Justin Bailey II IPS patch for Metroid II (Game Boy) Q: How do I apply the patch? A: Get an IPS patcher and a copy of the Metroid II ROM. Use the patcher with this IPS patch on the ROM, then grab an emulator and emulate it. Q: What has changed? A: About 2-3% of everything. That includes Samus herself, and a few meaningless graphical changes. For example, the heads-up-display at the bottom (if you can call it that) now has a slight gradient to it. Play through the game, and you will notice stange things like this. Q: How did you make it? A: With Tile Layer Pro (http://www.romhacking.org/utils/tiletools/tiletools.html) and Smart IPS (http://www.dextrose.com/info/0317dx-ips11.htm) and a one-button mouse. Q: I found a position that screws up Samus' sprite. A: Really? Samus isn't too complicated in Metroid II, so i don't think i forgot anything, but if you see a glitch, tell me at Neskoliosis@aol.com Q: Gimme the Metroid II ROM! A: Maybe if you stick a please in there somewhere...nah, nevermind. Q: Does it matter what emulator I use? A: Well, you certainly can't use a Sega Genesis Emulator with this Gameboy Game, but I haven't tried any Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advance emulators... You'll have to figure that out on your own. Q: Where's all the drool-worthy graphics that were in Super Justin Bailey? A: Come on, this is Gameboy we're talking about Q: The Space Jump item makes Samus naked. What's with that? A: Sorry if it looks like that. You can only get so detailed with three colors, and things start to look like you don't want them too. It doesn't really matter anyway, unless you pause the game. Q: The Gameboy has four colors, not three. A: Yes, but sprites use only three of those colors, and the other is treated like a transparency. Q: I have a question you didn't answer. What do I do? A: Ask it at Neskoliosis@aol.com, as long as it is still the year 2002. After that, i probably won't care, and Metroid Fusion will be out, so you shouldn't be playing this game anymore.