Catslevania: Portrait of Ruin - Maria+ mode A lot has been changed, but most importantly, hack adds a functional Maria mode over the default Jonathan/Charlotte mode. For Maria's partner I chose Byakko. All armor/accessories usable by both characters. Byakko has new custom claw attack weapons. Maria has new custom weapons. Spells usable mid-air. Some spell cast times adjusted to compensate. Due to character sizes (1 tile) new sequence breaks are possible (It's a feature!?) Tried to make the story fit Maria/Byakko for their presence. 1.0 Initial release. 1.01 event text errors fixes. 1.02 event text errors fixes/additions. added new save icons. added additional nest of evil spell rewards. added maria's default spells to nest of evil rewards. added back toad morph to default location (magus ring obtainable now). Known Issues: Rush dual crush animation bug if used with no attack anim weapons on byakko. ai player byakko bugs out if using no attack anim weapons to attack. doppleganger's attack bugs out if entered with no attack anim weapons. Due to the nature of weapon anim, some relics don't function properly (aiming diagnally, holding whip swing) Companion AI is also kinda dumb when attacking due to this weapon anim issue. Received a lot of help from friends on discord. Credits: Kyoski Romhack LagoLunatic DSVEdit Oersted romhacking tips/help DeDeDe romhacking tips/help NcoZ romhacking tips/help DevAnj tips/help