Truxton/Tatsujin IPS patch 27th March 2016 by fusaru, made with HivePAL, TileLayerPro ==Purpose of the patch== Modify the colors, sprites, background layers to make the game look closer to the original arcade version. ==Usage== Apply the included IPS file to the ROM (e.g. via Retron 5, dedicated program such as "StealthPatch IPS Patcher"). If you get a red screen, the checksum needs to be fixed. Programs such as ESE FixCheckSum can do this for you. ==Notes== *The base version is already a very good port. Toaplan seems to have ported this in-house. They've designed a clever palette switching system that creates palettes on the fly to allow numberous different enemies on screen. This was apparently reused for Same!Same!Same!/Fire Shark and Daisenpuu/Twin Hawk. *With a bit of extra ROM space, this could have been a perfect port in terms of background tiles and sprite detail *I've touched up most sprites and background graphics to make the game look closer to the original. Also moved around some color indexes here and there to make more out of the restricted color space. However, I've also had to improvise a bit in certain areas due to palette restrictions, e.g. the flaming birds in stage 4 are now red instead of light pink. *if somebody has the time, knowledge and skill, this game could use another few modifications to get closer to the arcade version: make the game start at loop 2 difficulty, slow down the music in NTSC mode, change the third red power up back to the arcade version's spreadshot... this could lead to some slowdown or sprite overflow though. *for HivePAL users that want to improve this or do their own colors The first block of colors starts at 9ED6: player ships (9ED6 Red, 9F72 Blue, 9F92 Green), title screen, stage backgrounds. The second block of colors starts at A1F2: standard enemies, boss colors, ending colors ==legal stuff== Do whatever you want with these files, it's just a hobby. Feel free to edit, improve and resubmit.