Julius Mode 1.5 Patch Updates to the 1.5 patch include: - Default Names have been changed from Soma, as well as Soma name and portrait removed from the Pause menu. - Dialogue tweaked a bit. - No level gain. - Hammer and Shop removal. - Pick up Items include Whips, Armor, Accessories and Consumables. - Item stats rebalanced to compensate for not leveling up. *** Bosses not spawning such as Headhunter, Death and Legion, as well as Graham's Second Form having no hands or laser cloud/Julius Boss not using Subweapons, is tied to using Non Julius Mode Souls. So, unless you have Axe, Cross, Holy Water or Grand Cross equipped, those things are still likely to happen. If Julius Items are used, nothing glitches. BUT JUST TO BE SAFE, SAVE AND RESET BEFORE A BOSS BATTLE EITHER WAY. *** Lastly, Julius Mode only uses the Cross Subweapon due to changes I had to make to the main game. Treat it like Maxim Mode. (Why would you even want to play Julius mode when the story was about him to begin with??)