Final Fantasy VI Advance General Violence Version 1.0 Released on September 30, 2013 By Novalia Spirit Contact information: novaliaspirit (AIM, Hotmail) Table of contents: 1. Description 2. Acknowledgements 3. Legal disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The introductory scene for Celes was toned down for the Game Boy Advance release of Final Fantasy VI. In previous versions, Celes would endure several blows from a soldier before collapsing to the ground, and Locke would thereafter find her shackled to the wall. Under the constraints of censorship, the deposed general is no longer subjected to the torture, and is merely taunted by her captors. Despite that, she still slumps to the floor, and remains in that position until her rescue. This patch restores the tension and drama of the original scene. As a side effect, the following quirks are no longer present: • When wearing a soldier's uniform, Locke would stand by the door and render a belated salute long after the sentry's departure. • Certain factors would prevent the seated soldier from nodding in his slumber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- erokky, for his invaluable assistance in writing the description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Legal disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this document cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the author, unless for personal purposes. Permission to distribute the files included in the archive is granted exclusively to © 2013 Jame Coban. All rights reserved.