Files in this ZIP document other than the TXT documents: *GBW3-AutoEndTurn-Base.ips - includes the Automatic End Turn feature. Uses base game prices in funds comparison checks. Can't turn off when applied, so be mindful of that. PSEUDO-GLITCHY TO DETRIMENTAL EFFECT IN PALBAL. *GBW3-AutoEndTurn-PALBal.ips - includes the Automatic End Turn feature. Uses PALBal patch prices in funds comparison checks. Can't turn off when applied, so be mindful of that. Funds comparison check will be inefficient outside PALBal patch. *GBW3-EXPBar.ips - the unit status window will show an EXPerience Bar in place of the separator for convenience. *GBW3-FuelDisplay.ips - the unit status window and Unit Map Command will both have the Fuel Alert trigger at 37.5% remaining. *GBW3-HPDisplay-V2.ips - units on the map will now have their HP values display. Has a few bugs due to programming issues but nothing critical. *GBW3-LoadET.ips - ends the turn of any units Loaded on a unit that has moved onto a transport. Convenience measure. *GBW3-MapEditorUpdate.ips - the map editor now allows placing Mercenary Units and Communication Towers. *GBW3-MasterPatch-V2.ips - applies the translation, PALBal Reboot, AND utility feature patches. Translation patch is applied first for consistency. ROM Checksum and Map Checksums corrected. *GBW3-MercSummonNoPay.ips - summoning Mercenary units in Campaign now skips the online mess entirely, also allowing for seeing the called in animations. *GBW3-MultiPath.ips - when a Campaign map is cleared Fast, BOTH options are opened up (ala Starfox 64). *GBW3-PALBalReboot-V2.ips - PAL-style balancing patches. TONS of changes; please refer to the TXT documents about them for details. ROM Checksum and Map Checksums corrected. *GBW3-SurroundHeal.ips - has the Supply Truck and Tanker to heal adjacent units; balance change included in PALBal patch by default. *GBW3-TranslationNew.ips - Translation patch V0.96. Everything should be done except online stuff, the title screen (not doing that myself), and some graphical bugs beyond my capability to fix. Also includes the MapEditorUpdate, FuelDisplay, MercSummonNoPay, MultiPath, and UnitBadge patches. ROM Checksum and Map Checksums corrected. *GBW3-UnitBadge.ips - clearing maps in Campaign and Standard other than the first 2 in either mode now rewards Unit Badges for use in Campaign. The Version 1.0 release was practically Christmas Rushed, but I was wanting to "celebrate" a certain YouTuber getting to 100K subs well after this started existing to expose his actions: PALBAL Version 2.0 is still also Christmas Rushed in interest of having this out in time for Mother's Day in hopes of doing something to honor my mom given she did at least care about me, though the Christmas Rushing here could have been worse. Please refer to my text document about the Russia-Ukraine War because I have so much to say. Thankfully, all the important points are dealt with, so I will hope that you guys enjoy. If you need to hit me up, you should be able to find me on the Discord server, providing I haven't been banned from there because the mods would listen exclusively to a tyrant of another community who wanted to arbitrarily accuse me of harassing him so that I wouldn't be able to do something like call out spite reviews against my Secret of Evermore 25th Anniversary Balance Patch. Contact: -Skype: mknightdh -Discord: MasterKnightDH#2492 -YouTube: Credits: -The owners of the following (Japanese) sites for providing crucial information: -MarioMastar for being a long time friend who has also provided inspiration as shown with my notes about the range penalty balancing in the PALBal patch -Areaxis the Gurkha for providing consultation support with rebalance ideas in Version 2.0 of the PALBal patch, most notably about sea unit healing and the Air units' Cover system -The Advance Wars communities for providing resources such as a text/map editor, instead of claiming to have been trying to get rid of the troll for years despite evidence to the contrary and also not even bothering to link to Mangs' actions when calling him out -RoahmMythril and his fanbase for providing moral support about my parents' house, rather than accusing me of "toxic gatekeeping" or calling me "100% a troll" for wanting to spark discussion about a mid-90s SNES game having a case of the Back-To-Back trope in gameplay -Vanilla TV Tropes for being all nice and pleasant people who don't ban people for grammar errors while claiming to be democratic