma is now encounterable on Route 213, but can still be found in the Great Marsh. Furthermore, all legendaries are accessible, and all events aside from the Hall of Origin have been fully restored. A good handful of optional dialogue has been changed, mostly to allude to the increased availability of Honey Tree and Great Marsh Pokemon. Also to repurpose some Wi-fi related lines, often into references or casual dialogue. It's a slightly more idealized view of Sinnoh, but the core plot is identical. The Battle Zone and postgame Victory Road areas have been firmly buffed. The goal is to make both of these areas a rugged trek instead of a parade, without having the postgame be agonizing to complete. Rematches have also somewhat better teams and lategame trainers have a handful of IVs to shore up their stats. Every TM, berry, and evolution item has been made renewable. TMs are sold in a house in the Resort Area, while evos and berries can be bought in the Survival Area. As of 3.0.1, HP counters fall up to 2x faster. Gen 4 is famous for its HP counter falling incredibly slow in this generation, as it never increases in speed to make up for higher HP foes. So, this hack inherently has 2x HP drain speed in effect. 3x felt too fast midgame. This shouldn't matter much earlygame, but by the lategame it is highly beneficial, especially with the superbosses. I cannot confirm the edited ROM is still compatible with additional edits to the speed, and am not responsible if doing so breaks your game. But, if the appropriate change is made to the relevant overlay, it should be fine. Credit to Nitram for the specific method used. 1d Applying To apply this patch, just get your CLEAN UNEDITED COPY OF Pokemon Platinum, the 4997 version of the game, also known as the "Rev 1", and then pull out Delta Patcher and apply the patch. If it's not the Xenophobia dump (3541), it is most likely Rev 1. If you want to have the boss revisions (better Galactic Commander teams, better Gym leaders, etc) apply just the “Trainer Patch” and not the “Base” patch. If you want to be as close to vanilla as possible, just apply the “Base” patch and start playing. The following is exclusive to the Trainer Patch: * Moveset changes outside of legendaries, HGSS/egg move restorations, and Smeargle. * Trainer team changes of any form pre-E4. * Hail in the Candice battle. The following are still in both patches: * Ability A vs Ability B swaps to enable postgame superbosses to actually work. * Changes to post-E4 trainers such as, but not limited to, Battleground Gym Leader fights, the Battle Zone, E4 rematches, and so on. * Moveset changes to level up sets of legendaries to have more engaging fights. * All script and encounter changes. * Superbosses as post-Stark content. Hex edits and cheat codes may not be fully compatible with this patch. PkHex is fully compatible. To check if the patch was applied correctly, look in the Sandgem Town PC. A Painter NPC will be present. 2X Pokemon Changes There are no stat or typing changes. No moves have been changed (ex Rock Climb is still Normal, Whirlpool is still 35 BP/70% acc) These are small-scale, primarily serving to make a 493 possible and make movepools more streamlined within the bounds of HG-legal moves. 2a Evolution Changes Preexisting evolutions such as leveling up at Mt. Coronet are still fully functional. Haunter and Graveler evolve upon learning a key move for their skillsets. Politoed is heavily associated with Drizzle, so Poliwhirl evolves into it by learning Rain Dance. Evolutions not mentioned here have not been edited. Move Evolutions Haunter - Evolves when leveling up while knowing Shadow Ball (Level 36) Graveler - Evolves when leveling up while knowing Earthquake (Level 36) Poliwhirl - Evolves into Politoed when leveling up while learning Rain Dance (level 36) Level Evolutions Machoke - Evolves at level 38 Kadabra - Evolves at level 38 Held Item Evolutions Slowpoke - Evolves into Slowking by leveling up while holding King’s Rock Magmar - Evolves into Magmortar by leveling up while holding Magmarizer Electabuzz - Evolves into Electrivire by leveling up while holding Electrizer Rhydon - Evolves into Rhyperior by leveling up while holding Protector Scyther - Evolves into Scizor by leveling up while holding Metal Coat Onix - Evolves into Steelix by leveling up while holding Metal Coat Seadra - Evolves into Kingdra by leveling up while holding Dragon Scale Porygon - Evolves into Porygon2 by leveling up while holding Up-Grade Porygon2 - Evolves into Porygon Z by leveling up while holding Dubious Disc Feebas - Evolves into Milotic by leveling up while holding Pamtre Berry Dusclops - Evolves into Dusknoir by leveling up while holding Reaper Cloth Clamperl - Evolves into Huntail by leveling up while holding Deep Sea Tooth Clamperl - Evolves into Gorebyss by leveling up while holding Deep Sea Scale Stone Evolutions Slowpoke - Evolves into Slowking by using a Water Stone (REMOVED as of v5.0) 2b Movepool Changes Moderate, but noticeable changes. These should have a modest impact on your playthrough, instead just letting you fine tune some builds without having to get a new Pokemon, or not feel obligated to burn a TM just so a Pokemon has STAB at all. All of these are moves the Pokemon can legally know in this generation (as of HGSS), only changed to make it less problematic to get them. Includes things like fixing pre-evolution only moves, updating a few learnset levels to B2W2 tier so you don't wait until level 70 before getting a good STAB, and giving the Dratini line Extremespeed to match the HGSS event. There's also a few Move Tutor moves from HGSS thrown in. Most Pokemon do not get a new lease on life with this, but ones like Stunky and Shieldon should be easier to use this way. Please see the accompanying changelog for more details. 2b1 Legendary Move Changes Legendary level up moves have been changed significantly to make them into worthwhile fights at the levels they are fought. They still can't hold a candle to even basic trainer AI, but hopefully it's more exciting. All movesets are still legal in Gen 4. Yes, this means no Sacred Fire Entei, I'm sorry. Events are not included as legal move options with the exception of Arceus's Spacial Rend. Note that most post-Dex legends are level 65 while most post-Stark legends are level 80. Articuno - Blizzard, Signal Beam, Hidden Power, Swagger; 65 Zapdos - Discharge, Heat Wave, Hidden Power, Thunder Wave; 65 Moltres - Heat Wave, Air Slash, Hidden Power, Will-O-Wisp; 65 Mewtwo - Thunderbolt, Psychic, Ice Beam, Recover; 85 Mew - Hidden Power, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere; 75 Raikou - Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Extrasensory, Signal Beam; 65 Entei - Iron Head, Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Secret Power; 65 Suicune - Extrasensory, Surf, Calm Mind, Ice Beam; 65 Lugia - Aeroblast, Roost, Psychic, Calm Mind; 80 Ho-oh - Sacred Fire, Protect, Aerial Ace, Punishment; 80 Celebi - Charge Beam, Leaf Storm, Psychic, Giga Drain; 75 Regirock - Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Curse, Earthquake; 65 Regice - Blizzard, Hail, Toxic, Signal Beam; 65 Registeel - Amnesia, Iron Defense, Toxic, Flash Cannon; 65 Latias - Mist Ball, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Reflect; 65 Latios - Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Light Screen; 65 Kyogre - Calm Mind, Thunder, Ice Beam, Water Spout; 80 Groudon - Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Bulk Up; 80 Rayquaza - Dragon Dance, Extremespeed, Outrage, Earthquake; 85 Jirachi - Cosmic Power, Stealth Rock, Iron Head, Psychic; 65 Deoxys - Recover, Psycho Boost, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam; 85 Uxie - Psychic, Yawn, Shock Wave, Hidden Power; 60 Mesprit - Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Copycat, Protect; 60 Azelf - Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball; 60 Dialga - Roar of Time, Mud-Slap, Earth Power, Flash Cannon; 70 Palkia - Spacial Rend, Mud-Slap, Earth Power, Surf; 70 Giratina - Distortion World: AncientPower, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Force, Shadow Sneak; 47 Giratina - Turnback Cave: Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Will-O-Wisp; 70 Heatran - Lava Plume, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon, Magma Storm; 75 Cresselia - Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic, Attract; 70 Manaphy - Tail Glow, Grass Knot, Surf, Signal Beam; 65 Darkrai - Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Nasty Plot; 70 Shaymin - Seed Flare, Air Slash, Earth Power, Leech Seed; 75 Arceus - Judgement at level 50 and again at level 90 Arceus - Spacial Rend; 90 Arceus - Recover; 90 Arceus - Flamethrower; 90 Regigigas: Fire/Ice/Thunder/Dizzy Punch, Knock Off and Foresight at level **2** Regigigas - Toxic, Confuse Ray, Mud-Slap, Substitute at level 1 Regigigas - Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch, Thunder Wave, Crush Grip at level 75 2c Abilities On Trainer Pokemon This is strictly just a list of Pokemon who have had their first and second abilities swapped so trainers will make more efficient use of their Pokemon. Trainers in Platinum use the FIRST ability by default and cannot be made to choose the second. This does not affect gameplay in any way shape or form outside of which abilities trainers use. Battle Frontier abilities are randomly picked, and so are unaffected. **NO ABILITIES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO NON-VANILLA ABILITY SETS** Rattata, Raticate>Guts Venonat, Venomoth>Tinted Lens Diglett, Dugtrio>Arena Trap Meowth, Persian>Technician Machop, Machoke, Machamp>No Guard Ponyta, Rapidash>Flash Fire Doduo, Dodrio>Early Bird Grimer, Muk>Sticky Hold Shellder, Cloyster>Skill Link Hitmonlee>Reckless Hitmonchan>Iron Fist Rhyhorn, Rhydon>Rock Head Kangaskhan>Scrappy Staryu, Starmie>Natural Cure Mime Jr., Mr. Mime>Filter Scyther, Scizor>Technician Eevee>Adaptability Munchlax, Snorlax>Thick Fat Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss>Serene Grace Azurill, Marill, Azumarill>Huge Power Bonsly, Sudowoodo>Rock Head Qwilfish>Swift Swim Shuckle>Gluttony Heracross>Guts Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine>Snow Cloak Mantyke, Mantine>Water Absorb Houndour, Houndoom>Flash Fire Smeargle>Technician Tyrogue>Steadfast Hitmontop>Technician Zigzagoon, Linoone>Gluttony Shroomish, Breloom>Poison Heal Nosepass, Probopass>Magnet Pull Mawile>Intimidate Aron, Lairon, Aggron>Rock Head Volbeat>Swarm Illumise>Tinted Lens Numel>Simple Camerupt>Solid Rock Trapinch>Arena Trap Snorunt, Glalie>Ice Body Relicanth>Rock Head Shinx, Luxio, Luxray>Intimidate Buneary, Lopunny>Klutz Stunky, Skuntank>Aftermath Croagunk, Toxicroak>Dry Skin Rhyperior>Solid Rock 3X Wild Encounters Mostly accurate, a few may be slightly off. Some Pokemon are relegated to specific timeframes as a result of shifting things around. Time (Morning, Day, Night) is in parenthesis. Absence of parenthesis means it is present all day. Because it's Platinum, all time-based changes are a flat 10% increase; for instance, Oreburgh Gate B1F has 4% Shieldon and Cranidos all day, but in the Day Shieldon goes up to 14%, and in the Night Cranidos goes up to 14%. 3a Pre-E4 Walking Eterna Forest - Burmy 20% Mt. Coronet Upper 1F 2 - Riolu 10% Mt. Coronet 3F - Golem 2% Mt. Coronet 4F, 5F, 6F (Peak) - Riolu 5%, Probopass 5%, Golem 2% Mt. Coronet Snowy - Machamp 4% Lake Acuity - Absol 5%, Prinplup 4% Lake Acuity (Morning) - Prinplup 10% Lake Valor - Golduck 20%, Bibarel 20%, Staravia 11%, Staraptor 10%, Yanmega 5%, Carnivine 5%, Ambipom 5%, Monferno 4% Lake Valor (Morning) - Carnivine 10%, Staraptor 10% Lake Valor (Day) - Carnivine 10%, Ambipom 10% Lake Valor (Night) - Ambipom 10%, Monferno 10% Lake Verity (Morning, Night) - Kricketot 10% Lake Verity Post-Byron - Turtwig 4% Lake Verity Post-Byron (Day) - Turtwig 10% Lost Tower 1F-2F - Murkrow 4%, Misdreavus 4%, Duskull 2% Lost Tower 3F-4F - Murkrow 5%, Misdreavus 5%, Duskull 4% Lost Tower 5F - Duskull 7%, Murkrow 4%, Misdreavus 4% Old Chateau Entrance - Murkrow 10%, Misdreavus 10%, Rotom 2% Old Chateau Main - Murkrow 15%, Misdreavus 15%, Rotom 4% Old Chateau TV Room - Rotom 8%, Murkrow 6%, Misdreavus 6% Old Chateau Dining Room - Murkrow 20%, Misdreavus 20%, Rotom 2% Old Chateau Gengar Room - Haunter 4%, Rotom 1% *Like how you can use dual-slot mode to get a Gengar. Obscenely low level. Sendoff Spring - Golem 10%, Staraptor 5% Trophy Garden - Cherubi 20% Valley Windworks - Drifloon 5%, Combee 5% Valor Lakefront - Aipom 10%, Yanma 5%, Carnivine 5% Victory Road 1F (Day) - Bastiodon 10% Victory Road 1F (Night) - Rampardos 10% Victory Road 2F - Rampardos 5%, Bastiodon 5% Victory Road 2F (Day) - Bastiodon 10% Victory Road 2F (Night) - Rampardos 10% Victory Road B1F - Rampardos 10%, Bastiodon 10% Victory Road B1F(Day) - Bastiodon 10% Victory Road B1F (Night) - Rampardos 10% Wayward Cave Main - Gible 2% Route 204 South - Combee 5% Route 204 North - Combee 10% Route 205 South - Combee 20%, Burmy 5% Route 205 North - Pachirisu 5%, Burmy 5%, Combee 4% Route 205 North (Day) - Combee 10% Route 206 - Stunky 15% Route 208 - Smeargle 20%, Cherubi 5% *This is to give people more freedom in their party by letting them have the ultimate HM user, and it fits the outskirts of Hearthome. Purely optional to use. Route 209 - Mothim 10%, Chansey 6% Route 210 South - Chansey 6%, Mothim 5% Route 210 North - Heracross 5% Route 210 North (Day) - Heracross 10% Route 211 East - Heracross 5% Route 211 East (Day) - Heracross 10% Route 212 North - Cherubi 10%, Munchlax 6% Route 212 South - Carnivine 5% Route 213 - Yanma 10% Route 214 - Rhyhorn 25%, Graveler 20%, Houndour 15%, Stunky 15%, Skorupi 5% Route 214 (Morning, Day) - Skorupi 10%, Rhyhorn 10% Route 214 (Night) - Houndour 10%, Zubat 10% Route 215 - Aipom 5% Route 215 (Morning, Day) - Aipom 10% Route 216 - Electabuzz 5%, Absol 4% Route 216 (Night) - Snorunt 20% Route 217 - Electabuzz 5% Route 218 - Glameow 15% Route 221 - Skuntank 15% Route 222 - Purugly 10% 3b Postgame Snowpoint Temple 1F - Golbat 65%, Piloswine 10%, Sneasel 10%, Smoochum 10%, Makuhita 5% Snowpoint Temple B1F-B2F - Golbat 65%, Piloswine 10%, Sneasel 10%, Jynx 10%, Hariyama 5% Snowpoint Temple B3F-B4F - Golbat 65%, Mamoswine 10%, Sneasel 10%, Jynx 10%, Hariyama 5% Snowpoint Temple B5F - Golbat 50%, Mamoswine 15%, Hariyama 15%, Sneasel 10%, Jynx 10% Stark Mountain Exterior - Camerupt 20%, Rhydon 20%, Blaziken 10%, Mawile 10%, Golem 10%, Skarmory 5%, Weezing 5% Stark Mountain Exterior (Morning, Day) - Fearow 20% Stark Mountain Exterior (Night) - Golbat 10%, Fearow 10% Stark Mountain B1F - Magcargo 20%, Rhydon 20%, Golem 15%, Weezing 15%, Golbat 10%, Slugma 5%, Camerupt 5% Stark Mountain B2F - Magcargo 25%, Weezing 20%, Golem 20%, Golbat 15%, Sableye 10%, Rhydon 10%, Camerupt 5% Turnback Cave Final Segment - Gengar 20% Victory Road B1F Back Entrance - Golem 20%, Rampardos 10%, Bastiodon 10% Victory Road B1F Back 1 - Aerodactyl 10%, Armaldo 10%, Cradily 10%, Lucario 5% Victory Road B1F Back 1 (Morning) - Cradily 10% Victory Road B1F Back 1 (Day) - Aerodactyl 10% Victory Road B1F Back 1 (Night) - Armaldo 10% Victory Road B1F Back 2 - Aerodactyl 10%, Armaldo 10%, Cradily 10%, Lucario 2% Victory Road B1F Back 2 (Morning) - Cradily 10% Victory Road B1F Back 2 (Day) - Aerodactyl 10% Victory Road B1F Back 2 (Night) - Armaldo 10% Victory Road B1F Back 3 - Aerodactyl 10%, Armaldo 10%, Cradily 10%, Lucario 5% Victory Road B1F Back 3 (Morning) - Cradily 10% Victory Road B1F Back 3 (Day) - Aerodactyl 10% Victory Road B1F Back 3 (Night) - Armaldo 10% Route 224 - Floatzel 20%, Roselia 20%, Pelipper 10%, Gastrodon 10%, Jigglypuff 6%, Gloom 5%, Weepinbell 5%, Beautifly 4% Route 224 (Morning, Day) - Bellsprout 20% Route 224 (Night) - Oddish 20% Route 225 - Machoke 20%, Graveler 20%, Raticate 15%, Venusaur 10%, Breloom 6%, Machamp 5%, Rattata 4% Route 225 (Morning, Day) - Fearow 20% Route 225 (Night) - Banette 20% Route 226 - Machoke 20%, Raticate 20%, Pelipper 15%, Sceptile 10%, Machamp 5%, Rattata 5%, Kangaskhan 5% Route 226 (Morning, Day) - Fearow 20% Route 226 (Night) - Banette 20% Route 227 - Camerupt 20%, Rhydon 20%, Weezing 10%, Typhlosion 10%, Skarmory 5%, Golem 5%, Numel 5%, Fearow 5% Route 227 (Morning, Day) - Fearow 10%, Graveler 10% Route 227 (Night) - Golbat 10%, Graveler 10% Route 228 - Dugtrio 30%, Cacturne 20%, Hippowdon 10%, Sandslash 10%, Diglett 5%, Cacnea 5% Route 228 (Morning, Day) - Sandslash 10%, Hippowdon 10% Route 228 (Night) - Cacturne 20% Route 229 - Roselia 20%, Parasect 20%, Meganium 10%, Purugly 10%, Volbeat 10%, Illumise 10% Route 229 (Morning) - Ledian 20% Route 229 (Day) - Pidgeotto 20% Route 229 (Night) - Ariados 20% Route 230 - Pelipper 25%, Floatzel 25%, Roselia 10%, Charizard 10%, Gloom 5%, Weepinbell 5% Route 230 (Morning, Day) - Bellsprout 20% Route 230 (Night) - Oddish 20% 3c Surfing Route 226 - 60% Pelipper, 30% Tentacruel, 10% Swampert Route 229 - 60% Surskit, 30% Masquerain, 10% Blastoise Route 230 - 60% Sealeo, 30% Pelipper, 10% Feraligatr 3c Fishing *Resort Area and Victory Road 1F Back 2's will now always catch a Pokemon. Canalave City; Super Rod - 40% Gyarados, 40% Lumineon, 15% Staryu, 5% Qwilfish Mt. Coronet 4F; Good Rod - Barboach 55%, Magikarp 40%, Feebas 5% Mt. Coronet B1F; Good Rod - Magikarp 45%, Barboach 40%, Feebas 15% Mt. Coronet B1F; Super Rod - Gyarados 55%, Whiscash 44%, Feebas 1% *From what I can tell, the original Feebas "factor" is still at play in B1F’s Old Rod table. Oreburgh Gate B1F; Super Rod - 40% Gyarados, 40% Whiscash, 15% Kabuto, 5% Omanyte Sunyshore City; Super Rod - 45% Gyarados, 40% Octillery, 15% Staryu Victory Road 1F Back 2; Old Rod - 90% Magikarp, 5% Kabuto, 5% Omanyte Victory Road 1F Back 2; Good Rod - 55% Kabuto, 45% Omanyte Victory Road 1F Back 2; Super Rod - now 80% Gyarados, 15% Omastar, 5% Kabutops Route 219; Super Rod - 40% Gyarados, 40% Lumineon, 20% Clamperl Route 221; Super Rod - 40% Gyarados, 40% Lumineon, 20% Clamperl Route 222; Super Rod - 40% Gyarados, 40% Chinchou, 15% Octillery, 5% Lanturn Route 226; Super Rod - 45% Seadra, 40% Gyarados, 15% Relicanth Route 230; Good Rod - 40% Remoraid, 40% Carvanha, 20% Magikarp Route 230; Super Rod - 40% Wailmer, 40% Sharpedo, 15% Octillery, 5% Wailord 3d Poke Radar Swarms still have the usual full 40% during a Swarm. The Pokemon that appear during a Swarm have not been changed. All encounters are 22% of one Pokemon or 11% each of two Pokemon. Acuity Lakefront - Castform 22% Eterna Forest - Nincada 22% Fuego Ironworks - Aron 22% Lake Acuity - Ditto 22% Lake Valor - Wobbuffet 22% Lake Verity - Caterpie 11%, Weedle 11% Mt. Coronet Snowy - Loudred 22% Sendoff Spring - Solrock 10%, Lunatone 10%, Spiritomb 2% Stark Mountain - Vulpix 20%, Ninetales 2% Trophy Garden - Growlithe 22% Valley Windworks - Mareep 22% Valor Lakefront - Seviper 11%, Zangoose 11% Route 201 - NidoranM 11%, NidoranF 11% Route 202 - Sentret 22% Route 203 - Seedot 22% Route 204 (South) - Porygon 22% Route 204 (North) - Sunkern 22% Route 205 (South) - Hoppip 22% Route 205 (North) - Slowpoke 22% Route 206 - Baltoy 22% Route 207 - Stantler 22% Route 208 - Lotad 20%, Lombre 2% Route 209 - Exeggcute 22% Route 210 (South) - Miltank 11%, Tauros 11% Route 210 (North) - Bagon 22% Route 211 (West) - Tyrogue 22% Route 212 (South) - Grimer 22% Route 212 (North) - Eevee 22% Route 213 - Swellow 22% Route 214 - Poochyena 20%, Mightyena 2% Route 215 - Kecleon 22% Route 216 - Ursaring 22% Route 217 - Pineco 20%, Forretress 2% Route 218 - Arbok 22% Route 221 - Meowth 22% Route 222 - Plusle 11%, Minun 11% Route 224 - Shuckle 22% Route 225 - Primeape 20%, Mankey 2% Route 226 - Swalot 20%, Gulpin 2% Route 227 - Torkoal 22% Route 228 - Vibrava 20%, Trapinch 2% Route 229 - Venomoth 20%, Venonat 2% Route 230 - Togepi 22% 3e Starters Lake Verity Post-Byron - Turtwig 4% (higher in the Day) Lake Valor - Chimchar 4% (higher in the Night) Lake Acuity - Piplup 4% (higher in the Morning) Stark Mountain Exterior - Blaziken 10% Route 225 - Venusaur 10% Route 226 - Sceptile 10% Route 226 SURF - Swampert 10% Route 227 Typhlosion 10% Route 229 - Meganium 10% Route 229 SURF - Blastoise 10% Route 230 - Charizard 10% Route 230 SURF - Feraligatr 10% *Feraligatr's name would suggest it's an alligator, which would be freshwater. However, it has the mouth of a crocodile and a Japanese name to that effect, so it is found in the saltwater route while Blastoise is in the Route 229 lake. 3f Swarms These are the same as vanilla and put here for posterity. Eterna Forest - Slakoth Valley Windworks - Electrike Route 201 - Doduo Route 202 - Zigzagoon Route 203 - Cubone Route 206 - Larvitar Route 207 - Phanpy Route 208 - Dunsparce Route 209 - Snubbull Route 214 - Spoink Route 215 - Drowzee Route 217 - Delibird Route 218 - Voltorb Route 221 - Farfetch’d Route 222 - Skitty Route 224 - Natu Route 225 - Makuhita Route 226 - Krabby Route 227 - Spinda Route 228 - Beldum Route 229 - Pinsir Route 230 - Corsola 3g Dual-Slot Mode Victory Road 1F Back 2 (where Marley is met) is the only place where Insertion Pokemon have been changed; different ones will give you different non-Sinnoh fossil Pokemon. You can find all of them in that area by walking or fishing, it's just a small bonus since there's so many. 8% increase for each. Ruby - Armaldo, Sapphire - Cradily, Emerald - Aerodactyl, Fire Red - Kabutops, Leaf Green - Omastar. 4X Event Changes 4a Events - About All event Pokemon are now fully obtainable, and all events aside from Hall of Origin have been restored. Furthermore, all legendaries are fightable as static encounters. A man in the Survival Area will give you hints as to where they are hiding. Many of the legendaries become available after getting the National Dex and taking the Snowpoint ferry to the Fight Area. When you complete Stark Mountain, a flag is set (flag 0xD6). This makes it so the last few will fight you, and a Professor Oak NPC in Route 230 will give you Oak's Letter to meet Shaymin. Oak’s Aide also opens up, meaning superbosses will become available after, though you will be underleveled if you go to it right away. Main game legendary rematches (Uxie, Articuno, etc) also open up in relevant locations after capturing the legendary. A select few have other requirements, such as Giratina requiring completing Turnback Cave. All Post-Dex Legendaries are level 65 or 70. Mew, Shaymin, and Celebi are level 75; the GS Duo, Groudon and Kyogre are level 80; Rayquaza, Mewtwo and Deoxys are level 85. Arceus is level 95. See the movepool changes for their new movesets. These legendaries have not been taken into account for balancing. The game operates as if you will capture but never use them in battle. Arceus specifically requires you to have received the Diploma from the Gamefreak employee in Lake Valor. This means you must have all Pokémon EXCEPT Mew, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus. **Receiving the Azure Flute sets the flags correctly, so you can head straight there.** Celestic: Rotom's alternate forms Dex: Darkrai, Regis, Beasts, Eon Twins, Manaphy, Jirachi Stark: Shaymin, Weather Trio, GS duo, Mew, Mewtwo, Celebi, Deoxys Diploma: Arceus 4b Event Changes List Rotom: After you reach Celestic Town, there is a Galactic Grunt on break in the shop. If you defeat her, she'll give you the Secret Key. It opens the room on the left side of the first floor of the Eterna Galactic Building. Bring a Rotom with you, and it can change forms. Darkrai: After getting the National Dex, go to the house on Route 225. A man will give you the Member Card and mention having nightmares...after meeting Cresselia and getting the Lunar Wing, the Harbor Inn will open and you can find Darkrai. Shaymin: After beating up Team Galactic in Stark Mountain, head to Route 230. There, Professor Oak will give you Oak's Letter and ask you to meet him on Route 224. Indulge him, and you can meet Shaymin. Regirock/Regice/Registeel/Regigigas: Go to Route 228, Mt. Coronet's Route 216 exit, and Iron Island, and face the trials. Should you complete the trial, you will be permitted to capture the titan. Upon completing all three trials and capturing all three Regis, bring them to Regigigas in the Snowpoint Temple to awaken him. After fighting Regigigas for the first time, it can be fought again without bringing the Regis. 4cX Legendary Encounters All of these are NPCs you need to talk to. Some have a question for you, others just want to get down to fighting. 4d0 Vanilla Pre-E4 Uxie: Lake Acuity Cavern Mesprit: Roamer (visit Lake Verity Cavern) Azelf: Lake Valor Cavern Giratina: Distortion World/Turnback Cave Articuno: Roamer (talk to Oak in Eterna) Zapdos: Roamer (talk to Oak in Eterna) Moltres: Roamer (talk to Oak in Eterna) Dialga: Spear Pillar with Orbs Palkia: Spear Pillar with Orbs Cresselia: Roamer (visit Fullmoon Island) Heatran: Stark Mountain Regice: Mt. Coronet R216 exit Regirock: Route 228 Registeel: Iron Island Regigigas: Snowpoint Temple, bring all 3 Regis. Darkrai: See 4b, requires Lunar Wing Shaymin: See 4b, requires completing Stark 4d1 Post-Dex *Technically these require you to have visited the Fight Area at least once. Raikou: Old Man, in Lake Valor. Entei: Old Man, in Lake Verity. Suicune: Old Man, in Lake Acuity. Latias: Female Biker, in Route 224. Latios: Runner, in Route 217. Jirachi: Picnicker, in Resort Area. Manaphy: Maid, in Route 212. 4d2 Post-Stark Ho-oh: Gentleman, in Solaceon Ruins Bottom. Requires beating all three Beasts. Lugia: Socialite, in Iron Island. Requires informing Oak you have captured all three Birds. Celebi: Female Scientist, in Eterna Forest. Groudon: Waiter, in Stark Mountain Interior 2. Kyogre: Male Swimmer, in Route 213. Rayquaza: Male Snow Ranger, in Route 207. Deoxys: Male Team Galactic Grunt, in Route 214. Mew: Female Child, in Floaroma Meadow. Mewtwo: Rich Boy, in Route 221; gives you a lengthy quiz. You can cheat if you want, I don't care. 4d3 Main Game Rematches *The player must have caught all in a group before they can be rematched. Uxie: Old Woman, in Acuity Cavern Mesprit: Reporter, in Verity Cavern Azelf: Cowgirl, Valor Cavern Articuno: Earmuff Lady, in Route 216 Zapdos: Beauty, in Route 222 Moltres: Apron Woman, Fuego Ironworks Cresselia: Singer, Fullmoon Island Darkrai: Glasses Man, Newmoon Island Heatran: Roughneck, Stark Mountain Exterior Shaymin: Schoolkid, Flower Paradise Dialga: Psychic, Eterna Forest Exterior Palkia: Parasol Lady, Route 210 North Giratina: Hiker, Sendoff Spring. Requires Griseous Orb. 4d4 Arceus Arceus: “Just as the dukes of reality dwell in the skies above, their lord lurks below by the drake's nail. The guide speaks to me; no holes barred - except this one. In a path seen but untaken, the lone artisan of the universe awaits you.” (If you NEED more of a hint, Arceus is somewhere in Mt. Coronet.) Fun fact: The Legendary Beasts speak in haikus, Ho-oh speaks in couplets, and if you line up Lugia's dialogue they speak in interlocking tercets. 4eX Field Trainer Additions These are specifically Superbosses and field NPCs for E4, Gym Leaders, etc which were added for flavor. Some other NPCs have been added that are not mentioned in this list. 4e1 Superbosses All superbosses require you to have completed Stark. The Commanders and Altair require you to have defeated Oak's Aide and talked to Looker. Looker - Resort Area Oak's Aide - Route 230 Saturn - Galactic HQ Mars - Global Terminal Jupiter - Ravaged Path Eris - T.G. Eterna Building Palmer - Barry's house w/ Barry's mom (his little Maple leaf) Dahlia+Thorton - Game Corner Argenta - Cafe Cabin Caitlin and Darach - Trophy Garden Cyrus - Turnback Cave Altair - Route 228 4e2 Field NPCs These are just people to talk to. * means they already appear there in vanilla. Aaron - Route 229 Bertha - Route 228 Flint - Route 227 Lucian - Canalave Library * Cynthia - Celestic Ruins * Roark - Victory Road Postgame Gardenia+Fantina - Amity Square; requires 4 badges Maylene+Candice - Mt. Coronet Snowy; must have defeated Wake - Great Marsh; Route 227* Byron - Iron Island Volkner - Sunyshore City Cheryl+Marley - Flower Shop Riley+Buck - Mt. Coronet Bottom Lake Each person has a temp variable set so they'll say a specific thing for their first convo, and then pick a random spot and loop. Requirements are as follows: Aaron and Bertha - N/A Flint, Gym Leaders - Post-Stark flag Stat Trainers - Route 224 Flag Frontier Brains - Individual Silver Print Flags 5X Various Notes Insertion Pokemon that needed to be moved: 20 total; Seedot, Mawile, Zangoose, Solrock Lotad, Sableye, Seviper, Lunatone Caterpie, Ekans, Growlithe Weedle, Sandshrew, Vulpix Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa End result: Poke Radar Lake Verity - Caterpie/Weedle Stark Mountain - Vulpix Sendoff Spring - Solrock/Lunatone Trophy Garden - Growlithe Valor Lakefront - Zangoose/Seviper Route 203 - Seedot/Lotad Route 216 - Ursaring Route 217 - Pineco Route 218 - Arbok Route 224 - Shuckle Sandslash is found by walking on Route 228. Sableye and Mawile are found at Stark Mountain by walking inside and outside respectively. Completely redundant Poke Radar that was removed: Route 208/212 (North) (Smeargle; only one encounter is needed, added to normal encounters to improve HM stuff) Route 209 (Kirlia; Ralts is a normal encounter) Route 221/Valor Lakefront (Nidorino/Nidorina; Nidoran Male/Female are at Route 201) Route 222 (Flaaffy; Mareep is at the Valley Windworks) Route 227/Stark Mountain (Torkoal; only one encounter is needed - STARK MOUNTAIN IS NOW VULPIX/NINETALES) Lake Verity/Lake Valor (Wobbuffet; only one encounter is needed - LAKE VERITY IS NOW CATERPIE/WEEDLE) 6X Technical Stuff 6aX Flags 6a1 Important Vanilla Flags 172, 0xAC: Set by viewing your National Dex Diploma in Grand Lake. Used to trigger the Arceus fight. 343, 0x157: Set by using the Snowpoint ferry to the Fight Area at least once. Used for legendaries as of v4.0 instead of NationalDex. 214, 0xD6: Set by completing Stark Mountain and arresting Charon. Used for legendaries, superbosses, etc as of v4.0 instead of flag 0x125. 230, 0xDF: Set by completing Victory Road with Marley, regardless of completing Route 224. Used for the field Stat Trainers. 658 for Jupiter scavenger hunt 293, 0x125: Set by talking to Buck and his grandfather in Battleground. I think this is used to set Heatran. Was used for the 2nd wave of legends+Superbosses before v4.0. 6a2 Formerly Unused Flags *Legendary NPC flags are counting the player catching or defeating the ones I have added. Ex the Articuno flag listed here is for the one that appears in Route 216 after telling Oak you have caught all of the roaming birds, not for the roamer itself. 2207 - Arceus Painter NPC flag; should be set by Cheryl, cleared after getting Volkner's badge. 2208 - Arceus's NPC flag (not the painter, but rather the NPC he "turns" into); should be set by Cheryl, cleared when fighting Arceus, and set afterwards. 2209 - Prof. Oak's Letter flag, used by the Prof. Oak NPC in Route 230. 2210 - Prof Oak's first Route 230 dialogue, which checks if you've talked to him before and changes his line. 2211 - Mewtwo's quiz flag, used by the Mewtwo NPC to determine if you've taken the quiz before. 2212 - Volkner's alternate battle text flag, used by Volkner to determine if you've lost to him before. Currently unused, may be implemented later. 2213 - O.Aide Superboss flag; used by the Oak's Aide NPC to tell whether you've beaten him before. 2214 - Altair Superboss flag; used by the Altair NPC to tell whether you've beaten him before. 2215 - Cyrus Portal flag; used by the Turnback Cave Cyrus NPC to tell whether you've interacted with the Distortion World portal before. 2216 - Saturn Greet flag; used by the Saturn NPC to tell whether you've talked to him before. 2217 - Cyrus Greet flag; used by the Turnback Cave Cyrus NPC to tell whether you've met him before. 2218 - Cyrus/Commander Flag; used by the Turnback Cave Cyrus NPC to tell whether you've talked to the other Commander Superbosses. 2219 - Cyrus/Commander Flag; set by the Turnback Cave Cyrus NPC when speaking after you've talked to the other Commander Superbosses. 2220 - Saturn Cyrus Flag; used by Saturn to tell whether you've brought up talking to Cyrus. 2221 - Mars Cyrus Flag; used by Mars to tell whether you've brought up talking to Cyrus. 2222 - Jupiter Cyrus Flag; used by Jupiter to tell whether you've brought up talking to Cyrus. 2223 - Charon Hidden Flag; used to hide Charon, Eris, and various grunts before taking the ferry to the Fight Area. 2224 - Commander Flag; used to hide the superbosses for Mars, Jupiter and Cyrus on the pier before Looker's request. 2225 - Poffin Berry Seller Flag; used by the Poffin berry selling NPC in the Survival Area to check if you've brought her the relevant berries before. She wants Spelon, Pamtre, Watmel, Durin, and Nomel. UNUSED 2226 - Battle Berry Seller Flag; used by the battle berry selling NPC in the Survival Area to check if you've brought her the relevant berries before. She wants Liechi, Ganlon, Salac, Petaya, Apicot, Jaboca and Rowap. UNUSED 2227 - Member Card NPC Flag; used by the NPC in Route 225 to tell if he's given you the Member Card. 2228 - Secret Key NPC Flag; used by the female Galactic Grunt in Celestic to tell if she's given you the Secret Key. 2229 - Post-Maylene Flag; hides Gardenia+Fantina in Amity Square until you have 4+ badges. 2230 - Post-Byron Flag; hides Wake in Great Marsh before you have 6+ badges. 2231 - UNUSED 2232 - Cyrus Battle Flag; used by Cyrus to tell whether you've beaten him before. 2233 - Saturn Battle Flag; used by Saturn to tell whether you've beaten him before. 2234 - Mars Battle Flag; used by Mars to tell whether you've beaten her before. 2235 - Jupiter Battle Flag; used by Jupiter to tell whether you've beaten her before. 2236 - Eris Battle Flag; used by Eris to tell whether you've beaten her before. 2237 - Mars Greet Flag; used by Mars to tell whether you've talked to her before. 2238 - Jupiter Greet Flag; used by Jupiter to tell whether you've talked to her before. 2239 - Eris Greet Flag; used by Eris to tell whether you've talked to her before. 2240 - Post-Stark Flag; used to clear things after Stark. Hides Flint and Roark before Stark. 2241 - Field Palmer Flag; hides Palmer until after meeting him in Fight Area. Also covers Volkner and Candice+Maylene. 2242 - Field Thorton Flag; hides Thorton and Dahlia until after Silver Factory OR Arcade Print. 2243 - Field Argenta Flag; hides Argenta until after Silver Hall Print. 2244 - Field Darach Flag; hides Darach and Caitlin until after Silver Castle Print. 2245 - Field Stat Trainer Flag; hides Cheryl+Marley and Riley+Buck until after Route 224. 2246 - Barry's Mom Flag; assigned to the vanilla Barry's Mom so another instance of her can be talking to Palmer. 2247 - Looker Informant Flag; activates the Looker message after beating Oak's Aide/Rematch Elite Four. 2248 - Looker Introduction Flag; lets Looker know if you've heard his request before. Allows player to fight the second wave of superbosses. 2249 - Barry's Torterra Flag; hidden if the player’s starter is not Piplup, Palmer is not beaten and it is not a weekend. 2250 - Barry's Infernape Flag; hidden if the player’s starter is not Turtwig, Palmer is not beaten and it is not a weekend. 2251 - Barry's Empoleon Flag; hidden if the player’s starter is not Chimchar, Palmer is not beaten and it is not a weekend. 2252 - Twinleaf Barry Flag; hidden if Palmer is not beaten and it is not a weekend. 2253 - Palmer's Fridge Flag; used to tell if you are allowed to raid the fridge. 2254 - Palmer Greeting Flag; used to tell if you have talked to Palmer before. 2255 - Music Box Flag; used to tell if you've played the new secret music box before. (Cannot be done before beating Rematch Cynthia). 2256 - Twinleaf Barry Battle Flag; set when the players beats Barry's Twinleaf battle. 2257 - Windworks Scientist Flag; used to spawn an NPC as part of the Looker sidequest. 2258 - Looker Quest Completion Flag; used after beating all Weather Superbosses and lets the player fight the final Superboss. 2259 - Spiritomb Defeated Flag; used to tell if the player has defeated the Hallowed Tower Spiritomb at least once. 2260 - Articuno NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Articuno NPC before. 2261 - Zapdos NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Zapdos NPC before. 2262 - Moltres NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Moltres NPC before. 2263 - Mewtwo NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Mewtwo NPC before. 2264 - Mew NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Mew NPC before. 2265 - Raikou NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Raikou NPC before. 2266 - Entei NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Entei NPC before. 2267 - Suicune NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Suicune NPC before. 2268 - Lugia NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Lugia NPC before. 2269 - Ho-Oh NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Ho-Oh NPC before. 2270 - Celebi NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Celebi NPC before. 2271 - Regirock NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Regirock NPC before. 2272 - Regice NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Regice NPC before. 2273 - Registeel NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Registeel NPC before. 2274 - Latias NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Latias NPC before. 2275 - Latios NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Latios NPC before. 2276 - Kyogre NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Kyogre NPC before. 2277 - Groudon NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Groudon NPC before. 2278 - Rayquaza NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Rayquaza NPC before. 2279 - Jirachi NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Jirachi NPC before. 2280 - Deoxys NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Deoxys NPC before. 2281 - Uxie NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Uxie NPC before. 2282 - Mesprit NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Mesprit NPC before. 2283 - Azelf NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Azelf NPC before. 2284 - Dialga NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Dialga NPC before. 2285 - Palkia NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Palkia NPC before. 2286 - Heatran NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Heatran NPC before. 2287 - Regigigas NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Regigigas NPC before. 2288 - Giratina NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Giratina NPC before. 2289 - Cresselia NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Cresselia NPC before. 2290 - Manaphy NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Manaphy NPC before. 2291 - Darkrai NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Darkrai NPC before. 2292 - Shaymin NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Shaymin NPC before. 2293 - Arceus NPC Defeated Flag; set if you have defeated the Arceus NPC before. 2294 - Emotion Trio Rematch Flag; cleared after capturing the main Emotion Trio encounters. 2295 - Roaming Bird Rematch Flag; cleared after capturing the main Roaming Bird encounters. 2296 - Lunar Duo Rematch Flag; cleared after capturing the main Lunar Duo encounters. 2297 - Heatran and Shaymin Rematch Flag; cleared after capturing both Heatran and Shaymin. 2298 - Creation Trio Rematch Flag; cleared after capturing the main Creation Trio encounter. 2299 - Backup Flag; set in script 412 when the save file is first made. Exists in case it is needed later. 2300 - Backup Flag; set in script 412 when the save file is first made. Exists in case it is needed later. 2301 - Backup Flag; set in script 412 when the save file is first made. Exists in case it is needed later. 2302 - Backup Flag; set in script 412 when the save file is first made. Exists in case it is needed later. 2303 - Backup Flag; set in script 412 when the save file is first made. Exists in case it is needed later. 2304 - Trial of Rubble Flag; set after completing the Trial of Rubble. 2305 - Trial of Rime Flag; set after completing the Trial of Rime . 2306 - Trial of Rust Flag; set after completing the Trial of Rust. 6bX Variables 6b1 Important Vanilla Variables 16463, 0x404F - Palmer Print; If 2+ (Silver Print), Barry will appear at Twinleaf. 16464, 0x4050 - Thorton Print; If 2+ (Silver Print), Thorton and Dahlia appear at Game Corner. 16465, 0x4051 - Argenta Print; If 2+ (Silver Print), Argenta appears at Cafe Cabin. 16466, 0x4052 - Darach Print; If 2+ (Silver Print), Darach and Caitlin appear at Trophy Garden. 16467, 0x4053 - Dahlia Print; If 2+ (Silver Print), Dahlia and Thorton appear at Game Corner. 6b2 Formerly Unused Variables 16559 - Manages Johanna's post-Stark Elite Four text. Triggers the conversation when it is 2 or greater, then sets it to 1. 16563 - Counts how many of the Trials you have completed. 16585, 0x40C9 - Reserved, will always be 0. 16594, 0x40D2 - Handles Jupiter's trigger. 16618, 0x40EA - Counts the # of times you've interacted with Jupiter's trigger. 16619, 0x40EB - Tracks the number of Commander Superbosses you've defeated. 16620, 0x40EC - Trigger for Charon in Eterna TG Building 6c Script Files 1124 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Upper; used for Candice and Maylene's sprites 1125 - Victory Road PostDex Area Entrance; used for Roark 1126 - Victory Road PostDex Area Entrance Level Script; used for Roark 1127 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Lower; used for Candice and Maylene 1128 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Lower Level Script; used for Candice and Maylene 1129 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Upper Level Script; used for Candice and Maylene 1130 - Mt. Coronet Feebas Lake; used for Riley and Buck 1131 - Mt. Coronet Feebas Lake Level Script; used for Riley and Buck 1132 - Trophy Garden; used for Darach and Caitlin 1133 - Trophy Garden Level Script; used for Darach and Caitlin 6d Event Files N/A 6e Text Files 724 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Upper; used for Candice/Maylene Spawnables 725 - Ravaged Path; used for Jupiter 726 - Victory Road PostDex Area Entrance; used for Roark 727 - Mt. Coronet Snowy Upper; used for Candice and Maylene 728 - Mt. Coronet Feebas Lake; used for Riley and Buck 729 - Trophy Garden; used for Darach and Caitlin 730 - Canalave House; used for the Fossil Guild 6f Trainer IDs These are formerly unused trainer IDs which have been repurposed. All are called via TrainerBattle 0x## 0x0 115, 0x73 - O.Aide 116, 0x74 - Altair 117, 0x75 - Cyrus 118, 0x76 - Saturn 122, 0x7A - Mars 123, 0x7B - Jupiter 124, 0x7C - Eris 125, 0x7D - RUBBLE 208, 0xD0 - Palmer 209, 0xD1 - Thorton 210, 0xD2 - Argenta 211, 0xD3 - Darach 212, 0xD4 - Dahlia 213, 0xD5 - Barry G 214, 0xD6 - Barry F 215, 0xD7 - Barry W 216, 0xD8 - Multi Palmer 6g Trainers *See the other Readme for more details. 6h Misc. *Weathers 37 and 38 now apply Sun and Trick Room respectively *Route 230 has all-day Rain, as does a chunk of Route 226. *Route 224 has Sun from 4:00 to 20:00. 7X Held Item Changes *Please see the accompanying document for more details. 7a Legendary Items Most legendaries now have items to give them a bit more oomph. These are largely offensive items, usually to boost their main STAB or give them their special item. Deoxys acknowledges that it's fragile as hell, and is particularly nasty in how it executes it. To the best of my knowledge, Roaming Pokemon will never hold an item, but I'm NOT 100% certain of this. Latias and Latios probably SHOULD have Soul Dew, but since it's event exclusive at best, nullified in the Battle Frontier and banned basically everywhere, it has been omitted. Articuno - NevermeltIce 100% Zapdos - Magnet 100% Moltres - Charcoal 100% Mewtwo - Wise Glasses 100% Raikou - Petaya Berry 100% Entei - Liechi Berry 100% Suicune - Sitrus Berry 100% Lugia - Sacred Ash 100% Regirock - Hard Stone 100% Regice - NevermeltIce 100% Registeel - Metal Coat 100% Latias - Quick Claw 100% Latios - Quick Claw 100% Kyogre - Mystic Water 100% Groudon - Soft Sand 100% Rayquaza - Dragon Fang 100% Jirachi - Starf Berry 100% Deoxys - Petaya Berry (all but Defense); Starf Berry 100% (Defense) Uxie - Enigma Berry 100% Mesprit - Odd Incense 100% Azelf - Scope Lens 100% Dialga - Adamant Orb 100% Palkia - Lustrous Orb 100% Heatran - Sitrus Berry 100% Regigigas - Muscle Band 100% Giratina (Altered) - Spell Tag 100% Giratina (Origin) - Spell Tag 100% *Just a precaution; from what I can tell this has no impact on the main game. Cresselia - Petaya Berry 100% Phione - Starf Berry 100% Manaphy - Starf Berry 100% Darkrai - Wide Lens 100% Arceus - Petaya Berry 100% Mew, Celebi and Shaymin all naturally hold Lum Berries, and Ho-Oh holds Sacred Ash; this is unchanged. 8X Known Bugs 8a Bug Bugs *You may walk through the Elite Four NPCs at some point. I am not sure why, but it is purely aesthetic. 8b System Limitations These are things beyond my control. I cannot stop them. *Added legendaries do not use legendary music; there aren't enough slots. *Double Battles, such as with Barry+Palmer or Thorton, do not show any battle text, including victory text. Double battle music also overrides the intro or special music for said battles as it already does. *The time-dependent weather in Route 224 persists through loading the game at night, but will vanish properly when leaving the area. ZX Disclaimers and Credits All changes were done by myself. I give credit where due to Draknir and Drayano for their Flawless Platinum and Renegade Platinum patches, which inspired me to make this patch myself. In the original version of my patch, some events were designed working off of their own fixes. I would like to thank those who helped me with planning and ideas. Thank you to everyone who helped me, gave me suggestions, and cheered me on. I love all of you :D I have received no money for doing this. All characters and rights belong to Nintendo and other relevant figures where applicable. This is strictly for non-profit purposes and should fall within fair use accordingly.