Hack Name: Streets of Rage 2: Ditto Edition A Hack Of: Streets of Rage 2! Hacked By: Metal64 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalOverlord64 Contact: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011919125247 website: https://metal64romhacks.wixsite.com/metal64romhacks INSTRUCTIONS Use programs like Lunar IPS to apply the IPS patch to your Streets of Rage 2 rom and you'll be ready to go. HACK DETAILS I created this hack-ROM using Pancake2v16, Megadrive Voice Editor and Palletes of Rage characters replaced: Max and Axel CREDITS Neopolos, Cybershadow, Pik, Sponge, Pixeltendo, tSR for make the sprites of: -Jigglypuff Black Lightning for make the sprites of: -Spinarak Neweegee for make the sprites of: -Ivysaur Zeon for make the sprites of: -Charmander evilspike for make the sprites of: -Gastly No Body The Dragon for make the sprites of: -Meowth Rokkan for make the sprites of: -Sneasel Dark angel for make the sprites of: Kingdra Fossil for make the sprites of: -Natu SriterTrooper for make the sprites of: -Trapich -Lanturn melissa (keatongirl13) for ripped the sprites of -gengar Misdreavous525 for ripped the sprites of -Ditto Pikachu trainer for ripped the sprites of -Ditto mr.C for ripped the sprites of -Ditto RobbyDude for make the sprites of: -pikachu Lemon for ripped the sprites of: -Muk -pinsir SmithyGCN for make the sprites of: -Dugtrio frario for make the sprites of: -haunter King Kirby for make the sprites of: -Squirtle -Doduo -elekid -Primeape JoshR691 for make the sprites of: -Abra -Alakazam -Ambipom -Arbok -Breloom -Beedrill -Cacnea -Darmanitian -Electabuzz -electrode -Gallade -Marowak -Magmar -Machop -Machoke -Lickitung -Metang -Rhyhorn -Skarmory -Stantler -Ursaring -Weezing -Sudowoodo -Surskit -Zangoose -Graveller -Heracross -hitmonchan -hitmonlee -Custom Pokemon Attack