Pokémon Gen 6 Typing Release Number 0 by dewhi100 This patch adds the Steel, Dark, and Fairy types to Pokémon Red/Blue. Files included in this distribution: Readme.rtf … This file steel-dark-upgrade … Notes I made while hacking gen6Typing.ups … The actual patch Changes made to the original game: Move types have been updated to gen 6: Bite is now dark type. Gust is now flying type. Karate Chop is now fighting type. Sand Attack is now ground type. Pokémon types have been updated to gen 6: Magnemite/Magneton are now electric/steel type. Clefairy/Clefable are now pure fairy type. Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff are now normal/fairy type. Mr. Mime is now psychic/fairy type. Gen 6 weaknesses/resistances/immunities. E.g. ghost vs. psychic has been fixed, etc. Includes steel, dark, and fairy. Possible bugs. This is my first hack. I may have accidentally broken some code in the process of creating it. It is virtually untested. (Gust hit bulbasaur super-effectively and I said, "good enough for me".) Feedback is welcome, however I can't guarantee a fix for any bugs. :( This patch was made with MultiPatch, on Mac OS 10.7. Enjoy! -demzo