I hope you all like it. SAVES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MY FIRST REBALANCE PATCH. ----------HUMAN CLASSES------------ +Class: Soldier Requirements: None P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: None HP: 8 MP: 3 STR: 4 INT: 4 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: The sucky backbone of any human army, soldiers are your first melee fighters physical class. They suck 100% so you should change their class ASAP. +Class: Archer Requirements: AGI=37 P-Weapon: Bow Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: None HP: 6 MP: 2 STR: 4 INT: 4 AGI: 6 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Semi-Aquatic (Snow) Phys Atk Mod: 10% Phys Def Mod:-10% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Weak, but a valid unit early on. That Phys Atk bonus its good early game, and gives them SOME use at max level. +Class: Wizard Requirements: N or C, MP=16 INT=26 P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: Elemental Missile+Area Attacks Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 6 STR: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 4 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-50% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Regular ass wizard. Good MP and INT, but nothing special. +Class: Ninja Requirements: STR=36 AGI=37 P-Weapon: Katana Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: Elemental Missile+Area Attacks Special Abilities: Lv1=Shuriken Barrage HP: 5 MP: 3 STR: 4 INT: 4 AGI: 6 Move: 7 Movement Type: Acrobatic/Water Walking Phys Atk Mod: 20% Phys Def Mod:-10% Magi Atk Mod:-10% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: FAST! WATER WALKING! VERSATILITY! WEAK! Very good early game but falls off quickly, but are crazy good as a final class at max level. Shuriken barrage has been buffed. +Class: Cleric Requirements: N or L, MP=18 INT=28 P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: Standard Virtue Spells Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 5 STR: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 4 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-30% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 5% Virt Def Mod: 5% Bane Def Mod: -5% Note: Absolutely essential to keep your team alive. Remember you can still help weaken enemies with Lighting Bow. +Class: Knight Requirements: N or L, STR=51 AGI=53, Knight's Certificate P-Weapon: Swords Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: Basic Virtue Spells Special Abilities: None HP: 7 MP: 3 STR: 6 INT: 4 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 5% Phys Def Mod: 5% Magi Atk Mod: -5% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 10% Note: Good ol' reliable. The bane of Bane units, hehe. They do a little more damage now. +Class: Swordmaster Requirements: STR=95 AGI=111, Book of Initiation P-Weapon: Swords Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv1=Pelting Fury Lv20=Swallow's Dave HP: 6 MP: 1 STR: 5 INT: 3 AGI: 6 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 15% Phys Def Mod: -5% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod: -5% Virt Def Mod: -5% Bane Def Mod: -5% Note: Spells removed and abilities buffed. The DEF penalty looks bad, but they dodge like gods. In practice their real weakness is magic. +Class: Dragoon Requirements: N or C, HP=215 STR=109 AGI=94, Dragon's Scale P-Weapon: Swords Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: Elemental Missile Spells Special Abilities: Chance to insta-KO dragons HP: 8 MP: 1 STR: 6 INT: 3 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 10% Phys Def Mod: 10% Magi Atk Mod:-10% Elem Def Mod: 5% Virt Def Mod: -5% Bane Def Mod: -5% Note: Physical gods, weakish to magic. +Class: Valkyrie Requirements: N or L, STR=48 INT=41, Lancer P-Weapon: Lance Spell Slots: 2 Spellcasting Type: Elemental Missile+Area Attacks Special Abilities: Mental gauge boost to males withing 3 squares around them. HP: 6 MP: 4 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Semi-Aquatic (Snow) Phys Atk Mod: 5% Phys Def Mod: 5% Magi Atk Mod: 5% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Good, balanced, versatile, waifus. +Class: Siren Requirements: MP=60 INT=60, Philosopher's Stone P-Weapon: Fan Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: All Elemental and Bane damaging spells + Summons Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 7 STR: 4 INT: 7 AGI: 4 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-25% Phys Def Mod:-25% Magi Atk Mod: 15% Elem Def Mod: 15% Virt Def Mod: 15% Bane Def Mod: 15% Note: I buffed her AGI slightly so they can gain some move. +Class: Warlock Requirements: N or L, MP=78 STR=90 INT=76, The Pen & The Sword P-Weapon: Swords Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: Elemental and Bane Support Special Abilities: Lv1=Barren Soul HP: 6 MP: 4 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 5% Phys Def Mod: 5% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 5% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Low movement was their only real weakness so it got buffed. Use Barren Soul to kill tanks. +Class: Witch Requirements: N or C, MP=38 INT=35, Vixen's Whisper P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 2 Spellcasting Type: Elemental and Bane Support + Summons Special Abilities: Lv1=Fascination HP: 5 MP: 6 STR: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 6 Move: 4 Movement Type: Acrobatic/Water Walking Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod: +5% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod:-10% Bane Def Mod: 10% Note: Now they can walk on water because magic. And yes, they have summons. +Class: Dragon Tamer Requirements: HP=140 MP=14, Dragon's Killed<2 P-Weapon: Rapier Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: Elemental Missile+Area Attacks Special Abilities: Mental gauge boost to dragons withing 3 squares around them. HP: 6 MP: 4 STR: 4 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Semi-Aquatic Phys Atk Mod: 15% Phys Def Mod: 10% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Still sucks, but can be used to grow a magical Valkyrie. Pretty good to swap to at max level. +Class: Beast Tamer Requirements: HP=142 STR=34, Beasts killed<2 P-Weapon: Whip Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Mental gauge boost to beasts withing 3 squares around them. HP: 8 MP: 2 STR: 5 INT: 3 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 10% Phys Def Mod: 10% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Good early because the ease of access and nice physical stats. Falls of mid-game, but has uses at max level. +Class: Priest Requirements: N or L, MP=76 INT=96, Heavenly Spirit, Kills<11 P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: All virtue spells Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 6 STR: 4 INT: 6 AGI: 4 Move: 4 Movement Type: Walking/Trudging Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+20% Elem Def Mod:+10% Virt Def Mod:+20% Bane Def Mod:+20% Note: Quite resistant to magic. ----------DEMI-HUMAN CLASSES---------- +Class: Hawkman P-Weapon: Hammer Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv10=Thunder Arrow HP: 7 SP: 2 STR: 6 INT: 3 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: 0% Magi Atk Mod:-10% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Trading defense for flight. Kinda weak to magic. Thunder Arrow is non-elemental now. +Class: Mermaid P-Weapon: Lance Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv=10 Lullaby Lv15=Cheer HP: 6 SP: 5 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Trudging/Aquatic (Snow) Phys Atk Mod: 0% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: They are better at combat now. They are basically a warlock+walkyrie that can fight well in water. +Class: Fairy P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv10=Fairy's Kiss Lv15=Fairy's Embrace Lv20=Magic Missile HP: 4 SP: 6 STR: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 Move: 6 Movement Type: Flying/Floating Phys Atk Mod:+30% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+30% Elem Def Mod:+20% Virt Def Mod:+10% Bane Def Mod:+10% Note: Physically the weakest class along with gremlins. Insane people might look at the Modifiers and try grinding stat boosters for a year for the UBER UNIT. +Class: Bandit P-Weapon: Axe Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: None HP: 8 SP: 1 STR: 6 INT: 3 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Walking/Semi-Aquatic Phys Atk Mod: 0% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Yes, they are not human anymore, but can be recruited now. Imagine the horns are real and are just pocking through the helmet. Worse than knights, better than beast masters. Limited emblems. ----------TRANSCENDED CLASSES----------- +Class:Lich Requirements: C, MP=118 INT=134, Die with "Ring of the Dead equipped" P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: All elemental and bane spells. Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 7 STR: 2 INT: 7 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:+30% Magi Atk Mod:+20% Elem Def Mod:+30% Virt Def Mod:-30% Bane Def Mod:+30% Note: Mage tank of death. Less tanky as before, but still stronk. +Class:Angel Knight Requirements: L, HP=215 SP=66 STR=89 INT=81 AGI=88, Archangel's Feather "Die for MAYBE becoming one". P-Weapon: Rapier Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: Basic virtue spells Special Abilities: Lv1=Poignant Melody Lv15=Banish HP: 7 SP: 3 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: 0% Magi Atk Mod: +5% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod:+30% Bane Def Mod:-30% Note: GOOD. I changed nothing besides its Mods and single spell slot. ------------UNDEAD CLASSES------------- +Class: Ghost Requirements: C, Cast Necromancy on a dead human. P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: Weak Bane spells Special Abilities: Revive after a few turns. HP: 5 MP: 5 STR: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 3 Move: 6 Movement Type: Teleportation/Floating Phys Atk Mod: 0% Phys Def Mod:+10% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod:+10% Virt Def Mod:-30% Bane Def Mod:+30% Note: Shit stats and trash spells, try not to get banished. They suck... BUT, they are great to turn into at max level. Logic is that the ghosts of civilians can't be as good as your trained warrior's. +Class: Zombie Dragon Requirements: Cast Necromancy on a dragon. Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv1=Rotten Breath HP: 8 MP: 4 STR: 7 INT: 4 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Phys Atk Mod:+10% Phys Def Mod:+10% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: -5% Virt Def Mod:-30% Bane Def Mod:+30% Note: Noticeably better than regular dragons, enough so they can compete with the evolved dragons. ------------MONSTER RACES----------- +Class: Gorgon P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv15=Evil Eye HP: 6 MP: 4 STR: 5 INT: 4 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: -5% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod:-10% Bane Def Mod:+10% Note: Physical fighter with an interesting special skill. Now its at least usable. +Class: Gremlin P-Weapon: Spell Slots: Spellcasting Type: Special Abilities: HP: 4 MP: 6 STR: 4 INT: 4 AGI: 7 Move: 5 Movement Type: Flying/Floating Phys Atk Mod:+15% Phys Def Mod:-15% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Meh. Annoying, shittier fairies. --------------BEASTS--------------- These guys are hard to balance cuz they can only equip accessories. +Class: Griffin Special Abilities: Lv10=Windstorm HP: 8 MP: 3 STR: 4 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: High HP, Flight, weird range attack. +Class: Cockatrice Special Abilities: Lv10=Petrifying Breath HP: 8 MP: 3 STR: 4 INT: 4 AGI: 6 Move: 4 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 0% Phys Def Mod: 0% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Annoying to deal with. Fear that breath. +Class: Cerberus Special Abilities: Lv10=Mesmerize HP: 6 MP: 3 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 6 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod:+20% Phys Def Mod:+20% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Good fighters. +Class: Giant Special Abilities: Lv10=Titan's Crush HP: 9 MP: 3 STR: 8 INT: 2 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:+30% Phys Def Mod:+30% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod:-10% Virt Def Mod:-10% Bane Def Mod:-10% Note: Do you want to die? Fight them in melee. +Class: Octopus Special Abilities: Lv10=Strangling Tentacles HP: 8 MP: 2 STR: 6 INT: 3 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Aquatic Phys Atk Mod:+20% Phys Def Mod:+20% Magi Atk Mod:-50% Elem Def Mod:-10% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Water Giants. --------------DRAGONS--------------- +Class: Elemental Dragons Special Abilities: Lv5=Dragon Breath (Dragon's element) HP: 8 MP: 4 STR: 7 INT: 4 AGI: 4 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:+10% Phys Def Mod:-10% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: -5% (+10 to its element, -10% to its opposite) Virt Def Mod: -5% Bane Def Mod: -5% Note: A little more mobile, a little more damage. They are scary early game. +Class: Mushus Requirements: L, Dragon HP=259 STR=130 AGI=69 Special Abilities: Lv5=Dragon Breath (Dragon's element) HP: 9 MP: 4 STR: 7 INT: 6 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:+15% Phys Def Mod:+15% Magi Atk Mod: +5% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod:+30% Bane Def Mod:-30% Note: Magic/Breath focused dragon. +Class: Naga Requirements: N, Dragon HP=259 STR=130 AGI=69 Special Abilities: Lv5=Dragon Breath (Dragon's element) HP: 9 MP: 4 STR: 8 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Trudging/Aquatic Phys Atk Mod:+15% Phys Def Mod:+15% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod:+10% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Underwater GOD. +Class: Vrtra Requirements: C, Dragon HP=259 STR=130 AGI=69 Special Abilities: Lv5=Dragon Breath (Dragon's element) HP: 9 MP: 4 STR: 8 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod:+20% Phys Def Mod:+20% Magi Atk Mod:-10% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod:-30% Bane Def Mod:+30% Note: Melee dragon with flight. --------------HERO CHARACTERS------------- These are a little weird to edit and test... So maybe it didn't work. It will be tested properly in time. +Name: Cybil +Class: Sorceress P-Weapon: Fan Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: All elemental spells and some bane ones + summons Special Abilities: None HP: 5 MP: 7 STR: 4 INT: 7 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+20% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod:+20% Bane Def Mod:+20% Note: Nothing changed. God siren of death. +Name: Rictor +Class: High Priest P-Weapon: Rapier Spell Slots: 3 Spellcasting Type: Special Abilities: HP: 6 MP: 6 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Trudging/Wading Phys Atk Mod: 0% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod:+15% Elem Def Mod:+10% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod:-10% Note: No shit vanilla Rictor sucked! He had negative Mods on attack AND defense, middling INT and low base movement. Now he is a balanced caster. +Name: Aerial +Class: Mermaid P-Weapon: Lance Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: All elemental and bane damaging spells + Summons. Special Abilities: Lv=10 Lullaby Lv15=Cheer HP: 6 SP: 5 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Trudging/Aquatic (Snow) Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod: 0% Bane Def Mod: 0% Note: Improved mermaid with access to spells. Yes, she uses MP now and 1 spell slot. +Name: Elrik +Class: Summoner P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 2 Spellcasting Type: All elemental spells + necromancy + summons Special Abilities: Lv1=Summon Golem HP: 6 MP: 5 STR: 5 INT: 6 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod: -5% Phys Def Mod: -5% Magi Atk Mod:+10% Elem Def Mod:+10% Virt Def Mod:+10% Bane Def Mod:+10% Note: He is NOT an uber warlock, despite his STR growth. He is a tanky male siren, specialized on killing other mages with his golem since they hit physical defense. +Name: Euphaire +Class: Shaman P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 2 Spellcasting Type: All elemental spells + necromancy + summons Special Abilities: Lv1=Energy Transfer HP: 4 MP: 7 STR: 4 INT: 7 AGI: 5 Move: 4 Movement Type: Walking/Wading Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+10% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod: +5% Bane Def Mod: +5% Note: Cybil Jr with the ever broken Energy Transfer skill. I made her a bit mode delicate for balance. +Name: Lobelia +Class: Angel Knight P-Weapon: Rapier Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: All virtue spells Special Abilities: Lv1=Poignant Melody Lv15=Banish HP: 7 SP: 3 STR: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 6 Movement Type: Flying/Wading Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod: +5% Magi Atk Mod: +5% Elem Def Mod: 0% Virt Def Mod:+30% Bane Def Mod:-30% Note: Same as the regular thing + better spells and virtue summon. Good alternative to Riktor +Name: Saia +Class: Lesser Daemon P-Weapon: Axe Spell Slots: 1 Spellcasting Type: All elemental and bane spells. Special Abilities: None HP: 7 MP: 4 STR: 6 INT: 5 AGI: 5 Move: 5 Movement Type: Walking/Wading (Snow) Phys Atk Mod: +5% Phys Def Mod:+10% Magi Atk Mod: 0% Elem Def Mod: -5% Virt Def Mod:-10% Bane Def Mod:+10% Note: Chunky boi. He is tanky, he has axes, he is cool. Can't use summons, but can use Fiend's Grip. +Name: Glycinia/Lubinia +Class: Fairy P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 0 Spellcasting Type: None Special Abilities: Lv10=Fairy's Kiss Lv15=Fairy's Embrace Lv20=Magic Missile HP: 4 SP: 6 STR: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 Move: 6 Movement Type: Flying/Floating Phys Atk Mod:+30% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+30% Elem Def Mod:+20% Virt Def Mod:+10% Bane Def Mod:+10% Note: Fairy with more int and a special attack with her sister. Since fairies were buffed, they also got buffed. +Name: Deneb +Class: Witch<3 Requirements: Hire an unit, name it Deneb and then make it a witch. P-Weapon: None Spell Slots: 2 Spellcasting Type: Elemental and Bane Support + Summons Special Abilities: Lv1=Temptation HP: 5 MP: 6 STR: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 6 Move: 4 Movement Type: Acrobatic/Water Walking Phys Atk Mod:-20% Phys Def Mod:-20% Magi Atk Mod:+15% Elem Def Mod: +5% Virt Def Mod:-10% Bane Def Mod: 10% Note: Witch with mad stats. Her special ability is way better too. --------------------ABILITIES-------------------------- I found out that matching element does increase damage, but does not affect hit-rate. -Summon Golem: I don’t know the source, but it HITS PHYSICAL DEFENSE. -Barren Soul: I don't know the source, but it HITS MAGIC DEFENSE. -Shuriken: Damage 25 -> 40 -Cheer: Neutral Element -Lullaby: Neutral Element -Swallow's Daze: Pow 30 -> 55 -Thunder Arrow: Pow 45 -> 50. Element Wind -> Neutral. Now all elements are viable. STR BASED. -Magic Barrage: Pow 70 -> 80 --------------------CHARACTER CHANGES-------------------------- -Changed Eleanor's starting class to Valkyrie for better stats. --------------------EQUIPMENT-------------------- Equipment weight has been rebalanced. The most changed were the Snapdragons and the Firecrests, both of which weight a ton to discourage the usual endgame "Snapdragon+firecrest+firecrest+firecrest" build. Honestly? They are still broken even so. ----Fans---- They all get some INT. Its not displayed on the description, but oh well. Its just fair. Battle Fan: Int=13 Caldia: Int=22 Hyacinth Fan: Int=16 Gypsy Queen: Int=24 -------Spells------- You can now get both Teleport and Time Flux on the same route.