Welcome to Fire Emblem: Call of the Armor (development name: Project Telephone Strategy), a [complete] Fire Emblem 8 hackrom. The final release is 20 gameplay chapters w/ 3 Tear Ring Saga inspired character selection interludes. You can play with up to 65 units total, and 50 in any single run of the hack. This hack was built in ~4 months by a team of 14 chapter creators, dubbed Team Distant Roads. It took just under 4 months to complete our first draft, and then we spent a few weeks playtesting, rebalancing, and polishing as needed prior to posting a public release. Plot: The story focuses on Princess Kuijia, a princess sent away by her father as a civil war between the recently split East and West Kotor heats up. She departs her homeland only with her aged retainer, Shale, a handful of rookie knights and refugees, and a harrowing plea from her father to protect the armor she wears at all costs. Feeling guilt for leaving her father and country behind, Kuijia seeks to raise an army and return back to East Kotor to free her country and end the conflict. Throughout her journey, Kuijia will learn more about the mysterious armor she wears and the secrets it holds, meeting an eclectic cast of characters who join her on her mission along the way. Gameplay changes: The only mechanical changes from vanilla Lord classes were changed since we didn’t want to work with an Eirika or Ephraim Lord. Armors get 5 move, but promote to 5 move general Added Halberdier as soldier alternate promo (they can also go general). Summoners summon personalized green units. This was to nerf their usefulness, but primarily because we ran out of character slots. We did add custom items as well to spice things up. Team Members: Chapter Creation & Writing Knight_Moris RandomWizard Citrus Rivian Kyrads LegendOfLoog devisio MintX Pandan A_Reliable_Chair Epicer MournfulRelic Warpath MrGreen3339 Art & Assets / Interlude Character Contributors / Playtesters Levin Dainn Laurent_Lacroix TDAWS Sdaht CountReglay ArcherBias Hypergammaspaces ChivesKirk Technical Support 7743 Pushwall Credits: HP Bars Tequila and Circles Escape ASM 7743 Narrow Font Scraiza Passive boosts patch Venno Show heal amount Tequila AI PRevent healer mistarget Magrika Is Now Canon Change easy and normal mode penalty into bonus Shuusuke Weapon Lock EX 7743 Status effect swords Aera, Stein, 7743 Move after talk/support circles Limitless trade Aera Fix prep store pricing Aera Continuous battle BGM 7743 Change battle BGM by chapter 7743 Steel Sword Icon Beansy Anti-huffman Hextator Modular mini mug box Zane Avernathy VQ style mini mug box Scraiza FE6 Portraits with Fixed Frames Obsidian Daddy, Lenh Weapon icon CamTech075 Armor mage map sprites WarPath Armor Mage animations Orihara_Saki, TBA Baron animations DerTheVaporeon, Leo_link, Nuramon, Iscaneus HAlberdier animation and map sprite TBA Portraits Laurent_Lacroix, Blade, RandomWizard, Lenh, Shin19,CanDy, SSHX, Zelkami, Levin, Epicer, KrashBoomBang, RandomPretzel, Zorua, L95, Nickt, Ken GFE1R Oghma CirclesEverywhere, NickT Danger Zone CirclesEverywhere Unlocked Supply 7743 Item Icon Indogutsu Tenbuki, EldritchAbomination, Lisandra Brave, Gabriel Knight, Beansy, Zelix, Ereshkigal Music Saxor, Pandan, Jordan Davenport of VGMusic, Sme, SurfingKyogre, RandomWizard, Runa, Scraiza, Erik Menjivar of VGMusic, King Meteor of VGMusic, KHInsider, pieordie1 of VGMusic, Andrew Shand of VGMusic Unit Battle Palettes Epicer Ice Shard Spell Sme, Compile Set Unit Status Patch 7743 AI fix hypergammaspaces Battle Stats w/Anims off Tequila Add event: send items to transporter 7743 Set unit condition Tequila Broken wall effect 7743 That Person’s name (Bravely Default) Sme Evil church (Clock Tower) Dolkar Person combat (Berwick) RSflame Female Mercenary Map Sprites Agro Female Mercenary Animation TBA Corrupt Eye Spell Orihara Saki Inazuma anim Arch Frostcalibur Anim Shyuterz, Hiroto Get units in range matching condition 7743 Judgement Anim arch Set Preparation BGM By Chapter 7743 Add Event: GetKillerUnitID Leonarth Oathbringer, Stone Breaker, Charybdis icons GabrielKnight Stone Breaker Anim Bonsai, Blazer Conversation 1 (FE4) SurfingKyogre Veld (FE5) SurfingKyogre Phantom Map Sprite Pushwall Deathgoyle, Elder Bael, Gwyllgi Map Sprites Pikmin1211 Corporealis X Animations Arch Many custom tunes & other MIDIs Chair Zain’s Blade II Icon Zarg Weapon Icon SacredStones