FFV Advance GBA Difficulty ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an mod made for GBA, made for be a port from "Final Fantasy V Neo Difficulty", I made as an project to testing data. So thanks to Lythos for this mod made for SFC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Additional things ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GBA Jobs were made stronger. The Berserker job and the Berserker status uses the !Mineuchi attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. To do list ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change the Cloister of the Dead to make it more challenging, and giving EXP and Money like the bosses from Final Fantasy I to IV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Help ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need some text accuracies in those text for the GBA Version: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Faustkeil FRA: Hatchet ITA: Accetta ESP: Hacha de mano ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Axt für den täglichen Gebrauch. FRA: Hache pour un usage quotidien. ITA: Ascia fatta per l'uso quotidiano. ESP: Hacha hecha para su uso diario. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Wasser FRA: Aqua ITA: Acqua ESP: Aqua ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Wüstenfeinden Wasserelementar Schaden zufügt. FRA: Inflige des dégâts d'eau aux ennemis du désert. ITA: Infligge danni di elemento acqua ai nemici del deserto. ESP: Causa daño del elemento Agua a enemigos del desierto. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Knoblauch FRA: Ail ITA: Aglio ESP: Ajo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Sterblich Relikt FRA: Memento Mori ITA: Ricordo funebre ESP: Reliquia mortal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GER: Flut FRA: Inondation ITA: Flusso ESP: Inundación ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Which do I need to patch this game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- •A Final Fantasy V Advance ROM game backup Final Fantasy V Advance (USA) Final Fantasy V Advance (Europe) •Lunar IPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You need to apply to an unmodified ROM Backup 2. Select the Start-up Patch and apply in the Rom 3. Select an Difficulty patch of your preference and apply in the Rom 4. Apply with Lunar IPS in the "Apply Patch" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy V are copyright from Square Enix. This patch must only be used for personal purpose and not be used for profit, and I'm not associated with the company previously mentioned. This person it’s not responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect, or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. -------------------------------------------------------------------------