I've never written one of these before. No Hardmode Changes, make sure to play in the normal mode! Make sure to patch the USA version of Black 2, I can't provide ROMs but I'm sure you can get your own. Starters were not changed because I couldn't figure it out :( Rival starter is Shinx, even though Hugh (rival) will say otherwise ----- Hi my name is Shishi, I made this game Pokemon Boost Black 2. I never really made a romhack before so this was my very first one, it was quite a journey. Here's a basic run down so it's easy to understand what this project was all about Most full evolutions will be at least 500 BST if they are not already Most changes (except generic trainer battles) have been documented in notepad files Since the Pokemon Locations/Wild Encounter information was so much, I made it an excel document. You can view the excel document (xlsx) in any free excel viewer, I'd recommend Window's excel app The goal of this game was to make more interesting versions of Pokemon that are often overlooked mechanically, leading to more interesting battles and more variety for teams