o------------o |Installation| o------------o Very simple process, really. It's an IPS Patch, so you need something like Lunar IPS and a clean US rom. You grab the Main Patch and apply it to the Rom with a tool such as Lunar IPS, and you're done. This hack is compatible with two other Hacks made by other people, these being: Kea's "Unrunnable Battle Notifications", which will warn you when you won't be able to run from a specific battle (like from Piscodemons, or Bosses). http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2958/ And Rabite's Improved Equipment Viewer, which is also great and offers a much, much better way of seeing equipments specific stats (by "using" the equipment on the Items menu). http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5685/ I totally recommend using them, both with an unmodded version and with my hack. Also, after applying my patch, and these two if you want, you can apply one of my optional patches to. They're very simple, really. One changes the palette of the Ninja so it's red like in the original game as, funny as I find it to be, some people found it to be a "betrayal" to change it to green. It wasn't hard to do so why the hell not add it as an extra option. The second optional patch lowers the difficulty slightly, for those that I guess don't want to be challenged much. Enemies physical and magical power will be toned down, and just that. The third optional patch brings back the Level 99 Cap from the original GBA version. My hack puts a Level 50 Cap as it was on the oriignal NES game, but some people apparently like to grind a lot. The fourth one raises the number of Magic Points your characters get for Levels 1 to 4, mostly made for party setups that might not be to usual, so there's a few more casts to help them out. The last one increases the HP of Bosses bit so boss battles take a bit longer, as sometimes I kinda feel like I wanted them to last a bit more, but that might be just me. Nothing else is changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------