Dragon Warrior III (GameBoy Color) Spell Name Update By Dragoon ZERO (gt_dragoon AT yahoo DOT com) Changes in v1.1: Both of these were pointed out by gamerdude535. Thank you very much! - Firebolt was incorrectly named Kafrizzle, it has been corrected to Kasizzle - Disperse has been renamed Blasto which comes form the IOS/Android versions For better or for worse (I think there's a little of both), this patch updates the spell names to those used in Dragon Quests IV DS, V DS, and VIII. Some names didn't require changes, some didn't have updated names available, and I made a few changes based on nothing more than my personal preferences. I wasn't aware of the patch for the NES version until I was almost finished with this. I did use it to check my work and I know I took at least one name (Morph) from there, so I thank Reiska for that. Spell names that appear anywhere in dialogue have NOT been updated. I'll try to fix that if I get around to updating the rest of the game. Apply the patch to a clean US version ROM. The changes are listed below. --------------------------- Blaze - Frizz Upper - Buff IceBolt - Crack Increase - Kabuff Firebal - Sizz Return - Zoom Bang SlowAll - Deceleratle BlazeMore - Frizzle RobMagic - Drain Magic SnowStorm - Crackle BlizMost - Kacrack Firebane - Sizzle TwinHits - Oomph Boom Bounce BlazeMost - Kafrizzle PanicAll Blizzard - Kacrackle BeDragon - Puff! Firebolt - Kafrizzle - Kasizzle (corrected in v1.1) Transform - Morph Explodet - Kaboom Chance - Hocus Pocus Outside - Evac X-Ray - Peep StepGuard - Safe Passage Passtime - Tick-Tock CurseOff - Sheen Invisible Open Sap Heal Expel - Poof Antidote - Squelch Infernos - Woosh SpeedUp - Acceleratle Surround - Dazzle Sleep - Snooze Defense - Kasap HealMore - Midheal Beat - Whack NumbOff - Tingle Infermore - Swoosh StopSpell - Fizzle Disperse - Remove - Blasto (changed in v1.1, taken from IOS/Android) Awaken - Cocka-Doodle-Do Barrier - Insulatle HealAll - Fullheal Defeat - Thwack HealUs - Multiheal Infermost - Kaswoosh Vivify - Zing Sacrifice - Kamikazee Revive - Kazing Ironize - Kaclang Zap Thordain - Kazap HealUsAll - Omniheal Repel - Holy Protection Recall Forget Remember Recollect Excavate YellHelp - Yell Help EagleEye - Eagle Eye *menu thing, Eye For Distance is excessively long* Location Tiptoe - Padfoot MapMagic - Snoop Smell - Smell Loot *menu thing, Nose For Treasure is excessively long* Whistle