Dragon Quest Monsters: Delocalized Release Notes Dragon Quest Monsters: Delocalized is the 4th major improvement / retranslation project by the Translation Quest team. The original Dragon Warrior Monsters localization is one of the poorest done official translations in the DQ series, being rife with translation errors, having extensive spelling, grammar, and punctuation issues, phrases that didn't make any sense, a vast amount of missing humor and main-series references, as well as the typical kinds of censorship that were standard for that era. This project includes a thorough retranslation straight from the Japanese, where every line of text has been meticulously reviewed. In addition to addressing all of the problems outlined above, a great deal more personality was given to everyone from the basic NPCs to the dramatic series of archfiend encounters in post game. With those improvements, along with better formatting and improved overall flow and readability, the authors are confident that this new script will significantly enhance the experience of playing Dragon Quest Monsters. Several other highly conservative miscellaneous fixes and improvements have been included. These include a new Dragon Quest title screen pulled directly from the German release of the game, bugfixes for incorrect experience points given by monsters in the Metal Slime group, and correction of errors to monster pixel art. In keeping with the Delocalized moniker, this project utilizes conventions for monsters, spells, and item names that translate the Japanese namings faithfully, in keeping with the namings used in Translation Quest's DQ1-3 projects. With those extensive changes, the authors became concerned about the difficulty of players utilizing existing guides for the purpose of planning out their breeding and skill/magic acquisition. Therefore, a completely new guide using the Delocalized naming conventions has been included in the zip file for download. Previously, this information was scattered across various wiki's and faqs, but now, everything that the player needs should be present in one convenient doc. Please submit any issues or feedback on this project thread: https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=30993.0 The authorship of this project is credited to the Translation Quest team, consisting of: nejimakipiyo: lead translator, script editing Chicken Knife: hacking, script editing, graphics dattebayo: native speaking translation consultant Other credits, contributions, and special thanks: blipform - "Dragon Quest" Title screen from German ROM, tools for uncrunching gate names Simple Tease - A patch for properly translated gate names Lady Cannock & erinnk - Guide formatting, involvement in the Delocalized spell naming system, and other support throughout the course of our work Rodrigo Joaquim da Silva - Diligent playtesting and rooting out serious text bugs JayPaulus - Contribution of several puns for the mirror in the arena VERSION INFO 1.08 released on 05/19/2024 -Changed the spell Ion to Io in keeping with Dragon Quest 3 Delocalized (thanks to poBBpC for the correction) 1.07 released on 05/13/2024 -Fixed bugs with MonjaTail and Slumbari battle text -Fixed NPC referring to FunkyBird as female -Changed MstryDoll to MystryDol (thanks to poBBpC for the suggestion) -Made several minor changes to text for better flow 1.06 released 07/26/2022 -Updated to correct an error with title screen of version 1.05. 1.05 released 07/05/2022 -Fixed a few typos, and battle text for the Ferreron spell not making sense. 1.04 released 08/31/2021 -Fixed a minor text bug in battle. 1.03 released 04/22/2021 -Changed DragonKid and DarkDream to Drakling and Malsomnus, respectively. 1.02 released 04/19/2021 -Fixed a minor typo. 1.01 released 04/18/2021 -Line break bug that caused the game text to crash was fixed. -The legend of the Night of the Shooting Stars text slightly edited for better flow. -SkelBlade changed to Skelblade in the monster list and dialogue. 1.00 released 04/14/2021 A complete rewrite of most of the script, including... -Delocalized conventions: Monsters, spells, and items have been renamed to be a closer approximation of the Japanese names, following the Delocalized conventions from this team's Dragon Quest NES hacks. Some compromises had to be made to accomplish this due to the game's 9-character limit for names. -A more accurate translation with improved flow -A multitude of spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections -Skill descriptions that make sense -Restoration of all humour that was lost in translation (arena jokes, king's hyperbole, casino, etc.) -Decensored sexual references (PuffPuff, monster brothel) -Decensored alcohol references (tavern, drunk guy) -Decensored religious references (priests, God) -Correction of two monsters (Kidra & MadDragon) having the same flavour text in the library -Default player name is now cap and lowercase (Terry) as opposed to all caps (TERRY) Bug fixes: -Pixel fixed in the crown of GoldSlime's sprite. -StrayMetal and MetalKing exp reward has been reversed so that MetalKing gives the most exp, in keeping with the main series DQ games. *Note: an optional patch is included called DQM_Delocalized_Revert_Metal_XP for those players who do not want to have the Stray Metal's exp lowered and the Metal King's exp raised. If desired, it should be applied after the main patch. Liberties: -An NPC who was originally mistranslated as wondering if he could become a Master Monster Tamer was, in Japanese, wondering if a woman could become one. This is because the title the Master Monster Tamer has in Japanese is "Monster Jiisan" meaning similar to "Old Man Monster." We translated it as Monster Elder for a more elegant sound, and had to adapt the joke to fit the new context - we have that person now wondering if a young person can become a Monster Elder. -One segment of dummied text was added in a relevant area, as a hint for how to obtain a rare monster - GoldSlime. This text exists in both the Japanese and English ROM, but was never used in the game. -A bug present in the Japanese text was not corrected in the original translation. Two NPCs on the same screen give you the same line of text, resulting in some nonsense dialogue when you say "NO" to one of them. We created a new line of dialogue that makes more sense in this context. Specific Delocalized Changes: GATES Beginning Awaiting (Villager) Security (Talisman) Memories Bewilderment (Bewilder)* Peace Bravery Strength Anger Joy Wisdom Happiness Temptation Labyrinth Judgment Reflection Ambition Destruction (Demolition) Manipulation (Mastermind) Control Extinction Sleep *Bewilderment was changed in dialogue, but due to a character limit it was left as Bewilder in the gate list. MONSTERS DragoSlm (DrakSlime) SpotSlime WingSlime TreeSlime SnailSlm (Snaily) SlimeKnt (SlimeNite) BubbleSlm (Babble) BoxSlime Slime HealiSlm (Healer) FangSlime RockSlime Slimeborg (SlimeBorg) Slabbit SpotKing KingSlime MetalSlm (Metaly) StrayMetl (Metabble) MetalKing GoldSlime Drakling (DragonKid) Tortragon Pteradon (Pteranod) BlimpDrak (Gasgon) FairyDrak LizardMan PoisonLiz (Poisongon) SwordDrak (Swordgon) Dragon Kidra (MiniDrak) MadDragon Wyvern (Rayburn)* BigIguana (Chamelgon) LizardFly Andreal KingCobra Dentasaur (Spikerous) GreatDrak CrestSnk (Crestpent) WingSnake Coatl (Coatol) Orochi BattleRex SkyDragon Divinegon Tonguon (Tonguella) Al-Mi'raj (Almiraj)* FlyingCat (CatFly) FurryRat (PillowRat) Bagwam (Saccer) MgtyBeast (GulpBeast) Skulgaroo (Skullroo) Kamatachi (WindBeast)* Antbear (Anteater) Tentsuku (SuperTen)* IronTurtl (IronTurt) Mommonja BigHammer (HammerMan) Grizzly Yeti SpadeKilr (MadGopher) FairyRat Unicorn Batteram (Goategon) KillerApe (WildApe) Trumpeter KingLeo DarkHorn KillerCat (MadCat) BigEye Picky Chimera (Wyvern) BullBird FloraBird (FloraJay) DuckKite DeadPeckr (MadPecker) DeathCrow (MadRaven) MistWing (MistyWing) Dracky BigFowl (BigRoost) Stubbird (StubBird) Moddey (LandOwl)* KilrGoose (MadGoose) HelCondor (MadCondor) BlizzHawk (Blizzardy) FireBird (Phoenix) ZapBird Roc (WhipBird) FunkyBird PrismBird (RainHawk) MadPlant FireWeed FloraMage (FloraMan) FloatTree (WingTree) CactiBall Grapple (Gulpple) Matango (Toadstool) AmberWeed Ghostump (Stubsuck) Demonion (Oniono) BopCarrot (DanceVegi) Helbockle (Treeboy)* FaceTree Mandrake (HerbMan) BeanKnt (BeanMan) EvilSeed ManEater CarniWeed (Snapper) RoseLash (Rosevine) Watabou BigSlug (GiantSlug) Caterpila (Catapila) Gophecada FaceMoth (Butterfly) Cordyceps (WeedBug) BigWorm (GiantWorm) Lips (Lipsy) StagBeetl (StagBug) ArmyAnt Buzhopper (GoHopper) TailEater Armorpede Eyeba DeathMoth (GiantMoth) Droll ArmyCrab HelHornet (MadHornet) HornBeetl (HornBeet) Armorpion CryptCray (Digster) Pixy ArchDemon (ArcDemon) SlvrDevil (AgDevil) BabySatan (Demonite) DarkEye BigOpti (Eyeball) SkulRider HellBeast (EvilBeast) 1EyeClown Gremlin MedusaBal (MedusaEye) Wryneck (Lionex)* UncleHorn (GoatHorn) Orc Ogre HellGuard (GateGuard) ChopClown Grendel (Grendal) Akbar (Akubar) DemonKnt (MadKnight) Gigantes Zushimaru (Centasaur)* DevilArmr (EvilArmor) Jamirus Durran Ghost (Spooky) Skullgon ZombieDog (Putrepup) Yatagaras (RotRaven)* Embalmed (Mummy) DarkCrab WraithKnt (DeadNite) Shade (Shadow) RotCorpse (Hork) Mudron NightWhip (NiteWhip) EvlSpirit (MadSpirit) WindMagi (WindMerge) Reaper ReaprDuke (DeadNoble) WightKing (WhiteKing) BoneSlave Skelblade (Skeletor) Servant Copycat (CopyCat) DanceGems (JewelBag) EvilWand GhostGlim (MadCandle) CoilBird TotemKilr (Facer) SpikyBoy DevilMirr (MadMirror) LostArmor (RogueNite) MudHand (Goopi) MystryDol (Voodoll) MetalDrak Balzac (Balzak) CarniSabr (SabreMan) CurseLamp KillMech (Roboster) DevilPot (EvilPot) Gizmo (Gismo)* LavaTitan (LavaMan) IceTitan (IceMan) Mimic MudDoll Golem MovStatue (Stoneman) BombRock (BombCrag) GoldGolem DragnKing (DracoLord) Hargon Shido (Sidoh) Baramos Zoma Pisarro (Pizzaro) Estark (Esterk) Mildrath (Mirudraas) Mudou Mortamor (Deathmore) Malsomnus (Darkdrium) *Wyvern comes from Dragon Quest IV, where it was originally "raibaan" in Japanese. The original intent was Wyvern, but the game has no katakana "wa", so katakana "ra", which looks fairly similar, was used instead. *Al-Mi'raj is a creature in Islamic mythology. *Kamaitachi is a creature in Japanese mythology. Shortened to Kamatachi here due to 9-character limit. *Tentsuku is a type of dance. The monster's full name would be Super Tentsuku, but that won't fit. *Moddey, which is "mo-za" in Japanese, is a reference to the creature Moddey Dhoo in Gaelic folklore. *Matango derives from a 1963 Japanese horror film of the same name that involves a species of mutagenic mushrooms. *Helbockle is based on Corobockle, a creature from Japanese mythology. *In Greek mythology, Hera transformed the nymph Iynx into a bird called a Wryneck. This monster is likely named after that myth. *Zushioumaru is a main character in a 1954 Japanese historical film called Sansho Dayuu. The name was shortened here due to 9-character limit. *Yatagarasu (shortened due to 9-character limit) is a reference to a three-legged crow in Japanese mythology. *Gizmo derives from a book called War with the Gizmos by Murray Leinster. SKILLS Seara (Blaze) Searami (Blazemore) Searazoma (Blazemost) Flara (Firebal) Flarama (Firebane) Flaragon (Firebolt) Io (Bang) Iora (Boom) Ionazun (Explodet) Aeri (Infernos) Aerima (Infermore) Aericross (Infermost) Frosto (Icebolt) Frostaru (Snowstorm) Mafrosto (Blizzard) Zolt (Bolt) Shockzolt (Zap) Gigazolt (Thordain) Exaki (Beat) Exaraki (Defeat) Sacrizaku (Sacrifice) Slumbari (Sleep) Slumbario (SleepAll) Stopmaju (StopSpell) Phantasma (Surround) Optipani (PanicAll) Sapmaju (RobMagic) Robmaju (Takemajic) Softani (Sap) Softinara (Defence) Fortara (Upper) Fortiruto (Increase) Decela (Slow) Decelera (SlowAll) Accela (Speed) Accelera (SpeedUp) Insularo (Barrier) Ampiruto (TwinHits) MagicWall Turnmaju (MagicBack) Mirromaju (Bounce) Replicato (Transform) Ferreron (Ironize) Heali (Heal) Helimi (Healmore) Heloma (HealAll) Helomara (HealUs) Helomazun (HealUsAll) Vivaru (Vivify) Vivariku (Revive) Sacrivivo (Farewell) Curii (Antidote) Curiku (NumbOff) Curaru (Dechaos) Hexagone (CurseOff) Trapelude (StepGuard) Luminara (MapMagic) Cosmicaos (Chance) TwoEdge (TwinSlash) Ramming BodyDrop (Beserker) Kamikaze Massacre TitanCut (EvilSlash) ChargeUp HighJump Inhale (SuckAir) BlazeCut (FireSlash) BoltCut (BoltSlash) VacuCut (VacuSlash) FrostoCut (IceSlash) MetalCut DragonCut (DrakSlash) BeastCut BirdThrow (BirdBlow) DevilCut ZombieCut MateriCut (CleanCut) GrandCros (MultiCut) BiAttack ExploHits (QuadHits) CallHelp YellHelp Focus SquallHit PsycheUp RainSlash Whirlwind (WindBeast) Vacuum Lightning RockThrow FireBr (FireAir) BlazeBr (BlazeAir) ScorchBr (Scorching) InfernoBr (WhiteFire) ColdBr (FrigidAir) IceBr (IceAir) BlizzrdBr (IceStorm) SparkleBr (WhiteAir) HellSpark (HellBlast) BigBang Sacrimaju (MegaMagic) PoisonHit SleepHit (NapAttack) NumbHit (Paralyze) SweetBr (SleepAir) BurningBr (PalsyAir) PoisonBr (PoisonGas) ToxicBr (PoisonAir) PaniDance Curse PuffPuff (Ahhh) DeadDance (K.O.Dance) Sandstorm (SandStorm) Radiance (Radiant) EerieLite OddDance SapDance (RobDance) Sidestep (SideStep) LureDance BigLick (LushLicks) 100Licks (SickLick) LegSweep SweepKick (BigTrip) WarCry Whistle Copy (Imitate) FreezWave (DeMagic) LightWave (Surge) DarkWave (UltraDown) BlackFog (ThickFog) TatsuCall DiagoCall SamsiCall BazooCall Cover Guardian Tailwind Gale (StormWind) Dodge StrongDef (StrongD) InhaleAll (SuckAll) BladeDef (BladeD) StopDance (DanceShut) MouthShut Meditate Hustle LifeSong SacriDnce (LifeDance) Dragorum (BeDragon) SlimeHit (Smashlime) ShellStab (Sheldodge) Prune (Branching) GigaSlash ITEMS MediHerb (Herb) AmorWater (LoveWater) SageStone WorldDew MagicVial (Potion) ElfTonic (ElfWater) Antidote MoonHerb AngelBell (SkyBell) Laurel AwakeDust (AwakeSand) WorldLeaf LifeNut (LifeAcorn) MysticNut ATKseed DEFseed AGLseed INTseed ScrapMeat (BeefJerky) SmokedMt (Porkchop) RibMeat (Rib) MarbledMt (Sirloin) RottingMt (BadMeat) BoltStaff WindStaff SealStaff (MistStaff) LavaStaff StormStaf (SnowStaff) ChimerWng (WarpWing) SmalMedal (Tinymedal) QuestBook (QuestBk) ScaryBook (HorrorBk) KindBook (BeNiceBk) CheatBook (CheaterBk) SmartBook (SmartBk) FunnyBook (ComedyBk) FireStaff MonjaTail (BeastTail) FlyraStaf (WarpStaff) HolyWater (Repellent) SilvrHarp (ShinyHarp) LuminHerb (MapHerb) Bookmark