--this Hack Could be extended-- Created by: Trunaur68 Programs used: -VisualBoyAdvance -Hex Workshop 4.2 Effects: -Clipdata 98 is a low gravity square -Clipdata 99 is a high gravity square -Clipdata 9a is a floor that slides you right -Clipdata 9b is a floor that slides you left -Clipdata 9C is quicksand Notes: -This Hack could have later updates for it Side Effects: -none _______________________________________________ Extension by uNsane Programs used: -VisualBoyAdvance -NO$GBA Debugger -Hex-Ed Effects: -moved added clipdata to earlier free space, meaning more room for double helix -added clipdata 9D: causes you to flip horizontally -added clipdata 9E: shinespark accelerator -added clipdata 9F: shinespark decelerator Notes: -This Hack could have later updates for it -clipdata 9F is untested Side Effects: -Clipdata 9D will not work when falling