Final Fantasy Legend (SaGa) (US) Clarification Translation Skygor a.k.a. Tiro DvD December 22, 2007 v1.01 This is a simple translation patch for FFL1 that clarifies Skills and other things. The overall purpose of this patch is for clarity rather than a literal translation to preserver FFL1 style. Again many thanks to yuandy. Words in brackets [] represent game icons. E.g. [Sword] for a sword icon. Silver -> Mithrl In older Square games Tolkien's metal Mithril is often translated as Silver. That is why "Silver" equipment is better than "Gold" equipment. A more literal translation with a more knowledgeable player base isn't too bad. (Blank) [Shoes] -> Hecate [Shoes] In both FFL and FFL2 shoes that give +10 Mana are called Kong Ming's [Shoes]. In FFL2 it is called Hecate [Shoes], and in FFL3 there are Hecate [Shoes] that give OMute. Name is done out of precedence and convention. Catcraw -> Catclaw Simple reflexive R mistranslation. Balkan -> Vulcan Simple emphatic b/v mistranslation. Aezis -> Aegis Simple soft g/j/z mistranslation. Book -> Prayer [Book] Overiding Ninendo's censorship. Even FFL2 has a Prayer [Book]. Gaze 10 -> C-Gaze Cursing Gaze $A8 is more apparent. Gaze 5 -> CO-Gaze Confusing Gaze $A9 is more apparent. Gaze 5 -> S-Gaze Petrifying Gaze $AD is more apparent. Very confusing with CO-Gaze that also has 5 uses. Granted a Medusę would be more likely to have this, but that's not the point. Gaze 5 -> D-Gaze Deadly Gaze $AE is more apparent. Yes stoning and death lead to the same result but not when OSton and OPara are involved. P-Skin 20 -> PA-Skin Paralyzing skin is more apparent. P-Skin 25 -> PO-Skin Poisoning skin is more apparent. Mirror 10 -> Multply Increasing Agility by mirror imaging is more apparent. Multiply from FFL3. Uncurse -> Exorcis Uncurse works like (Prayer) Book. In FFL2 it is called Dispel, but Exorcise in my humble opinion is more apparent. Gaze 10 -> PA-Gaze Paralyzing Gaze $F6 is more apparent. History 1.00 - first patch 1.01 - added Balkan and Aezis; corrected Hecatu to Hecate To Do *Get decent screen shots from Beholder monster. *Discern changing the Engrish Mileille to to French Mireille.