Tritoch Animation Fix 1.0 ------------------------- by bydoless released on 2016/10/27 Apply to FF6 Advance (JEU) Offset changed -------------- $63C4F1-$63C4F2 (U) $63BD68-$63BD69 (JE) Bug Description --------------- Tritoch tail is missing a piece when calling his summon. This is because its frame data ($63C4EF-$63C523) is missing a byte pair. The first byte of the pair is a X,Y position (xxxxyyyy) of the block in 16 pixels intervals. The second byte determines the block taken from the monster graphic as well as whether it's flipped horizontally and/or vertically. Since the first two couples (10 01 and 20 02) reference blocks in the mold containing no graphics at all, we can use one of those to insert the missing couple 35 07.