Hello Castlevania fans! Just a quick explination of the concept of this hack. Since HOD does not officially have a New Game Plus, I have used the DSVania Editor to rearrange the locations of all mobility related relics, so that they are the first relics you find, opening up a whole new set of possibilities right from the start. Kaiser Mail is now found in place of Leather Armor, and Crush Boots are located where Leather Boots were found. Platinum Tip is still is the Entrance. Crushing Stone is swaped with Red Stone. Sylph Feather is swapped with Spirit Stone. Griffon Wing is swapped with first Hart Max Up in Entrance. And Lizard Tail can be accessed from the Entrance side as it has been swapped with the tallgate. This allows you to start the game with the best equipment and relics, just as you would in a NGP! I also included several different palette varions with this hack. Each one is labeled for how it will change Juste's outfit. NoGlo has been applied to all patches. HOD Palette Hack was applied to only the Benades Belmont Hack and the original NoGlo. The backgrounds for the OutlineFix Palette Hacks were left untouched. Also the BGM for Castle Treasury/Top Floor is now VK2K. And the Caverns BGM is now Extra Stage Music 1. I did this mainly for my own personal preference, as it creates a slightly better mood for all areas affected. Concept created by me StarWyvern using DSVania Editor utility. All Versions tested on VBA emulator as well as Gpsp. All IPS Patches were created using FloatingIPS, and should be applied with either LunarIPS or FloatingIPS to a " Castevania - Harmony of Dissonance (usa)" Rom Thanks for reading and ENJOY!!!!!