FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE EUROPEAN FONT FACELIFT v0.5 (Sep 28 2021) Quick Find: Press Ctrl + F and type in the keyword, then press Enter to search for the section. TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer .. [DSC1] Changelog ... [CHG2] Credits ..... [CRD3] ==================================================================================================== Disclaimer [DSC1] ========== - Final Fantasy VI Advance (c) Square Enix. All rights reserved. - No ownership is claimed by vivify93 over Final Fantasy VI or the franchise from which it originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc. is strictly prohibited. - This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis. vivify93 is not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while using this patch. - Apply this patch only to "Final Fantasy VI Advance (E) (Eternity).gba" with the following specifications. Hashes: CRC32 - D15DEBA5 MD5 - 7F6BF3B4D84F113AA454136E5B53FD77 SHA1 - C5B27ED0870EA64E6A001C5BC367F76571ACE973 - Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original game file in case an error occurs. - There are 2 patches enclosed. Choose 1 of the following. * FFVIA_FontFacelift_v05_SLIM.ips Evens out and cleans up the thin menu font intended for the PAL release of the game. The width of the letters remains unchanged, * FFVIA_FontFacelift_v05_THICK.ips Widens various lowercase letters for readability. There are text spillovers with the four non-English languages. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Changelog [CHG2] ========= v0.5 - For both the slim and thick variants, modified the lowercase l of the menu font to appear more like that of the dialogue font. This distinguishes the I and l more easily. - For both the slim and thick variants, modified the lowercase g to resemble the one used in FFIV DS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.4 - Recreated the mod from scratch for quality assurance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.3 - Updated numbers were somehow reverted to thicker variants. Fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.2 - Fixed the lowercase standard and accented a's in the thicker font patch, and slightly edited the uppercase “G” for wider, slimmer, and Music Player fonts. - Further updated standard and inverted question and exclamation marks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1 - Modified the menu font to better match the one used in the US release, but its original width is retained. (This font is used in the Music Player in both patches.) - Made a thicker variant of the menu font. There will be two patches. - Modified a few item and spell icons. Notably, the white magic icon is no longer missing a gray pixel. - Thinned the exclamation and question marks in the 12x12 dialogue font. - Thinned the countdown timer/battle numbers, as well as the MP display. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Credits [CRD3] ======= - Stealth Translations: Windhex32 - HoRRoR: Square Enix Remakes Font Editor - Dragonsbrethren: Original font research - Square Enix ...and all you Final Fantasy fans out there! ====================================================================================================