neoFFL2 v6-000A by amuseum Discuss neoFFL2 : --~~==~~-- Instructions: Open in emulator, such as VisualBoy Advance. --~~==~~-- Summary of alterations: --allows long player names (up to 8 letters long using DTE) --modified mutant skills list --modified shops inventory and treasure items --boosted monster attack damage --corrected and made cooler names --toned down robot stats --replaced banana with heroin --replaced agility weapons --guns, cannons boost agility --bug fixes (major thanks to Alex J. for decompiling and debugging the combat programs) --improved human/mutant stat growth rate --Treasures (thanks to sarcoma for locating it in the ROM) --reduced item uses and prices --additional DS B monster fights --more Quake spells --new sweeping attacks --more focus on AGL/MANA combo --new starters for party --mutants now eat meat to gain stats --monsters overhaul --8 elements:1 for each ailment --8 elements, ailments each has skill for every targeting mode:Single, Sweep, Group, All --~~==~~-- to do: ++public testing ++up-to-date data charts in spreadsheet and website > 4-8 Ghast encounter is unused (bug, should be dragon race. but still can use for DS B); can change to something, e.g. mini-boss like Tianlung ?? dad and lynn's story ++ elemental weakness/resist hybrid ++ DS A monsters to appear sooner, between Edo and Nasty Dungeon (odincrow to be DS B?) ++ high end jutsus could be stronger ++ elemental resistance should only cut damage in half. (not prevent entire damage) ++ o-pa/po should reduce chance in half. not total immunity. ++ humans taijutsu combos ++ robot items multi-stat --~~==~~-- Changelog --done ++not done --~~==~~-- ++v6-000 ++ encounters table ++ stagger DS levels per world -- distribute stats from meats -- swap : spider / fly -- check names, combat image, skills, stats, encounter, evolution -- element / status name changes -- Petrify < Stone (element, status) -- Storm < Thunder (element) -- Bio < Poison (element) -- Psychic, P- < Para (element) -- Froz < Para (status) -- Weak < Curs (status) -- monsters overhaul -- skillset -- move selection -- monsters starters -- Snapper (Turtle), Imp (Fiend) -- sweep callback helper -- rewrite sweeping attacks to use callback -- Sweeping status ailments -- use item effect ID #20 - was stat debuff -- Elemental spell, single target -- use item effect ID #27 - was Dissolve ++ Auto heal one condition -- updated monster skills names, stats, uses, stat type [[Attacks]] , Single:, Bash, Bite, Kick, Strike, Stomp , Whiplike:, Spook, Lash, Grab , Multi-hit:, 2-Strike, 3-Strike, 4-Strike, 6-Strike , Sweep:, Pincer, Tail, Sweep , Group:, Pierce, Roll, Charge , Suicide:, Blow Up, Explode , Multi-hit Mana:, DualStab, QuadBlow, OctoSlap [[Element]] [[Single]] [[Sweep]] [[Group]] [[All]] , Poison, Venom, Necrosis, Acid, ToxicGas , Storm, Gust, Whirl, Thunder, Tornado , Ice, Chill, Blizzard, Ice, Abs.Zero , Fire, Scald, Flame, Fire, Flare , Quake, Erupt, Quake, Mudslide, Upheaval , Weapon, Propel, Cleave, Beam, Ultima , Petrify, Fossil, Cement, Desicate, Drought , Psychic, P-Strike, P-Wave, P-Beam, P-Blast [[Ailment]] [[Element]] [[Single]] [[Sweep]] [[Group]] [[All]] , Petr, Petrify, Petrify, Stone, StonGaze, StoneGas , Weak, Fire, Weaken, Enfeeble, Curse, MeltSkin , Blnd, Storm, Blind, Sand, Ink, Glare , Stun, Weapon, Stun, Erase, Banish, FatalGas , Slep, Psychic, Sleep, Slumber, Snooze, SleepGas , Froz, Ice, Freeze, FirmHold, Paralyze, Suspend , Pois, Bio, Poison, Infect, Contagin, Epidemic , Conf, Quake, Confuse, Rattle, Charm, MadSong -- other skills , Panacea , Auto Heal one condition at end of round : Soften : Group Damage=Mana*9; effective against Hard=Pebble, Woodman, Hofud , BrainDed , Group Damage=Mana*9; effective against Humans, Mutants = O-Cold = O-Ice = O-Warm = O-Fire = O-Float = O-Quake = O-Ground = O-Storm = O-Death = O-Petrify | O-Weapon = O-Element = O-Ice | O-Fire | O-Quake | O-Storm -- new mutant abilities list DS 1: Cure, Flame, StonSkin, Snooze, 2-Strike DS 2: Reflect, Blizzard, Remedy DS 3: Haste, Curse, BioX DS 4: Steal, WeaponO, PetrifyX DS 5: Thunder, Sweep, Dispel DS 6: Charm, ElementO, Surprise DS 7: Mudslide, Charge, Recover DS 8: MassCure, DeathO, Banish DS 9: Teleport, 6-Strike, StoneGas DS A: P-Blast, Revive, AllO Cleric: Cure, Remedy, Dispel, MassCure, Revive Wizard: Flame, Blizzard, Thunder, Mudslide, P-Blast Druid: StonSkin, Steal, Surprise, Recover, Teleport Bard: Snooze, Curse, Charm, Banish, StoneGas Monk: 2-Strike, Haste, Sweep, Charge, 6-Strike Enchant: Reflect, WeaponO, ElementO, DeathO, AllO Vuln: BioX, PetrifyX -- mutant starter skills -- Mutant M: Scald -- Mutant F: Gust -- item rename -- Energy potion - cures Weak - (was Curse) -- mutants learning replace #2 to 4 --~~==~~-- --v5-301 -- increase meat drop rate -- 30% (was 20) -- PsiForce 16 uses (was 32) -- More AGL monsters, fewer STR --~~==~~-- --v5-300 -- mutant eat meat to gain stats (was use item in battle) -- monster stat type, 2 bits per family * 36 families = 9 bytes, @33FF3 - 33FFB -- Families count -- MANA = 13 -- AGL = 13 -- STR = 10 -- DEF = 5 -- mutant skills list -- Charm (was Warning) -- mutant starter skills -- Mutant M: Fire (was Flame) -- Mutant F: PsiForce (was Blizzard) -- Remove DNA -- Plague gains Gas -- Remove Multiply -- Plague, Pathogen, Corpuscl gain Mirror -- OdinCrow 100% chance drop meat --Human and Mutant stat growth rate --Human --HP: 2%+8% per level --Str, Agl, Mana: 2%+24% per level --Mutant --Skill: 16%+20% per level --HP: 2%+16% per level --Str, Agl, Mana, Def: 2%+48% per level --new: 00 00 04 10 04 30 04 30 04 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 28 04 20 04 60 04 60 04 60 04 60 00 00 00 00 --~~==~~-- --v5-202 -- ROBO-28 ; Grenade (was Rocket) -- Monitor sprite (from FFL3 Monitor) ; replaced @10800 - 108FF ; ID # 0x48 -- Shop items -- Venus City Right : Add Ogre Axe (was Mythril Sword) -- Race Circuit / Hana Village : Add Vulcan Cannon (was Ogre Axe) -- Edo Weapon / Final Town B : Add Ogre Axe (was Vulcan Cannon) -- Hecate Helm (was Boot) ; Def +8, Mana +15 --~~==~~-- --v5-201 -- Daggers, multi-hit -- raise STR, use STR for damage multiplier -- Twice 2 hits x5 damage (early game) (was Hammer) -- Thrice 3 hits x6 damage (mid game) (was Jitte) -- Quint 5 hits x7 damage (end game) (was Coral sward) -- Updated Shop listings and Treasure chests -- bows deal bonus damage with STR -- inventory now single line -- fix bug - human/mutant raise stat calculations -- human, mutant stat raise 1-3 points at a time --~~==~~-- --v5-200 -- new robot starter -- HP 72, STR 6, AGL 0, MANA 0, DEF 10 -- Battle Axe, Warning -- remove Slime starter -- converge duplicate skills -- Shell 9C -- Poison B0 -- 3-Horns A3 -- skill rename -- PsiBlast (was P-Blast) -- 3-Attack (was 3-Heads) -- magical attacks, skills for mutants, monsters -- raise AGL, use MANA for damage multiplier -- Peck x8 (single target), 32 uses (was Beak) -- Slap x10 (single target), 16 uses (was Fin) -- PsiForce x9 (sweep), 32 uses (was Shell) -- Smite x13 (sweep), 16 uses (was Poison) -- magical multi-hit, skills for mutants, monsters -- raise MANA, use AGL for extra hits -- 2-Strike, 2 hits x8, 24 uses (was 2-Swords) -- 4-Strike, 4 hits x7, 20 uses (was 4-Heads) -- 8-Strike, 8 hits x6, 16 uses (was 8-legs) -- 16Strike, 16 hits x5, 12 uses (was 3-Horns) -- new mutant abilities list DS 1: Cure, Fire, Burning, Blind, PsiForce DS 2: O-Para, Ice, Sleep DS 3: Stonskin, 4-Strike, X-Fire DS 4: Reflect, Dispel, X-Ice DS 5: Remedy, Thunder, Warning DS 6: CursSong, Smite, OElement DS 7: Madsong, Quake, Surprise DS 8: Recover, PsiBlast, O-Change DS 9: 16Strike, Teleport, X-Gaze DS A: Life, Flare, 1F O-All Cleric: Cure, Dispel, Remedy, Recover, Life Wizard: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Quake, Flare Druid: Burning, StonSkin, Warning, Surprise, Teleport Bard: Blind, Sleep, CursSong, MadSong, X-Gaze Enchant: O-Para, Reflect, OElement, O-Change, O-All Monk: PsiForce, 4-Strike, Smite, PsiBlast, 16Strike Vuln: X-Fire, X-Ice --~~==~~-- --v5-103 -- treasures -- Punch, North Cave (was Bow) -- Bronze Helm, Forest 4th Floor (was Cure Potion) -- Shake book, North Castle 5th Floor (was Battle Axe) -- Bow, Ashura Tower 4th Floor (was Bastard Sword) -- Battle Axe, Ashura Tower 10th Floor (was Bastard Sword) -- items misc. changes -- Bow, Robot +6 AGL --~~==~~-- --v5-102 -- melee sweeping attacks (STR) -- Battle axe, x8, (was Bastard sword/Axe) -- Lightng axe, x10, (was Thunder axe) -- Flame axe, x12, (was Flame sword) -- Blizard axe, x15, (was Ice sword) -- ranged sweeping attacks (AGL) -- damage = (100 + AGL) x Multiplier -- Bow, x1 -- Mythril bow, x2 -- Coin bow, x3, (was Coin) -- Fire bow, x4 -- Samurai bow, x5 -- magic sweeping attacks (MANA) -- Shake book, x7, quake element, (was Psi dagger) -- Tremor book, x9, quake element, (was Psi axe) -- Vibrate book, x11, quake element, (was Psi sword) -- Seismic book, x13, quake element, (was Psi gun) -- items misc. changes -- Cure potion, 100 GP, 6 uses, cure 100/50 HP, Robot +18 HP -- X-Cure potion, 600 GP, 6 uses, cure 255/150 HP, Robot +36 HP -- Coral Sword, 12750 GP, damage=STR*12 critical to Octopus / Fish / Crab, Robot +18 STR -- Grenade, 4275 GP, group ranged attack 150 damage, Robot +10 AGL -- SMG Gun, 8250 GP, group ranged attack 250 damage, Robot +12 AGL -- Rocket Cannon, 11000 GP, group ranged attack 350 damage, Robot +14 AGL -- most shops lists rearranged; items costs modified and streamlined -- change names -- Baby-D (DS 5) -> Child-D -- Slime (DS 2) -> Grime -- O-Damage -> OElement -- starting items -- Mutant M: Bronze Shield, Blizzard, Bronze Armor -- Mutant F: Punch, Flame, Bronze Armor --~~==~~-- --v5-101 -- sweeping attacks with elements -- resisting elements take no damage -- magic sweeping attacks -- damage = MANA x Multiplier -- defenders weak against element has no magic armor (i.e. takes full damage) -- flame, gas, blizzard, lightning, x8 (retain elements) -- physical sweeping attacks -- x1.5 damage to defenders weak against element -- fire bow, is fire element (was fire gun) -- guns use AGL for accuracy -- combat screen show all enemy names (condense lines) --~~==~~-- --v5-100 -- screens to show all 8 items -- abil-equip screen -- combat screen -- sweeping attacks -- attack first enemy in all enemy groups -- damage = STR x Multiplier -- combat script (item effect ID 14; replacing bows) -- items use sweep and raise STR -- Bow, x5 -- Mythril Bow, x9 -- Fire gun, x11 -- Coin, x7 -- Tail, x9 -- Pincer, x9 -- Tentacle, x9 -- W-Pincer, x9 -- additional DS B monster fight -- another TianLung fight in Final Dungeon (replacing Tent) -- Dolphin fight removed; now heals party --~~==~~-- --v5-001 --Items and Skills --Absorb skill: make Softs [slime,worm,big eye, cells(?)] reverse absorb ++Weakness (X) use 5th byte [0x04], not 6th [0x05] ++Poison Magi becomes Quake Magi ++O-Quake = OQu-XTh (for flying and swimming) = O-Float ++X-Fire = OIc-XFi (for cold) = O-Cold ++X-Ice = OFi-XIc (for hot) = O-Warm ++X-Thunder = OTh-XQu (for underground) = O-Ground --~~==~~-- --v5-000 -- --character changes --Human and Mutant stat growth rate --Human & Mutant --HP: 4+16 per level == 2%+8% per level , Str, Agl, Mana: 4+24 per level == 2%+12% per level --Mutant --Skill: 15+20 per level == 7.5%+10% per level --new: 00 00 04 10 04 18 04 18 04 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 14 04 10 04 18 04 18 04 18 04 18 00 00 00 00 --reduce item uses and prices --50 uses >> 32 uses; 40 >> 25; 30 >> 20 --items with uses reduced: prices reduced to 75% --martial arts: name, multiplier, minuend, uses --punch, 6, 40, 40 --kick, 8, 40, 36 --tripunch, 11, 40, 32 --x-kick, 15, 40, 28 --jyudo, 20, 35, 24 --karate, 30, 30, 20 --~~==~~-- --v4-101 --character changes --Human and Mutant stat growth rate --Human --HP: 5+10 per level == 2.5%+5% per level --Str, Mana: 5+15 per level == 2.5%+7.5% per level --Agl: 5+20 per level == 2.5%+10% per level --Mutant --Skill: 15+15 per level == 7.5%+7.5% per level --HP: 5+5 per level == 2.5%+2.5% per level --Str, Mana, Def: 5+10 per level == 2.5%+5% per level --Agl: 5+15 per level == 2.5%+7.5% per level --new: 00 00 05 0A 05 0F 05 14 05 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 0F 05 05 05 0A 05 0F 05 0A 05 0A 00 00 00 00 --~~==~~-- --v4-100 --Items --axe (battle axe) -> renamed bastard sword, same stats as original axe --battle sword (bastard) -> psi axe: Damage=Mana*10, 50 uses, 3200 GP, +36 HP, +8 MANA --CatTail whip, Damage=Str*15; paralyze for round 65% chance after damage, 44000 GP, +135 HP, +30 AGL --Laser Gun, Damage=(5*80)=400+rand(100), 44000 GP, +135 HP, +30 AGL --Rocket -> renamed [cannon]Rocket --Cannons to Agility: --Rocket Agl 10, Bazooka Agl 18, Vulcan Agl 22, Tank Agl 26, Missile Agl 26, NukeBomb Agl 32 --Shops --Edo weapon, final 11 --Ice Sword 0b, Quake Staff 2d, bull whip 0f, Vulcan 5d, Coral 06, Ogre 07, pilum 6c, Jyudo 53 --Final 12 --thunder axe 0c, flame sword 0a, dragon sword 08, tank 5e, missile 60, Laser Gun 6f, CatTail 10, flare 30 --Treasures --Ashura Tower, 4th floor --Sabre/CatTail -> Psi Axe --Cave of Light, 5th floor --Laser Sword/Pilum Spear -> Javelin --Nasty Dungeon, 2nd floor --CatClaw/Javelin -> Pilum Spear --~~==~~-- --v4-000 --Core bug fixes --Elemental magi grants correct bonuses --Confused bug fixed --Magic damage formula overflow bug fixed --also for Burning, counter based on mana --Human, mutant stat growth fixed --character changes --starting characters' weapons --Human F: Whip, Bronze Armor --Mutant M: Psi Knife, Blizzard, Bronze Armor --starting characters' stats (S, A, M, D) --Human M: 6, 5, 3, 4 --Human F: 5, 6, 4, 3 --Mutant M: 3, 4, 6, 5 --Mutant F: 3, 6, 5, 4 --Human and Mutant stat growth rate increased to catch up with Robot and Monster --can get more than one thing per battle (skill, HP, stat) --HP: 10+15 per level == 5%+7.5% per level --Stats: 15+15 per level == 7.5%+7.5% per level --New Skill: 8+10 per level == 4%+5% per level --fixes for previous versions --StonSkin now gives DEF up (previously MANA) --Quake uses now 10 (previously 5) --new mutant abilities list --99 b7 9f ca ed ~ be b6 c3 ~ dd b4 f0 ~ f4 b5 f1 ~ e4 e1 ea ~ da e3 d1 ~ 95 9d f3 ~ fe c8 e7 ~ bd de e2 ~ a9 dc f5 DS 1: Cure, Fire, Burning, Blind, O-Para DS 2: Dispel, Ice, Sleep DS 3: Steal, StonSkin, X-Fire DS 4: Remedy, Thunder, X-Ice DS 5: Warning, CursSong, O-Damage DS 6: Quake, Surprise, Charm DS 7: Touch, Reflect, Teleport DS 8: Recover, X-Gaze, O-Change DS 9: P-Blast, Explode, MadSong DS A: Life, Flare, O-All DS Cleric Wizard Druid Bard Enchant Vuln 1 Cure Fire Burning Blind O-Para 23 Dispel Ice Steal Sleep StonSkin X-Fire 45 Remedy Thunder Warning CursSong O-Damage X-Ice 67 Touch Quake Surprise Charm Reflect 789 Recover P-Blast Teleport X-Gaze O-Change 9A Life Flare Explode MadSong O-All Cleric: Cure, Dispel, Remedy, Touch, Recover, Life Wizard: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Quake, P-Blast, Flare Druid: Burning, Steal, Warning, Surprise, Teleport, Explode Bard: Blind, Sleep, CursSong, Charm, X-Gaze, MadSong Enchant: O-Para, StonSkin, O-Damage, Reflect, O-Change, O-All --~~==~~-- v3-004 --removed weapons --rapier, sabre, catclaw, laser sword --added weapons --Bull whip, Damage=Str*12; paralyze for round 62% chance after damage, 40 uses, 17000 GP, +81 HP, +18 AGL --CatTail whip, Damage=Str*14; paralyze for round 64% chance after damage, 40 uses, 36000 GP, +117 HP, +26 AGL --Javelin spear, Damage=9*25=225+9*(Str-25) if Str > 25; range attack; one group; never miss, 30 uses, 11000 GP, +63 HP, +14 STR --Pilum spear, Damage=12*45=540+12*(Str-45) if Str > 45; range attack; one group; never miss, 30 uses, 26000 GP, +99 HP, +22 STR --shops --First town weapons --Hammer, bow, punch, long, whip, psi knife, kick, colt --2nd town weapons --whip, psi, kick, colt, katana, mythril bow, ice, SMG --Desert town weapons --kick, colt, stungun, battle axe, bastard, katana, mythril bow, ice --Ashura --bastard, katana, mythril bow, ice, SMG, electro, thunder, fog --Giant --ice, SMG, electro, thunder, fog, rocket, sleep, prayer --Port town --Fog Book, Rocket, Sleep Book, Prayer Book, TriPunch, Counter, ChainSaw, Fire Book --Lynn's village --TriPunch, Counter, ChainSaw, Fire Book, electro, Beretta, mythril Sword, javelin --Guardian town, Venus left --electro, Beretta, mythril Sword, javelin, Jitte, Grenade, fire gun, Stone Book --Venus right --Jitte, grenade, fire gun, stone, flame sword, x-kick, psi sword, bull whip --Race circuit, edo --flame sword, x-kick, psi sword, bull whip, death, magnum, bazooka, thunder axe --Edo weapon, final --Ice Sword, Quake Staff, Vulcan, pilum 6c, Coral, Ogre, Laser Gun, Jyudo --Final --thunder axe, flame sword, psi sword, CatTail, dragon sword, tank, missile, flare --Echigoya --Flare Book, Dragon Sword, Tank, Missile, Laser Gun, CatTail, Dragon Helm, Tent --~~==~~-- v3-003 --shops --2nd town: desert (rapier, long, whip, psi, kick, stungun, colt, battle axe) --desert: ashura (psi, kick, stungun, colt, battle axe, sabre, bastard) add ice book --ashura: giant (sabre, bastard, katana, mythril bow, ice, temptat, SMG, thunder) --giant: 2nd (ice book, temptat, SMG, thunder, fog, rocket, sleep, prayer) --translation --Ridean -> Raiden --LiveOrk -> LiveOak --MadCeder -> MadCedar --Athtalot -> Astaroth --Silver -> Iron --Gold -> Mythril (armor, sword, bow) c6 ec e7 db e5 dc df --Battle sword -> Bastard sword --Axe -> Battle axe --Blitz whip -> Electro --Musket -> Beretta --Sypha -> Jitte --Headbut -> TriPunch --Banana -> Heroin (bb 59 59 89 -> c1 53 e2 56) --weapon effects --Coral affects marine, not insects (30 to 40) --Guns to Agility: --Colt Agl 2, Beretta Agl 5, Magnum Agl 7 --SMG Agl 3, Grenade Agl 5, Fire Gun Agl 7 --Mage staff to do Mana*10 Quake effect, renamed Quake staff --Changed Robot stats: 0 Str, 4 Agl, 0 Mana, 6 Def --Fixed start screen 5th char box placement --~~==~~-- v3-002 --Changed GP into cc (copyright symbols) --~~==~~-- v3-001 --Changed Robot stats: 0 Str, 6 Agl, 0 Mana, 6 Def --~~==~~-- v3-000 --Changed version to 3-000 --Moved input name two spaces left to fit long names --Boosted monster STR and AGI based attacks --Gaze renamed: Curse Gaze renamed C-Gaze, Paralyze Gaze renamed P-Gaze --Blind and Touch now give Mana up --Burning and StonSkin now give Defense and Mana up, resp. --Mirror now gives Agility up --Changed Mutant Skills as follows DS 1: Cure, Defense, Fire, StonSkin, Blind DS 2: Ice, Sleep, Dispel DS 3: O-Para, X-Fire, Steal DS 4: X-Ice, CursSong, Thunder DS 5: Burning, O-Damage, Remedy DS 6: Warning, Quake, Reflect DS 7: Touch, Charm, Surprise DS 8: X-Gaze, Recover, P-Blast DS 9: O-Change, Mirror, MadSong DS A: Life, Flare, O-All --Mutant "Classes" per DS DS Cleric Wizard Druid Bard Enchant Vuln 1 Cure Fire StonSkin Blind Defense 23 Dispel Ice Steal Sleep O-Para X-Fire 45 Remedy Thunder Burning CursSong O-Damage X-Ice 67 Touch Quake Warning Charm Reflect 789 Recover P-Blast Surprise X-Gaze O-Change 9A Life Flare Mirror MadSong O-All Cleric: Cure, Dispel, Remedy, Touch, Recover, Life Wizard: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Quake, P-Blast, Flare Druid: StonSkin, Steal, Burning, Warning, Surprise, Mirror Bard: Blind, Sleep, CursSong, Charm, X-Gaze, MadSong Enchant: Defense, O-Para, O-Damage, Reflect, O-Change, O-All Vuln: X-Fire, X-Ice --Reduced robot bonuses on Kick,etc. and armor Kick to Karate: 9 HP, Agl +2 (mod 40) Defend Sword: 108 HP, Def +24 (mod 1B) Silver: 18 HP, Def +4 (mod 11) Gold: 27 HP, Def +6 (mod 12) Flame: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Ice: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Dragon Shield: 108 HP, Def +24 (mod 1B) Dragon Armor: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Arthur: 108 HP, Def +24 (mod 1B) Giant: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Ninja: 108 HP, Def +24 (mod 1B) Hermes: 36 HP, Def +8 (mod 13) Hecate: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Army Helm: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Army Armor: 72 HP, Def +16 (mod 17) Geta: 18 HP, Def +4 (mod 11) Samurai: 90 HP, Def +20 (mod 19) Battle: 90 HP, Def +20 (mod 19) Parasuit: 135 HP, Def +30 (mod 1E) --Changed bonus for guns from STR to AGL Colt, Musket, Magnum --~~==~~-- v2-001 --Replaced Mutant Skill SunBurst with Dispel (same effect, but mutant can gain Mana now) --~~==~~-- v2-000 --Changed Mutant Skills as follows (see ffl2.xls, FFL3 page) DS 1: Cure, O-Para, Fire, StonSkin, Blind DS 2: Ice, Gaze, Thunder DS 3: SunBurst, X-Fire, Steal DS 4: X-Ice, Sleep, X-Thunder, Warning DS 5: Surprise, StonGaze, Reflect DS 6: Explode, Remedy DS 7: MadSong, O-Weapon, Erase DS 8: Teleport, Touch, O-Damage DS 9: P-Blast, O-Change, Recover DS A: Life, Flare, O-All --~~==~~-- v1-002 --Heal F4 renamed to Remedy (removes status conditions) --Thunder Magi changed from O-Ice to O-Thunder --Ice Magi changed from O-Thunder to O-Ice --~~==~~-- v1-001 --Mirror renamed again to Reflect (not Fizzle; reflects magic attacks) --~~==~~-- v1-000 --Save/Load menu changed to accomodate long names --Select menu changed to accomodate long names --Main menu changed to accomodate long names --MAGI box altered --Abil menu changed to accomodate long names --Magi menu changed to accomodate long names --Input name screen changed to accomodate long names --Many blocks of data moved to fit new input name screen --Combat screen changed to accomodate long names --Title screen changed --Plot dialogs changed to accomodate long names --Mutant skill Mirror renamed to Fizzle --Skelton renamed to Skeleton