Don't you just -hate- it when you have a weapon you like, and -it- -breaks-?! Well, this hack solves that problem. Using the -brilliant- "FEBuilderGBA" located right here (, I have made every item in the game unbreakable. Weapons, armor, everything. This makes everything, yes -everything-, you have unbreakable. Unfortunately, the same applies to your -enemies-. Oh well, that is life. You have to take the bad with the good. You still get to have unbreakable weapons. If you are using Windows XP, you can patch the rom by going here ( Since most offline patching programs won't work on Windows XP. Yes, "FEBuilderGBA" works on Windows XP. Check out my site in the "Games" section. You'll find some stuff on it that is not on here. Like some cheat code files.