Hello! I'm Griscuit, and this is version 5.0 of Thousand-Year Door+. Before you start grabbing at the files, please give this document a read. To use this mod, you're going to need three things: An NTSC iso of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (find this by your own means.) Note that you'll need the 1.35GB version of the iso. If you have the 577mb NKit version of the iso, you can convert it to the full-sized iso using the Nkit tool. An up-to-date version of the Dolphin emulator: https://dolphin-emu.org/ And Delta Patcher: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ There are three versions of this mod to choose from – the basic, no-frills mod brings things closer to the Japanese release and fixes various goofs from the English localization (i.e. characters changing names, enemies displaying the wrong stats, etc.) The second is the “extra” mod. It includes everything in the base mod, as well as some fun new extras that make the game a slightly different experience. The third is the “modern” mod. It includes all the content from the first two mods, as well as new designs for certain enemies and items that bring them more in-line with how they appear in modern Paper Mario titles. To see in greater detail what the different mods contain, check out the documents included in this zip. To install this mod, you're going to want to boot up Delta Patcher, and select your unmodified TTYD iso as the "Original File". Then, choose from “TTYD+ (basic)”, “TTYD+ (extra)”, or “TTYD+ (modern)”. Select this file as the "XDelta Patch". Click on "Apply Patch", and there you have it! You've got a patched iso ready to go. If you're playing on Dolphin and want to have the full HD experience, TTYD+ is fully compatible with Invader's HD Thousand-Year Door texture pack, which can be found here: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-paper-mario-ttyd-hd-texture-pack-v0-9b-december-4-2016 Do note that the HD pack is still a work-in-progress, and as such does not replace all of the game's textures yet. To use TTYD+ in conjunction with the HD pack, there are a few extra steps to take: First, download the latest version of Invader's texture pack. You'll see a folder called “G8M” in there. Move the “HD Textures” folder included in this .zip into G8M. While this includes textures for all three versions of this mod, the game will only load textures for the mod you're currently playing -- so if, for instance, you're playing the Basic version, you don't have to worry about textures from the Extra or Modern versions showing up. Next, go into your Documents, and select the “Dolphin Emulator” folder. Dolphin creates this folder when it's first booted up. Go into the “Load” folder, and move G8M into it. That's that! The final thing you have to do is boot up Dolphin, go into “Graphics Settings”, select the “Advanced” tab, and turn on “Load Custom Textures” Now you're ready to play! --- VERSION 5.0 CHANGELOG: ALL VERSIONS: - Some of the dialogue during the initial confrontation with the Shadow Sirens was rewritten to be more faithful to the Japanese script. - Previous versions of this mod renamed Bobbery's drink “Vintage Chuckola,” as a compromise between “Vintage Red” and “Chuckola Cola.” Upon further thought, this seems counter to the main point of this mod (namely, bringing things closer to the original Japanese script) so this version renames the drink “Vintage Red,” the same as the Japanese version. - Ms. Mowz's primer was originally written in first-person, while all the other partner primers are in third-person. It has been rewritten in third-person for the sake of consistency. - During the Schwonk Fortress quiz, one of the questions references Koopa Koot, like in the Japanese version. - One of Koopie Koo's lines was mistakenly left out of the original North American release. This line has been re-inserted. EXTRA AND MODERN MOD: - Squeeks have been renamed “Little Mousers,” which is what the species is called in most other appearances. - The 8-bit sprites of Mario (both the default version and the L Emblem version) are now taken directly from Super Mario Bros. All other 8-bit sprites (W Emblem, WL Emblem, and partners) use an NES-accurate color palette. - The title of Chapter 3, “Of Glitz & Glory,” has been renamed “The King of Fighters.” This is borrowed from the Spanish translation, much like Rawk Hawk being renamed “Hawk Hogan.” MODERN MOD ONLY: - Swoops have been recolored to bring them in-line with their Origami King design. Swoopulas and Swampires have been left unchanged. - The screenshot of Glitzville in the credits sequence now shows the updated Hammer Bro. color palette. HD TEXTURE PACK: - The HD Swoop textures have been recolored with their Origami King color palette. --- Thank you for reading all the way through this, and I hope you enjoy this mod! I'd also like to express my dearest thanks to Games Repainted, who discovered how to mod this game's text files. Check out their Thousand-Year Door Repainted stream, and download their Repainted texture pack if you like what you see! Additionally, thank you to everyone who has helped playtest this mod and suggested additional changes. If you discover any oddities with the mod (or if you have any suggestions for future versions) send me an email at griscuitsandbavy@gmail.com. Feedback is very much appreciated!