All of these patches are for Mother 1+2(GBA). These patches can be used even if you have already applied a translation patch. ======== PATCHES ======== 1. "M1 Color Restoration - Smooth(FBX).ips" (RECOMMENDED) -makes color palette look like the accurate one made by FirebrandX,who went through great efforts to reverse-engineer an accurate NES palette. 2. "M1 Color Restoration - NES Classic.ips" -makes color palette look like the one used by the NES Classic Edition. 3. "M1 Color Restoration - VC Official.ips" -makes color palette look like the one that Nintendo uses on their Virtual Console releases for NES games on Wii and Wii U. 4. "BootToM1.ips" -the game will immediately boot to Mother 1, and will skip the 'choose game' menu entirely. It essentially turns "Mother 1+2" into just "Mother 1". 5. "SkipSplashScreen.ips" -ONLY USE THIS PATCH IF YOU HAVE ALREADY APPLIED MATO'S TRANSLATION PATCH. What this patch does is it removes the splash info screen from Mato's translation patch. CHANGELOG v2.0 - July 6th, 2019 - replaces NTSC patch with Smooth(FBX) patch (both colors palettes were extracted by FirebrandX, but the new palette is the finalized version) - "VC Brightened" patch removed because it's redundant - NES Classic patch added v1.0 - June 17th, 2015 original release