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Terms of use 2. How to patch 3. Changes to game mechanics and hints 4. FAQ 5. Credits -------------------------- 1. Terms of Use Nintendo plz dont steal. This is free don't pay the cashes for this. 2. How to patch Use Lunar IPS to patch a clean Zero Mission (U) rom. Can't tell you where to find the rom, but Lunar IPS can be found here: https://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lips/ 3. Changes to game mechanics and hints -Super Missiles have longer delay between shots -Kraid's health is buffed -Required to get three 'spooks' to enter final area -Press up to enter door frames -You have tractor beam like in Prime games and AM2R (hold charge to suck in drops) -Kraid's fingers now drop super missiles -Cannot click A on map screen to bring up world map. 4. FAQ Q: How do I get out of the first room? A: How do you usually use doors in games? Q: What is that barrier in the hub? I already have powergrip so how unlock? A: You need to get the three spooks to unlock it. Q: Where do I go first? A: You can go to any area first, even if you think you can't get in. Some have secret passages to get through. Q: Where can I find super missiles? A: Everywhere. Seriously, you can get almost any of them as your first one. Q: Why is the boss at the bottom of the mansion impossible? A: Blame captain glitch. Jk, go find plasma beam it will make your life easier, Q: I patched the rom and everything is broken. A: Sorry to hear that. Q: How do I get the super secret ending? A: No. Q: Is there supposed to be a different image for low% hard? A: No, because we had to use that for the secret ending. Q: I am missing two items and I can't find them. A: The energy tanks require screw attack to get them. Mansion and hell. Q: Castle is too hard, how do I beat it? A: You don't. You find Ing and beat him. Q: Who the hell made the ripper room in the clock tower? A: Me. Q: Why is there so much backtracking in hell? A: Stop asking questions. Q: I got gravity suit but I still take damage from blood. Why? A: Because the blood is actually tourian acid. The beer is lava. Q: I found the super secret room! What is it for? A: Nothing. Continue as though you saw nothing. Q: Where is the credits room? A: Close to the entrance to hell. You'll need to think of a trick to get to it. Q: Do the speed booster blocks near the entrance to hell lead to anything? A: Not really, unless you count the entrance to hell. Q: Why do I not like this hack? A: Because your name is Bob and you are bad. Q: What are those weird blocks in the map rooms? A: You'll find out if you wait long enough. Q: Is there a way to check what items I am missing? A: If you beat the game and reload your save, the item counters will be there. 5. Credits Biospark: -Graphics -ASM -Created MAGE -Pretty nice guy overall, but man you need to get back to speedrunning. When is samus gfx editor? OneOf99: -Graphics -Level Design -Demos -Music -Can't make scrolls to save his life. And also doesn't know which rom version he is using. NathanTech: -Graphics -Level Design -Music -Takes 45 years to make a room. Ing-Ing: -Graphics -Level Design -Demos -Music -Terrible level design. Good thing we redid escape shaft. Confuses elevators with saves. Cosmic: -Graphics -Boy you need to do more for next hack. Shrug: -Music -Roasts Cosmic too hard. Better call the fire department to put this one out. CaptainGlitch: -Graphics -This room (wait am I copying this from somewhere) -Demos -Music -ASM -Don't ask him about save stations. PLEASE don't ask him about save stations.