Xenon 2 IPS patch version 1.00 15th July 2016 by fusaru made with HivePAL ==Purpose of the patch== Modifies palettes so the game looks closer to the Amiga version. ==Usage== Apply the included IPS file to the ROM (e.g. via Retron 5, Cybergadet Retrofreak, dedicated program such as "StealthPatch IPS Patcher"). If you get a red screen, the checksum needs to be fixed. Programs such as ESE FixCheckSum can do this for you. ==Notes== *most palettes are located here: 032040 *title screen and loading screen palette: 071098 *the ROM contains the palette for the final 2 mechanical stages that have been cut from the this port (032144). Tiles from these 2 stages however don't seem to be present. The game contains many uncompressed tiles (perhaps fully uncompressed) and can be explored with software such as Tile Layer Pro. *the game runs in max PAL resolution of 320x240 but simulates Amiga resolution screen by adding black borders *invincibility AR code (for debugging) 6A76:0000 ==Legal stuff== Do whatever you want with these files, it's just a hobby. Feel free to further edit and resubmit.