Summon Night Sword Craft Story (USA): Anti-Grind patch SmnNiteSwrdcrftStry Anti-Grind (USA).ips This patch does the following: -Amulet item lasts x8 times the amount of original steps -Enemies yield x4 the amount of money Known bugs: -Guardian Beast assisted foes: EXP = (Money x 4) ::::::::::::::::: ::Hacking Notes:: ::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------- Current Amulet Steps [RAM address] 200007c Original Value 019000 00 90 01 Amulet Steps [ROM address] 68584 [Base read value] 68586 [Multiplier] 4902 -> 0903 [lsl r1, r1, 9h -> r1, r1 0Ch]// x8 Lasting effect ------------------------------------------------- Handles money after battle, (redundant/unused code?) 2F68C [ROM address] 0004 -> 8000 [lsl r0, r0, 10h -> r0, r0, 2h] //Multiply current read money by 4 2F68E [ROM address] 000C -> C046 [lsr r0, r0, 10h -> nop] //Do nothing UPDATE: Battles against foes assisted by a Guardian Beast seem to calculate their EXP from here for some reason... ------------------------------------------------- "Money multiplier" code found online Only multiplies then adds last read value, regardless of enemy quantity, after battle 2F694 [ROM address] 0918 -> 8100 [add r1, r1, r0 -> lsl r1, r0, 2h] ------------------------------------------------- end