Twin Cobra/Kyuukyoku Tiger IPS patch version 2.00 14th July 2016 by fusaru made with Tile Layer Pro, HivePAL, GIMP, Bless Hex Editor, Sega Data Compressor ==Purpose of the patch== Reinserts sprites and tiles from the arcade version for a more faithful look. Palettes have also been tweaked. Contains one patch for Twin Cobra (US release) and one for Kyuukyoku Tiger (JP release) ==Usage== Apply the included IPS file to the ROM (e.g. via Retron 5, Cybergadet Retrofreak, dedicated program such as "StealthPatch IPS Patcher"). If you get a red screen, the checksum needs to be fixed. Programs such as ESE FixCheckSum can do this for you. This IPS patch expands the rom size as the redrawn graphics are slightly bigger than the ones they replace. Please ensure your patcher supports this (confirmed working with the patching methods mentioned above) ==Notes== *version 2.00 now also has modified sprites and a slightly different palette in order to improve projectile visiblity. *The game uses the "Nemesis" type of compression. *very strange design philosophy by the programmers to use only one fixed 16 color palette for every single ingame background. With a palette swap mechanism, this could have looked even closer to the arcade original. If somebody feels like programming this, please contact me. *The game sacrifices one full 16 color palette to make enemies flash in red/yellow. *The infamous yellow tanks, projectiles, explosion effects and more enemies use the same 4 yellow/orange tones. Had to go for a compromise here. The impact of this has been reduced by the redrawn sprites. *The game shares a fair amount of tiles e.g. train station in stage 6 shares tiles with the chimney house in stage 3/8 and main battleship. Certain graphics had to be adjusted to not stand out. *for Hivepal users: most game palettes are stored around "7C74", helicopers are at "15D2". Japanese version locations are just bit off. For pointers see later on. ==Updates with version 2.00== *all sprites aside from a few projectiles redrawn to look more detailed and arcade-like *title screen appearance was edited *pointer locations included *minor palette editing for better visibility *ROM expanded to include redrawn sprites *fixed a few wrongly colored white and red house tiles in stage 5 and 10 ==Updates with version 1.01== *fixed a bug that causes garbage graphics in later stages *ported to the japanese version *minor graphic cleanups ==Legal stuff== Do whatever you want with these files, it's just a hobby. Feel free to further edit and resubmit. ==Pointers== This is only relevant for people that want to do further work on this. Enemies,effects 2FF92 move to A0000 pointer location 228B Pickups, Player 2F1A6 move to A3DE0 pointer location 2271 Stage 1 boss 338B0 moved to A4560 pointer location 9145 Stage 2 boss 33E2A move to A4BA0 pointer location 9163 Stage 3 boss green 34340 move to A5190 pointer location 9179 Stage 3 boss orange 3485C move to A5730 pointer location 918D Stage 4 boss orange 34D7E move to A5CBC pointer location 91A3 Stage 4 boss gray 35258 move to A6298 pointer location 91B7 Stage 5 boss 35702 move to A6874 pointer location 91CD Stage 5 boss damaged 2461A move to A6E00 pointer location 7325 Stage 6 boss blue 35B7A move to A76AC pointer location 91E5 Stage 6 boss green 3620A move to A7DDC pointer location 91F9 Stage 7 boss 3673A move to A837C pointer location 9211, 9225 Stage 7 boss connector 36DC4 move to A8A98 pointer location 9239 Stage 8 boss green 36FE8 move to A8D40 pointer location 9251 Stage 8 boss orange 374FC move to A9308 pointer location 9265 Stage 9 boss green 37A12 move to A98A8 pointer location 927D Stage 9 boss blue 37EC4 move to A9E0C pointer location 9291 Stage 10 boss left 38368 move to AA370 pointer location 92A9 Stage 10 boss right 38716 move to AA7F8 pointer location 92BD Stage 10 boss damaged 24D5C move to AACD0 pointer location 7343 Ships 2F806 move to AB5B8 pointer location 229F, 1961