VISION QUEST V1 RECRUITMENT GUIDE ====================================== **WARNING, THERE ARE SPOILERS BELOW** ====================================== Ch1. 1-1: 1. Storch: Automatically at start 2. Esfir: Automatically at start 3. Vagelis: Automatically at start 4. Arckady: Automatically at start 5. Lera: Automatically at start Ch2. 1-2: 6. Natsuko: Automatically on Turn 2 Ch3. 1-3: 7. Larisa: NPC, Talk with Storch 8. Marlen: NPC, Talk with Storch or Lera Ch4. 1-4: 9. Onisim: Automatically at start 10. Nazar: Enemy, Talk with Onisim (Appears Turn 1) Ch.5 1-5: N/A Ch6. 1-6: 11. Dewi: NPC, Talk with Storch (Sri will also join), (Appears Turn 2) 12. Sri: NPC, Talk with Storch (Dewi will also join), (Appears Turn 2) Ch7. 1-7: 13. Gunnar: Wait on tile (4,0) or (5,0) with any unit (top near the leftmost chest) Ch7x 1-7x: 14. Osane: Automatically at start 15. Bosco: Automatically at start Ch7xx. 1-7xx: N/A Ch8. 1-8: 16. Ruslan: Automatically on Turn 1 17. Lajos: NPC, Talk with Storch or Ruslan Ch9. 1-9: 18. Titus: Automatically at start 19. Helga: Automatically at start 20. Otilie: Enemy, Talk with Storch or Arckady (Appears Turn 1) Ch10. 1-10: 21. Zoya: NPC, Talk with Titus, Storch, or Helga (joins with Hollace) 22. Hollace: NPC, Talk with Titus or Storch (joins with Zoya) 23. Honeydew: Wait on stair tile (7, 14) with any unit. She will join automatically. 24. Sarka: Talk to Enemy, Erasmus with Titus (Sarka will join automatically in the following chapter in preps) Ch11. 1-11: 25. Duck: Enemy, Talk with Storch. Ch12. 1-E: N/A Ch13. 2-1: 26. Tien: NPC, Talk with Storch (Freyja will also join) 27. Freyja: NPC, Talk with Storch (Tien will also join) Ch14. 2-2: 28. Naia: Automatically at start 29. Dreyfus: Automatically at start 30. Cashew: Wait on stair tile (17, 15) with any unit. He will join automatically. Ch15. 2-3: 31. Vernon: Automatically at start Ch15x. 2-3x: N/A Ch16. 2-4: 32. Hokulani: Automatically at start Ch17. 2-5: 33. Mango: Enemy, talk with Storch or Duck (Appears Turn 2) Ch17x. 2-5x: N/A Ch18. 2-6: 34. Menahan: Automatically at start 35. Jae: Automatically at start 36. Selanne: Automatically at start 37. Rakkaus: Enemy, talk with Storch or Menahan Ch19. 2-7: 38. Cygnus: Automatically at start 39. Maelle: Automatically at start Ch20. 2-E: N/A Ch21. 3-1: 40. Waluyo: Automatically at start 41. Kusuma: Automatically at start 42. Ketut: Automatically at start 43. Surya: Automatically at start 44. Bulan: Automatically at start 45 Michael: Automatically at start 46. Anisa: Automatically at start 47. Kir: Enemy, talk with Waluyo Ch22. 3-2: 48. Cajon: Automatically on Turn 2 49. Stina: Automatically on Turn 2 Ch23. 3-3 50. Onderdonk: NPC, talk with Waluyo or Kir Ch24. 3-4: 51. Radoslav: NPC, talk with Waluyo (Seruni automatically joins) 52. Seruni: NPC, talk with Waluyo (Radoslav automatically joins) Ch25. 3-5: 53. Zakawat: Automatically on Turn 2 54. Zuljalal: Automatically on Turn 2 Ch26. 3-E: 55. Batari: Automatically on Turn 2 Ch27: 4-1: 56. Erasmus: Enemy, Talk with Storch, Titus, or Sarka Ch27x: 4-1x: N/A Ch28: 4-2: 57. Timmonen: Automatically at the start Ch29: 4-3: 58. Sigrid: Automatically at the start Ch30: 4-4: 59. Cassius: Automatically at the start 60. Anwen: Visit the village. She will join your party. Ch31: 4-5: 61. Zuzana: Engage in battle with Erasmus (Zuzana will join automatically in the following chapter in preps, Erasmus does not need to kill) Ch32: 4-6: 62. Lori: NPC, appears turn 2. Talk with Storch or Titus. Ch30: 4-E: N/A