FF6A (E) Woolsey-Slattery Compromise Patch v2 By Black Telomeres ---------------------------------------------------- Which version of the game should this be applied to? ---------------------------------------------------- The European version of FF6 Advance. The filename will usually be: "ety-ff6a" - "ety" is the group designation. The original "last modified" date should probably be 06-27-2007 if it wasn't modified since it was created. Use LunarIPS or some other IPS patching program. ----------- What is it? ----------- In short, a patch that reverts some selected FF6A dialogue, enemy names, item names, spell names and ability names from the GBA versions to the SNES equivalents, in some cases mixing the accuracy of the GBA translation with the more evocative language of the SNES translation. ----------------------------- Who are Woolsey and Slattery? ----------------------------- Ted Woolsey is the translator of the SNES version of FF6 and Tom Slattery is the translator of the GBA version of FF6. ------------------------------------------ Ok, more in depth about the patch, please? ------------------------------------------ After having played the Advance port of FF6 a few years ago, I felt that the compact nature of the menu layout, the lengthening of the namespaces, the subsequent lengthening of the up until then required abbreviated item/spell/ enemy/ability names, the nice bonus dungeon, and the fixing up of some unclear lines made for a game that had a feel of polish in many places where the SNES version lacked it. However, for me - and from what I've heard other fans as well - there were some issues that marred these otherwise nice improvements and kept the Advance version from being definitive. 1. The music was rearranged and horribly botched, often sounding very different from the SNES music. 2. Some of the spell and ability sound effects sounded rather alien compared to their SNES counterparts. 3. Some of the more interesting Woolsey names for items, spells, abilities and the like were changed in favor of names that weren't as interesting or evocative, although they were often more accurate. 4. Some of the classic Woolsey lines had been removed in favor of duller alternatives despite Slattery attempting to stay close to Woolsey's translation in many cases and in some cases adding his own flair to the game. Slattery did a decent job of preserving some of the classic lines and Woolseyisms that made the SNES translation amusing despite those lines not really being literal translations, but there were still a few places where he didn't preserve such lines. This patch is an attempt at a solution to the last two issues, at least from my perspective. It started as a personal project, but I decided to release it publicly in case anyone else was interested, as I've heard many fans lament the same changes I have on more than one occasion. It restores some lines that I didn't really appreciate the loss of in the Advance version of the game. It also restores what I considered to be the more interesting, clever, amusing and/or evocative spell, item, enemy, and ability names from Woolsey's translation of the game where Slattery's equivalent wasn't as strong. Attention has been paid to try to avoid having to get sloppy with abbreviations or the like, though, since the absence of that is one of the strengths of the Advance version. I tried to stay away from being a total purist for either the more accurate or the more nostalgic naming. In other words, no reversions of Firaga to "Fire 3" or Reraise to "Life 3" just for the sake of being close to the SNES version. The number of names linked to items and spells your party learns that were changed was rather low in fact, since I assume most of us are used to the newer styled names like Esuna, Blizzaga, and the like. The enemy spell/abilities and enemy names were the places where more changes took place on the naming front. ----------------------------------- Why is it for the European version? ----------------------------------- Why the European version of the game instead of the US version? Because of another particular patch only available for the European version. Namely, the sound restoration patch circulating out there on the Internet for the European version of FF6A that largely makes its music sound like the SNES version's music (don't play FF6A without it, kids). Since the English translation in the European release is identical to the US version, nothing much is lost by creating the patch for the European version, but the ability to use those two patches together is gained. That's where my priorities lay. -------------------------------------------- Will previous saves be compatible with this? -------------------------------------------- Hard saves (in other words, .sav files) will be. Even save states from the European version likely will be. Oddly enough, I believe that hard saves from the US version are compatible with the European version, and thus this patch, as well. --------------- Some specifics: --------------- Regarding the dialogue, Where I had space left over after converting a line, I tried to preserve as much of the Slattery translation as I could where it was appropriate, so that some added details the Advance version had wouldn't always be lost in the reverts. An example of this is with an NPC line talking about the Emperor's portrait. The GBA version says this: "I finished the emperor's painting. I ended up turning it into a portrait. I have no idea why he didn't like it... I even painted that thing he originally asked for in the background! Anyway, I sure didn't need a painting of the emperor, so I sold it to a rich man in Jidoor named Owzer." The SNES version says this: "I finished the Emperor's portrait. It was a true representation of the Emperor... but he hated it. I ended up selling it to Owzer, a rich man who lives in Jidoor." The SNES version has a hidden layer of commentary and pathos present because it tells of not just Emperor Gestahl rejecting the portrait, but rejecting a portrait that was a "true representation" of himself, as if he hated something that displayed his true self due to some flaw he recognizes in himself. However, restoring just that line would've lost the detail that the painting was only decided upon as a portrait later by the artist, and the mention that it had something additional in the background (likely part of the clue to the Phoenix Cave or the Phoenix Magicite itself). Therefore, I rendered this line as: "I finished the emperor's painting. I ended up turning it into a portrait. I even painted that thing he originally asked for in the background! It was a true representation of the emperor... but he hated it. I ended up selling it to Owzer, a rich man who lives in Jidoor." This includes most of the additional information from the Advance version, while keeping the key evocative line that was absent in Slattery's translation. Regarding the naming, A sample of most of the item names reverted back to the SNES names: SNES GBA --------------------------------- Dirk Dagger Assassin Assassin's Dagger Graedus Gladius Flame Sabre Flametongue Mythril Pike Mythril Spear Forged Kiku-Ichimonji Tempest Kazekiri Strato Murakumo Sky Render Mutsunokami Tackstar Pinwheel Full Moon Moonring Blade Fire Knuckle Burning Fist Paladin Shield Paladin's Shield Tao Robe Magus Robe Cherub Down Angel Wings Hero Ring Hero's Ring Coin Toss Heiji's Jitte Czarina Ring Princess Ring Offering Master Scroll Rage Ring Berserker Ring A sample of some of the enemy abilities reverted back to the SNES names: SNES GBA --------------------------------- Demon Rage Fiendish Rage Takedown Beatdown Waistshake Bootyshake Fallen One Heartless Angel 10 Hits 10-Hit Combo Revenger Vengeance Virite Venomist Down Dust Featherdust Figaro Tea Figaro Malt Cinderizer Incinerate Megazerk Mega Berserk Phantasm Poltergeist Discard Release Petriglare Stone Gaze Slip Hit Sapping Strike A sample of some of the enemy names reverted back to the SNES names: SNES GBA --------------------------------- Abolisher Venobennu Adamanchyt Adamankary Allosaurus Weredragon Aquila Galypdes Bloompire Vampire Thorn Brawler Zaghrem Buffalax Devoahan Crass Hopper Nettlehopper Doom Dragon Fiend Dragon Hazer Cloud Karkass Shambling Corpse Lunaris Luna Wolf Mindcandy Rock Wasp Nohrabbit Desert Hare Psychot Psychos Sky Cap Schmidt Slam Dancer Veil Dancer Tomb Thumb Onion Dasher Tusker Gorgias Vommamoth Megalodoth Marshal Guard Leader Nerapa Nelapa Czar Dragon Kaiser Dragon (Yes, Czar's name is present in the SNES game code for those who don't know) There are a few cases where, for the names of specific enemies or espers, I made or had to make interpolations that are neither purely from Woolsey's or Slattery's translation, and in rare cases gravitating towards adapting to the facts of the naming in the Japanese version. These are noted here: Primordite Space issues forced me to shorten this one using a method Woolsey did himself with another enemy: Adamanchyt. Thus this enemy is restored as Primordyt. This is one of the only cases where I felt the "abbreviation" didn't really harm the polish of the name, since it looks like a legitimate alternate spelling with some stylized aspects. There were a few other places where something like this simply couldn't be done without - in my opinion - losing polish, so I stuck with Slattery's enemy name. Rhinotaur Space issues forced me to shorten this to Rinotaur. Normally I wouldn't take out a letter like this since I'm avoiding any obvious abbreviations like the plague. However, in this case, like the previous one, I didn't think it made too much of a difference since the h is silent. Mantodea/Greater Mantis The Japanese name is "Grand Insect" sounded out phonetically in Japanese ("Guran Insekuto"). Since Slattery included an aspect of that in his translation with Greater, and I had room, I threw in a Grand before the Mantodea to form Grand Mantodea. Phase/Face I don't know about you, but to me an enemy that's a giant face having the name Face seems so simplistic that it's silly. The Japanese name is "Feizu." Due to space restrictions I couldn't restore the name Phase (which is obviously a mistranslation anyway) but I settled on a compromise with some inspiration from the Japanese name. That compromise was Faze. If one reads it a certain way, they can get a stylized version of the word "Phase" due to having an F instead of a Ph, but if one does a paradigm shift, one can also get Face out of it, pronounced with a bit of an odd emphasis. In this way it seemed to me to be the best of both worlds, still offering a more exotic name while referencing both Woolsey and Slattery's translations. Of course you may dislike it, who knows... Goblin/Devil from the Ancient Castle Another space restricted one. I needed the name "Devil" for another reason as you'll see, and Devil isn't technically the 'right' translation here; the enemy's Japanese name is literally "Satan". However, if this wasn't changed for ESRB or Nintendo censorship reasons (yes, there still is a little bit going around; look at Siren's GBA sprite), I get the reason why Slattery just changed it to Devil. As a Westerner, seeing a piddly random enemy named Satan would likely provoke a strange reaction, whereas that'd be less of a worry for the Japanese audience. I couldn't restore Goblin due to the space problems, so I settled on preserving a hint of the 'correct' translation in the same way Slattery did, with an alternate name. I went with the Islamic equivalent to Satan: Iblis. It will sound a lot more obscure and unknown to a Westerner, while still hinting at the Japanese name in the same way Slattery's translation did. Doom/Fiend Neither "Doom" nor "Fiend" fits the strongly religious flavor of all three Warring Triad members in the Japanese and the other two Warring Triad members in Slattery's translation. Doom's Japanese name, Majin, according to all translators I've consulted, is likely more correctly translated as "Devil" or "Demon" so I went with Devil, keeping the strongly religious flavor of the Warring Triad more intact than the term "Fiend" does, while avoiding giving him Poltergeist/Demon's FF6A name, which would be way too confusing. Terrato/Midgardsormr Midgardsormr is one of the correct ways to translate the name of the esper, but the consonant jumble at the end looks awkward for English speakers (since it's Old Norse). There's nothing that great or special about the name Terrato, especially not the accuracy, so I saw no real reason to restore it. Midgard Serpent or World Serpent would be too long to fit in, so I went with the alternate name for the world serpent in Old Norse that isn't as awkward: Jormungand. That name is actually what the esper is called in the French translation of FF6A, and it's been used variously in other Final Fantasy titles (like FFX) to represent the same entity as the Midgardsormr, so there's little difference beyond one looking a bit nicer and being easier to pronounce. Zone Seek/Zona Seeker Hate that "a"! So I reverted the e to make it Zone while keeping the Seeker. A strange minor change. Zokka Zocca. Purely cosmetic change. I have no idea why I did this. Coco Koko. Oh, so that's where those Ks went! Purely cosmetic change. I have no idea why I did this. -------------- Special Thanks -------------- Novalia Spirit. Without his table files for the European version of FF6A, this wouldn't have been possible. Deathlike2. For answering a specific question I had in the course of the process of creating the patch and thus enabling some additional lines to be reverted. ---------- Disclaimer ---------- I am not responsible for any crazy things that happen as a result of this patch, but it's been pretty well tested and the edits are mostly just to text and spacing, so I wouldn't expect there to be any problems. Obviously keep a copy of the original version of the game just in case. One note though: it hasn't yet been tested using GBA or DS flash carts. I don't see why it wouldn't work, since these aren't major programming changes, but just a warning. ------------------------------------ Compatability note for other patches ------------------------------------ This patch modifies and uses monster lines that were dummied out of the original game at 9BF0C3, 9BF33B and 9BF1FC. It also modifies a 4 bits of monster AI to point to different dialogue locations (only to gain additional space for particular lines).