Here's a GBW3 hack improvement for opening multiple maps simultaneously by meeting the fast time. This not only gets rid of Do Well But Not Perfect issues, but makes it easier to find a few medals. Now the next planned PAL Bonus to handle is being able to skip all that garbage for the Mercenary units that involves the Revenue Enhancing Device... Please keep in mind that certain Campaign maps, including the first 2, do not open multiple maps no matter how fast you clear them. (I can't believe I forgot to mention this in the first release.) Make sure to apply to a clean ROM. Of course, you probably can apply it to a translated ROM without worry. Be sure to report any bugs that still occur to me, although they aren't likely to pop up with how general ASM hacking is. Here's my contact info: *Skype: mknightdh (Master Knight DH) *MSN/WLM: *AIM: Master Knight DH *YIM: mknight735 *YouTube username: MasterKnightDH *JustinTV ID: mknightdh Changed data: 11:49AD - FAA4C6 -> CD0077 11:7700 - (all FFs) -> 78 A7 2813 05 FA22C6 EF258C44 FE80 3007 219DC6 CDD13A 04 FAA4C6 C9