Hello, sorry for this rushed ReadMe, but I will aim to make this more detailed in the future. For the detailed list of changes, you may refer to the excel sheet. This file will go over the changes I made in the game very quickly. I. UNITS: 1) Stat changes have been made for ally and enemy units. A scoring system was devised to improve base stat and growth points allocation for units. For example, a soldier has a total of 60 points allocated among base STR, AGI, and INT. Then, a total of 21 points for divided for growth in HP, STR, INT, and AGI. MP is ignored in this system. In comparison, a Dragon Tamer will have 65 points for base stats and 22 points for growths. In general, melee/ranged units have 65 base stat points and 22 points for growths. While casters have 65 base stat points and 21 points for growths. 2) Beasts and Dragons all have better base stat points (+20) and better growth points (+24) than humans. Special allies have the same base stats and growth points than the basic and advance classes but the allocation is different to encourage teams that are not solely comprised of special allies. 3) Physical resistances and elemental resistances have been altered. Archers are very vulnerable to physical and magical attacks while elemental dragons have extreme resistance to their respective elements but are vulnerable to the opposite element. 4) Skills learned and spells/abilities useable by units have been changed. For example, Euphaire can now use all spells in the game, to help with her limited spell slots and archers can learn Lachesis (albeit nerfed) at level 15. 5) Enemy stats have been altered as well to make them more challenging :) II. EQUIPMENT/SPELLS/ABILITIES 1) Improved the variety of weapons to not be merely one hitting harder than the other and has a different element. Weapon types now have varying benefits: - One-handed swords: improved base power across the board - Two-handed swords: grant strength bonus and improved base power across the board - Thrusting swords: lowered base power but grants bonus physical resistance - Katanas: improved base power, grant bonus agility, but reduce physical resistance - Bows: improved base power, but reduce physical resistance - Crossbows: improved base power, now one-handed, can paralyze, but increased weight - Staves: now two-handed - Fans: now two-handed; grant bonus agility and intelligence - Hammers: improved base power, can confuse, but increased weight - Axes: improved base power, grant bonus physical resistance, but increased weight - Whips: now one-handed, lowered base power, all can now grant status effects, no damage loss penalty (same in OG) - Spears: grant bonus intelligence, grant defense vs dragons and beasts - Shields: no changes 2) Armors received no changes (might consider modifying in the future) 3) Accessories except for FireCrest and Glass Pumpkin received no changes (might consider modifying in the future). Firecrest is now useless and GlassPumpkin grants moderate physical resistance and minimal resistance to all elements 4) Certain equipment unobtainable by the player have been modified to make enemies more challenging. 5) Altar of Resurrection is now useless. Resurrection will be the only intended way to revive fallen allies. 6) Spells/Abilities have been modified. For example, Temptation and Petrifying Breath now have greater MP cost and shorter range. The different elemental breaths now have different MP costs and power, with Poison Breath being spammable every turn and Fire Breath being a shotgun that can burst down magically vulnerable enemies. 7) Resurrection is broken in the game. Just changing the MP cost made this spell unable to revive again. Cannot even revert the change in Nightmare Module after changing the MP cost back. Sorry. Will fix in the future. 8) Teleport and Tranquilize are now useless. III. ENEMIES AND BATTLES 1) Enemies have been made more challenging with improved equipment, stat growths, and emblems (e.g. some have Bloody Reign, Charisma, and Relix/Ripple Grozz Nuy emblems). Can't have only you being overpowered monsters. 2) Enemy formations have been updated. I'm speculating that there will be quite a few people that will have problems with the mermaid fights. 3) The story fights were only made up to Path B Ostorea Crypt. No changes yet were made to Path A, random encounters, Glycinia and Lubinya battles, and quests. Level scaling for enemies has not yet been implemented. Will finish modifying everything, I swear... And that's it. Thank you for taking time to try this hack out. :)