/== /== /== /==\ \==\ |== | =\ |==| ==/ \== \==/ | | == ARCADE GALLERY == High-Score SRAM Hack, v0.1 By EvilJagaGenius === ABOUT === The Sega Arcade Gallery is a nice compilation of Super Scaler games for the GBA - Space Harrier, After Burner, OutRun, and Super Hang-On. The ports are decently made (except maybe After Burner) but have one huge drawback: they don't save your high scores. What's the point of trying to top the leaderboard in Space Harrier if it resets every time the GBA powers off? This patch aims to fix that. Now you can record your best times and routes in OutRun! All four games should save automatically after putting in your initials on the high-score screen. Also included are the ASM fragments I used to implement this. === ROM INFO === No-Intro name: Sega Arcade Gallery (USA).gba Size: 8,388,608 bytes CRC32: 3b8ffdf4 Patched CRC32: 4f7c6604 === HELPFUL HINTS FROM === ^ ^ (..) > < ) > / \ o\_ >o | | <=<= \\\***/ ASCII \***/// \ SONIC / - If the high-score screens are filled with garbage, MAKE SURE your emulator/flashcart is set to use a 32KB SRAM save. The EZ-Flash Omega's auto-detect has problems with this hack, for example. - Each game has multiple control schemes. For instance, switching between control schemes A and B in Space Harrier and After Burner will invert Y-axis input. See what works best for you! - This game does NOT save control settings, so make sure to set them before you start playing. - Using default controls, pressing L in OutRun and Super Hang-On increases your steering speed. Pressing R in Space Harrier and After Burner lets you move across the screen faster - very useful for dodging! - You CAN barrel roll in After Burner! Hold L and R, then move side to side on the D-pad. 4/18/2022 www.github.com/EvilJagaGenius/