Note: Remember to use EUROPEAN version of Metroid:ZERO Mission for this patches to work. Thanks you for checkin or downloading METROID: RE Zero Mission as you saw or knew it was originally better zero mission. which was mostly a try for modding the European version than an actual vanilla+ of the last. know the 101 % it's already possible without any issues , if you see anything odd feel free to send me a DM on Discord at meinosbelfort or on the current thread about RE: Zero Mission. Know that all the change was made possible because of ASM , Hex Tweak and a gfx editor. since MAGE v2.0 isn't gonna be released sooner or later. Version update would be released once enough change would be made to be more than enough worth releasing. same for fixes or curent ASM editing. Special Thanks: Somerando: Helpt me with the EUR asm patches for finding issues and helpt me fix them. (Minimap / Progressive map) Yohann: To have help me with some hex tweaks (walljump with space jump value for example) Zidj/[Formelly Ckosmick]: to help me find some value for editing some ASM and put them on the EUR version with some tweaks. Metconst community: Support in general keeping me going further toward it. Tsuny Fox (RE v1.00) : Helpt me for importing a custom music. Azrafox/André Moraph: Helpt me for both some recolor and graphical choices. What to does in future versions: -Allowing 5x3 Minimap -Finallising the sprite recolor. -Allowing the Super Metroid Controls. -Fixing soft lock that could be found during the time lapse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 [12nd June 2024] -Double jump got removed (since it made space jump obselete) -All of the animated tile (tourian acid excluded) are now way smoother. -animated Water graphics are more transparent. -101 % Completions is possible (allow to fight a bulkier mecha instead of 100%) -Mecha ridley is now beam sensible (to balance it for low% since he's bulkier) -All Languages got edited to shown their own text color for items. -Almost all ASM got renewed. -All red outline got removed. -Added Progressive map and 4th palette mini/map patches. -Made bosses more balanced. -Brown ripper got faster. -Fish at crateria got faster. -Fix imago pseudo charge beam soft lock. -Power bombs HUD got fixed. -Some area got revised. -Proper shortcut got added. -"Red" zeela falling eyes shown the proper color. -Fixed the crash with golden bridge (cutscene now play) -All unknown items are fully skippable (Learning to bomb jump is required if you skip the space jump) -Space pirate gfx got revamped. -HQ samus sprite got added in the items select. -A custom OST got added (Use song 57 / Unused 3 in Sappy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.1 [31st December 2023, 20th ZM annivarsary] -Hud got renewed (way less messy / glitchy) -Lot's of QoL ASM got implemented and renewed , same for the one in 0.1b [EUR code Made by myself, OG US Made by the Metconst Community] -Most of the red outline got removed and a few area entirely recolored. -A few rooms got edited to allow faster exploration and skipping some major items forced in vanilla. -Gravity suit is now "properly balanced" , taking less damage because of heat and other hazard. -Varia suit isn't forced anymore , same as for space jump. -Plasma and Ice beam GFX got edited to be less blocky -Charge beam attract drops like the prime series , and R-shoting is a thing like in metroid fusion. -Some cutscene got recolored (brinstar) to allow further immersion or being more close to the newer game. -Hi-Jump Boots have now the same use as the prime series and dread , allowing a second jump in mid air. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1b [12nd March 2023 Testing the water version] -HUD got edited and moved to be more clean , like in Project ZM and ES Mission. -Samus Walljump got reduced by 3 (1 on each frame) , allowing faster execution. -ZSS Walljump got reduced by 3 (1 on each frame) , allowing faster execution. -Walljump work with Space Jump / Space + Screw Attack , like in super metroid (Thanks Yohann for the last tweak) -Ridley shown up before getting into gravity suit room in his lair. -Power suit Samus loop for running and spin jump have a slower animation , Making it more belivable. -All Unknown items are skipable (Finish the game would require bomb and wall jump if skipping them) -Imported Fusion Style R-shot from the US Version (ASM Patch made by Raygun , European version by me) -Imported Item select from the US version (ASM patch) got imported in that version too. -Imported SM Style walljump from the US version (ASM patch Made by biospark , European version by me) -Black Pirate are weak to all beam. -Hard Mode is unlocked right at the beginning -Fusion Gallery is unlocked right at the beginning.