Hack Name: GBATemp Legend II Hack of: Final Fantasy Legend II Introduction: Hello everyone, Break here with the release of "GBATemp Legend II". Final Fantasy Legend II was the game that got me into RPGs, growing up. It also made me a fan of the SaGa-series...the music and the interesting stories kept me hooked. Over the past year or so, I have become aware of speedrunning. And have watched a few submissions for Final Fantasy Legend II. While I did learn a lot from watching these vidoes and replaying the game myself. I felt that it could be a bit more fun...with a few tweaks. So I immediately started on a quest to learn how to hack this game. However...with no editing tools available, I soon found out that I had to learn how to "Hex-Edit" In order to make changes to the game. It was a challenge to learn how to Hex-Edit, But luckily I ran across some very patient and friendly users Who had the knowledge and passion for SaGa-games And very very cool about helping study and learn how to tackle this game. After Hex-Editing and testing the gameplay a few times I became satisfied with what my project and am ready to share it with the world. It sure has been a journey from January 2019 ~ August 2019 But completed, I hope other RPG fans can enjoy this hack ! Storyline: There have been no changes to the storyline or dialogue It is the same as the unmodified Final Fantasy Legend II. Features: -Title screen -Party starting stats, items/skills -Mutant learnable skills -Human & Mutant growth rate (HP, Str, Agl, Mana, Def) -Guest member stats, items/skills -Enemy encounters -Enemy stats, items/skills -Treasure chest -Town shop inventory Progress ( Complete ) All selectable party members (starting stats & items/skills) - 100% Mutant stat and skill growth rate - 100% All enemy stats & items/skills - 100% Skills that Mutants can learn - 100% Guest member's items/skills - 100% Random enemy encounters - 100% Human stat growth rate - 100% Boss enemy encounters - 100% Town shop inventory - 100% Treasure chests - 100% Title Screen - 100% Download Patch https://www.mediafire.com/file/vp1k2ilq9czzvjg/GTL2.zip/file Credits https://gbatemp.net/ - The old forum that showed me how cool game editing could be. https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/portal.php - Various submissions kept me motivated to continue work https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/585710-final-fantasy-legend-ii - Helped teach about Mutant skills http://shenafu.com/ffl2/ffl2.php - Valueable resource for getting familar with Hex-Editing the game http://shenafu.com/smf/ - Very patient users that helped me get started https://www.speedrun.com/ffl2/forum - Encouragement and offers to be testers http://towerreversed.org/ - For helping explain how to edit the title screen Contact: email: grandflare@yahoo.com steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/breaktube youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/breaktube speedrun: https://www.speedrun.com/user/breaktube romhacking: http://www.romhacking.net/community/1557/ gbatemp: https://gbatemp.net/members/breaktemp.120871/ gamefaqs: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/community/grandflare Special Thanks: @Den - Thanks for your patience over these past few months You reponded so swiftly to any post, reply, or PM I sent your way Also, your spreadsheet for this game was extremely helpful. @DCdemonic1 - Thanks for explaining the human & mutant growth rates Along with how "DS Level" influences mutant skills. @sardonyx - Thanks for going out of your way to provide So many resources on the Title screen behavior I would not have been able to figure out How to edit the title screen without your assistance. @all-speedrunners - Your video submissions really helped Me gain more insight on this games mechanics.