This mod has been in the making for the past 3 months (alongside the same type of mod for the first Prime game). Its the first full scale enemy mod that has actually been released for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and after working on it for so long, I now know why.... (hint: it was quite hard) The file that you download is a xDelta file, which is used to patch an unmodified .iso (not gcm) of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (USA/NTSC) All you have to do is use the included Delta Patcher and patching it should be simple. (The xDelta file is really big, so it will freeze for a bit while patching, don't panic, this is normal.) I would like to give a big shout out to Aruki and everyone else on the Metroid Prime Hacking Discord for making Prime World Editor thus making this mod possible! (Seriously, allot of the people on the discord are way smarter than I am and without the level editor, I wouldn't be able to do anything) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES (important)   TEMPLE GROUNDS GFMC Compound - Heavy lag first pass when dark splinters appear from portals. Sky Temple Gateway - Dark samus is doubled but has some AI conflicts. It works though, just expect a little jank. (also one of the dark samsus will stand still and do nothing for a bout 10-15 seconds, and then he will start attacking just fine)  GREAT TEMPLE Temple Sanctuary - When the Alpha Splinters spawn, you have to damage each one of them a certain amount to spawn the ING that posses them. (you'll know when you damage one enough cause it stops jumping at you) You can technically kill one of them before damaging the other enough, but it would take like 20 minutes XD and it would probably break the fight so.... Sanctuary - FINAL BOSS - Unfortunately due to issues that are seemingly out of my control, the game freezes when the 3rd stage of the emperor Ing tries to summon lasers to attack you. This happens even if I don't change anything in the room. So I still doubled the first 2 phases, but when the 3rd phase happens, the boss dies immediatly.  AGON WASTES Temple Access - Metaree's in the back nearest to temple alert only when you get very close to them. Dark Agon Temple - Sandworms sometimes lose sight of you and patrol around for about 5 seconds then go underground (they will come back up in about 2 seconds and then notice you again)  TORVUS BOG Torvus Plaza - Due to instability (similar to the wasp nests mentioned in "ALL"), there won't be a second spore here.  SANCTUARY FORTRESS Spider guardian boss fight - Recommend to not boost through the boxes near the end of the fight (the ones that give you health) as it has crashed once when testing (only once out of several tests, but better safe than sorry) - Halved damage from Spider Guardian due to how hard it is with 2 of them (tell me if that's not enough). - Also in the final section, if you activate the lower left bomb slot while the original spider guardian is on the left side of the door, unlike normally, it won't push the door open and deactivate the bomb slots (due to issues with the other spider guardian, I got rid of this) so it will just go back and forth until the "stun" time is up. During this time DO NOT hit all the bomb slots needed to turn them red where they go and electrify themselves as this will make the fight unbeatable Main Research - Caretaker Class Drone - Due to memory limits, I had to change the normal Quads that would be here, to spawn AFTER the Caretaker Class Drone is defeated (it freezes otherwise). Thus, when you come back into the room, the quads will be here, and the doors will lock if they notice you. Once you defeat them and leave the room and come back, the Rezbits will be here like normal. Transit Station - Don't linger here while you haven't defeated the "Caretaker Class Drone" as It will eventually Freeze. Quadraxis Boss Fight = So the way I duplicated this boss fight, I made it so that the cutscenes (aside from the intro and death cutscenes) don't happen, but the "cinematics" that happen during them still do. I did this cause it allows you to get 1 of the bosses to its next stage, while the other one is in another stage (basically separating them from each other) But due to this, if you get one of the bosses to the last stage while the other boss is still in its first stage (full body with head attached), during the cinematic where the head is destroying the shoulder pads on the lower body, the game will freeze. To fix this, you just need to make sure the other boss is in its second stage (past the cinematic that takes place between the first and second stage) before you get any boss to stage 3. ALL The game might have heavy lag in certain situations...especially with any enemy that spawns a 'portal' (shouldn't last more than a couple seconds though) Certain rooms that didn't lock before, will now lock and require you to defeat all the enemies in the room first (this is because the game would crash if you tried to leave the room without defeating the enemies.) Due to some strange instability regarding duplicating the wasp nests, most of them won't be duplicated and instead will just spawn twice as many wasps twice as fast. NOTES Remember that you have to scan BOTH grapple guardians to activate there weak point, not just one. (I struggled with this for so long lol) The Jump Guardian and Amorbis bosses don't work properly while doubled so... I did something special :) Feel free to tell me if you come into any issues that were not listed above.