------------------------------------- Luigi's Mansion: First-Person Optimized (v1.1.5) By Sky Bluigi ------------------------------------- https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6460/ [DESCRIPTION] ____________________ A simple modification aimed to optimize the game-play of Luigi's Mansion to accommodate a first-person perspective, made possible using an Action Replay code by Laser Crusader. This novelty hack makes the game fully playable through the eyes of Luigi, transforming the Gamecube classic into an unusual sort of FPS; one focused on hunting ghosts in a spooky mansion, presented as a lighthearted adventure with some eerie undertones. Besides the adjustments made for first-person, this hack also contains the following changes: -You can now freely explore the Lab and walk to the adjacent rooms (besides the one with the Portrificationizer). -You can now climb the ladder in the Lab to get up to the mansion, and also return to the Lab through the mansion's front doors as necessary. -There is some new dialogue to E. Gadd's training tips in order to teach players the best way to play in first-person. -The overall difficulty has been made a bit higher, due to increased enemy damage by 5 hit points (10 in the Hidden Mansion), as well as slightly altered enemy stats to help balance the 'tug-of-war' with each ghost in first-person. -The Hidden Mansion is now less forgiving, since heart drops will no longer spawn from furniture. Instead, you might find something else... -Your HP will no longer refill after clearing an area. (This is simply to make a 'no-hearts' run possible to attempt for hardcore players.) Instructions and utilities to patch to the game are included in the download, as well as a few alternative patches you can use: Inverted C-Stick Controls The default Y-Axis is: Up=Down & Down=Up. This patch inverts it to: Up=Up & Down=Down. Better FOV [Experimental] This patch increases the field-of-view slightly so that you can see farther to the sides of your vision. It's useful, but it causes mirror reflections to look squashed, so keep that in mind. Better FOV + Inverted C-Stick This patch is a combination of the other two. In addition, a handy cheat code + GCT file is provided, which allows you to toggle the flashlight on/off by simply pressing the B Button, instead of having to hold it down to keep the light off. There are still some kinks to iron out before this hack is considered 'done', but hopefully you'll enjoy what it currently has to offer! :) !!QUICK NOTE BEFORE PLAYING!! Please make sure to use the Sidestep control scheme, either by selecting it on the PAUSE Screen or in the Options Menu. If you don't, controlling Luigi will be much more difficult and unpleasant. Also, to help reduce possible motion sickness, try not to wiggle the left stick too much while catching ghosts. For the most part, just keep a steady pull backwards to drain their HP. {CHANGELOG} ----------- 4/19/2023 v1.1.5 HOTFIX - Restored Luigi's idle routine, since he wasn't reacting properly to certain attacks. Additionally, an embarrassing file mix-up was corrected, which (among other things) caused the Ice Medal chest in the Tea Room to spawn on a table, softlocking the player's progress. (My apologies, everyone! I'll be sure not to miss any bugs next time.) ----------- 4/1/2023 v1.1.5 - Luigi's idle routine will no longer activate, making it more practical to aim while standing still. (Credit goes to LMFinish for providing the code!) There might be some other new things, too... Can you find them? ----------- 3/31/2022 v1.1.2 - Restored the double suction power for the Hidden Mansion in order to accomodate speedrunners. In addition, some redundant dialogue has been removed; from the training sequence and the call prior to entering the first hallway, respectively. ----------- 1/12/2022 v1.1 - Fixed a number of bugs and coding oversights, and introduced the following: --New loading zones added to the Lab, so you can travel to your desired destinations on foot, giving functionality to the map. --Edited E. Gadd dialogue during training, so he's more helpful. --Slightly increased damage from ghost attacks. (5 additional hit points, doubled to 10 in the Hidden Mansion.) --Edited stats for nearly all ghosts so it's a little harder to reel them in (to compensate a bit for ghost-catching being a LOT easier in first-person). --Disabling of the increased suction power you normally get in the Hidden Mansion. (Credit goes to Bryce!) --Overwritten furniture drops in the Hidden Mansion so that you can no longer get hearts to refill HP, except from catching ghosts. (Instead, you'll find poison mushrooms and banana peels in their place.) --The ability to use the front doors to the mansion to go back to the Lab, so you don't have to quit the game and reload your file to get there. --Some other miscellaneous changes not worth noting. ----------- 12/30/2021 v1.0 - Initial release ----------- Requirements: -An unmodified ISO of the North American (USA) version of Luigi's Mansion, ripped from a physical retail disc with a filesize of 1.4GB -Dolphin Emulator, or a way to play on a Gamecube/Wii ============ How To Patch ============ ------- On Windows: --- Step 1 - Open xdeltatUI.exe. You should see the application launch a window with three blank boxes inside a tab labeled 'Apply Patch'. Step 2 - Click on the 'Open...' button that's right of the 'Patch' box. It'll open a file explorer window where you need to search for an .xdelta patch. Step 3 - Locate the 'Luigi's Mansion FPO' xdelta patch that you should have extracted from the .zip package OR one of the optional patches, if you want. Step 4 - Once you've selected the FPO patch of your choice, click 'Open' on the bottom right of the window. The 'Patch' box in the main xdelta window should now have the patch location stored inside it. Step 5 - Now click the 'Open' button next to the 'Source File' box. Now you need to find and select a Gamecube ISO disc image, which in this case needs to be an ISO of the USA version of Luigi's Mansion, untampered and ripped from a retail disc. (It should be about 1.4GB in size.) Step 6 - Once you've located your Luigi's Mansion ISO, select it and click 'Open'. Now the 'Source File' box should have the ISO location stored. Step 7 - Now click the 'Open' button for the 'Output File' box. Just select whatever location you want to save your new patched ISO. (In a folder, on the desktop, on an SD card/USB drive...) ------- If you're planning to play on original hardware as opposed to Dolphin (and don't ALREADY have a way of doing so), you can easily look up a number of different methods to load GC games on an actual Gamecube/Wii. I recommend Nintendont for the Wii, since that's the easiest to set up. ------- Step 8 - Type in the file name box 'Luigi's Mansion FPO.iso' or whatever else you want to call it. (As long as you have the '.iso' extension at the end, it should be fine.) Now click 'Save'. The 'Output File' box should have the selected location for your patched ISO stored. Almost done now! :) Step 9 - Now just click the 'Patch' button at the bottom of the window. It should start creating a patched copy of your original Luigi's Mansion ISO, using the FPO patch. Step 10 - All you need to do now is wait for the patching process to finish. If it's taking a really long time, don't panic! It should still be working. Eventually, it should finish patching and give you a message saying 'File patched successfully.' You're basically all done now! Now just go ahead and boot up FPO in Dolphin/Nintendont/etc. The game should load without a problem. If, on the other hand, the game doesn't boot up or crashes after a certain point, check your settings for whatever you're using to see if something in your configuration is causing the problem. If that doesn't fix anything, you can either attempt to patch again, or contact me for help. ------- On macOS: --- Use the included MultiPatch application. It should work basically the same as xdeltaUI does. :P (I have no way of testing it myself...) ------- On Linux: --- Since there are many different branches of linux operating systems, I'm not sure where to start with writing patching instructions for people using those. So unless you're willing to look up how to use .xdelta patches on your linux distro, you'll need to switch to Windows or macOS for this. Sorry. :| ====================================== If you need more helpful instructions (or want to give ME more helpful instructions to include in this guide), you can contact me on YouTube, Discord, or Romhacking.net. My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbGsyv1ubw9idAAv6t-b5Mw. Luigi's Bigger Mansion Discord: https://discord.gg/uRSyNCZHeZ (I finally replaced the broken link that was here. Sorry it took so long!)