::======================================== ::Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... of Rage ::(Summary of Patches to Original SoR2 ROM ::and to the Original TMNT Edition Hack) ::By eskayelle ::August/September/October/November 2019 ::======================================== :: ::**CONTENTS** :: ::*****INTRODUCTION***** ::*****VERSION HISTORY***** ::*****TOOLS USED***** ::*****CREDITS***** ::*****MOVE LIST***** ::*****ADDITIONAL NOTES***** ::*****BATCH FILE ASSEMBLY***** :: :: ::*****INTRODUCTION***** :: ::Cowabunga! For years, I've been wanting to play a new Ninja Turtles game, ::akin to the old arcade ones, or the ones on the 16-bit consoles. ::A year or so back, I discovered a great TMNT hack of Streets of Rage 2 by Carzj. :: ::Recently, I found on RHDN a portrait editor for the game, as written by Dha Lau Hoo. ::While deep into my NBA Jam TE hacks, I remembered that there were a few changes I'd ::have made to that great TMNT Edition hack if I could... like portraits and names on the player select screen... ::maybe add a few shadows where the turtles seemed to float during gameplay... :: ::So I decided to give an update to the hack a go. :: ::And the result is this... Reaganomics! :: :: ::The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix vx.xx.xx [U] [h].bin file is a modified Genesis ROM of Streets of Rage 2; ::it's also an addendum to Carzj's TMNT Edition hack, adding various improvements cited in this document. ::The romhack is distributed as an IPS patch, which should be patched to an original USA Streets of Rage 2 ROM. :: ::The ROM can be opened and played via several emulators, including in Windows, Linux, and Android environments. :: ::The following is a list of known Windows or Android emulators within which this ROM works; ::note that it also works with Raspberry Pi/RetroArch. :: ::Windows-- ::1) Fusion v3.64 ::2) Gens v11c r57shell mod r665 ::3) RetroArch build date Feb 3 2019 :: ::Android-- ::1) MD.emu v1.5.37 :: :: ::*****TOOLS USED***** ::Pancake 2 v1.5 and v1.6 ::SoR2 Level Editor v1.0 ::Gens v11c r57shell mod r665 debugger and trace logs ::TileMolester v0.16 ::FixCheckSum ::SonMapEd v1.05 ::HivePal v02 ::xvi32 ::HxD v. :: :: ::*****VERSION HISTORY***** ::This is a batch file serving two purposes-- ::1) To compile all the .ips files to be associated with the ::Streets of Rage 2 Genesis ROM and create the TMNT of Rage ROM. ::2) To operate as a readme file, documenting the hack revisions and ::corresponding changes to the original ROM. :: ::AUGUST 2019: ::Applied Carzj's TMNT Edition hack patch. ::Used Dha Lau Hoo's SOR2Portraits.txt tutorial to create player select portraits. ::Modified via hex editor the story in attract mode. ::Modified via hex editor the start screen text. ::Modified via hex editor the following (source: gamehacking.org)... ::::Changed $FDE0 to #$6600 ::::Changed $F8EE to #$6700 (activate level select in options) ::::Changed $F9BC to #$6604 (activate 9 lives in options) ::::Changed $F974 to #$6700 ::::Changed $F99C to #$6700 (activate very easy and mania in options) ::::Changed $7844 to #$6016 ::::Changed $787A to #$6016 (display number of KOs above score when paused) ::::::Fun Fact: Pressing A on The Best Ten Players Screen will display K.O.s in the original game. ::Note: It appears the options level items may already be in the ROM. ::Note also that the TMNT Edition hack appears to allow the same characters to be used in a 2P game. ::But... at times, when two players continue, perhaps around the same time, if they select the same character, ::both players will be able to use the same character, but one player will have the wrong name above their life bar. ::It's a bug whose effect cannot be readily generated. ::(The No Continues patch later will resolve this...) ::Fixed names for Garcia, Garuda, and Mosquito via hex editor. ::Using RHDN forum thread info by SCD, modified via hex editor $1E70F (now #$00 versus #$A1); ::Mr. X has his cigar restored once again. ::Modified via hex editor high score table to recognize modders and assets providers. ::Modified via hex editor credits to recognize modders and assets providers. ::Modified via hex editor the post-credits with the special message on HARDEST setting. ::Portrait edits ("sepia" style, based on original palette). ::::Note that the palettes for the flashing portraits appear to be located at $7540 and $7560. ::Portrait edits (color and blank for blink effect). ::With Dha Lau Hoo's guidance, located the offsets for the name tiles (player select screen); ::revised the bytes via hex editor to point to tiles that will assemble the TMNT names. ::Modified via hex editor address $7CC9 to set the Round 3 Pirate Ship BGM to #$09 (Little Money Avenue). ::Via Pancake 2, dumped sprite sheets for the TMNT Edition hack and added shadows to the standing and walking sprites. ::Imported those sprites back into the ROM. ::Fixed glitch in Mike's attack (30 - frames 2 and 3) that were present in the original TMNT Edition hack. ::Fixed missing color in new Mike standing animation. ::Fixed Raph shock animation glitch from original TMNT Edition hack. ::Added shadows to Raph's run animation. ::Modified via hex editor address $F9B6 (now #$0062) and $F9BC (now #$6604) to allow 99 lives option. ::Using the air combo guide (English).txt by Dha Lau Hoo and the Streets of Rage 2 Character Physics.txt guide by Metal64, ::set up physics to allow for limited air/juggle combos. ::Via Pancake 2, revised Mike's throw animation. ::Increased forward walk speed to accommodate for more air combos. ::(This ends 1.25 - Turtle Power...) :: ::Added title screen for Turtles of Rage...! ::Adjusted title screen palette at $5D94 and animation palette at $5BB0 ::to better match the new title screen palette. ::Added shadows to pick-up animations. ::Added shadows to Mike's grab animations. ::Added shadows to flip (get up) animations. ::Added shadows to Raph's grab animations. ::Added shadows to Leo's grab animations. ::Added shadows to Don's grab animations. ::Added shadows to Mike's taunt animation. ::Added shadows to Don's taunt animation. ::Added shadows to Raph's taunt animation. ::Added shadows to Leo's taunt animation. ::Added shadows to being grabbed animations. ::Added shadows and blood to being hit animations. ::Added shadows to Mike's weapon use animations. ::Added shadows to Raph's knife and pipe animations. ::Added shadows to Don's weapon use animations. ::Added shadows to Leo's weapon use animations. ::Added shadows to Raph's normal attack and other weapon animations. ::Added shadows to Mike's normal attack animation. ::Added shadows to Don's normal attack animation. ::Added shadows to Leo's normal attack animation. :: ::SEPTEMBER 2019: ::Added shadows to Mike's middle attack animation. ::Added shadows to Leo's middle attack animation. ::Added shadows to Raph's middle attack animation. ::Added shadows to Don's middle attack animation. ::Added shadows to Mike's back attack animation. ::Added shadows to Leo's back attack animation. ::Added shadows to Don's back attack animation. ::Added additional blood animations and revised top 10 screen. ::(This ends Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... of Rage v1.25.29...) :: ::TMNT Remix - Run, Vault, Rems Longer Jump.ips ::Added run patch, as provided by savok. ::Took that patch and modified Mike's body slam animations ::to allow him to vault instead. ::The run causes the body slams to create a perpetual grab, ::and it removes some of the new body slam animations added to ::the previous TMNT of Rage game, hence the change. ::The run code also renders moot some of the longer jump capabilities ::from the TMNT of Rage game, but increased the jump speed back to that ::from the TMNT of Rage game. ::savok's portion of this patch also corrects for the charge move / taunt ::issue in the original game, so now Leo, Don, and Mike's charge moves work! :: ::TMNT Remix - Remix Title Screen.ips ::Reset address $5C39 to #$1E to shorten the width of the title screen. ::Inserted revised REMIX title screen at $2DA0F0. :: ::TMNT Remix - JPN Palette.ips ::Minor fix to palette for Japanese title screen ($5BC0). ::Note that this rom was built on a USA SoR2 rom. ::If you use a Game Genie master code and region unlock code, ::this will allow you to play the rom on a Japanese console, ::but the Japanese text and Bare Knuckle title screen will generate. ::Best results for viewing the TMNT of Rage Remix title screen ::are to use an American console or an emulator with American region detected. :: ::TMNT Remix - Top 10.ips ::Edits to Top 10 screen. :: ::TMNT Remix - Mini Port.ips ::Edits to Don's mini portrait. :: ::TMNT Remix - Galsia.ips ::Removal of name Garam in favor of bringing back old school Galsia. :: ::TMNT Remix - Restore Jump.ips ::After installing the run code, jump lengths were reduced. ::This patch restores the jumps to the old TMNT of Rage lengths. :: ::TMNT Remix - Credits.ips ::End credits revisions. :: ::TMNT Remix - Remix Title Screen v2.ips ::Revisions to new title screen. :: ::TMNT of Rage - Japanese Title Screen.ips ::Assembly hack to repoint references to the Bare Knuckle Screen over to the TMNT of Rage one! ::Now every region will see the TMNT of Rage title screen! :: ::TMNT Remix - Stats and Speed Swap.ips ::Swapped player stats and walking speeds for each turtle to remix the abilities. ::Leo's now balanced as usual, Mikey's speed, Raph's power, and then there's Donnie... :: ::TMNT Remix - Attack Stats.ips ::Swapped player attack values for each turtle to remix their abilities. :: ::TMNT Remix - Music Moves.ips ::Changed the music pointer in Stage 8 ($A20A) to #$1A = Back to Industry - BGM 24. ::The idea here is to create a sense of greater tension and urgency in Stage 8. ::Then, changed the music pointer (offset $A160) in Stage 7-1 to #$01 = Go Straight unused mix - BGM 01. ::This links Stage 7-1 back to the beginning music in Stage 1-1, but with an unused mix to keep things "new". :: ::TMNT Remix - Donnie Recolored.ips ::Recolored Donnie to make him more purple and less akin to Leo. :: ::TMNT Remix - Donnie Player Select.ips ::Recolored the player select screen to link up Donnie's portrait to his new color. :: ::TMNT Remix - Battle.ips ::Revised BATTLING in rom to read as BATTLE when using a Japanese system. :: ::TMNT Remix - Don Duel Palette $1095A.ips ::TMNT Remix - Mike Duel Palette $1091A.ips ::TMNT Remix - Leo Duel Palette $1094A.ips ::TMNT Remix - Raph Duel Palette $1097A.ips ::Revised palettes for player 2 when they are using the same turtles in a duel. :: ::TMNT Remix - Shredder Palette - A5FA, 08AA.ips ::Replaced Shiva... with Shredder! ::Added Shredder mini-portrait and name. ::Full sprite replacement and clean-up, given need to use TMNT palette. ::Note that one yellow/orange palette color is a duplicate, ::so it was sacrificed to color Shredder's helmet. ::Impacts to life bar, and large letter tile colors only. :: ::TMNT Remix - Story.ips ::Story update. :: ::TMNT Remix - Turn & Run.ips ::Added code provided by savok to all players to run immediately when turning. :: ::TMNT Remix - Ultimate Warrior.ips ::Via $12BCC, replaced the Z. Kusano palette with Abadede's, ::then adjusted it to match closer to the Ultimate Warrior. ::Changed Z. Kusano's name to Warrior. :: ::OCTOBER 2019: ::TMNT Remix - End Text.ips ::Reset the branch related to the text in the last ending picture, ::so that it will display regardless of difficulty setting. ::Corresponding text revision. :: ::Ti -Streets_of_Rage_2_(U)_[no_ff].ips ::Incorporated Ti's No Friendly Fire hack. Other than objects thrown, ::the turtles cannot injure each other, similar to the Hyperstone Heist engine. :: ::TMNT Remix - No Continues.ips ::Difficulty balance -- Continues have been removed. ::If you can select up to 99 players, you don't really need continues... :: ::TMNT Remix - Remove Region Lock.ips ::Revised hex to add the Game Genie master code and remove the region lock. ::This also removes the issue of a bad checksum not allowing the game to play. :: ::TMNT Remix - BTST #7,($00A10001), BNE to BRA (Rem JPN Text).ips ::Using tracelogs, searched for each instance in the ROM where the following command occurred: BTST #7,($00A10001). ::Changed the next command from a BNE to a BRA to skip over any Japanese region screen commands. :: ::TMNT Remix - Credits Revision.ips ::End Credits revision. :: ::TMNT Remix - Stage 1, Scene 1.ips ::TMNT Remix - Stage 3, Scene 6,7.ips ::TMNT Remix - Stage 4, Scene 2,4.ips ::TMNT Remix - Stage 5, Scene 1.ips ::TMNT Remix - Stage 6, Scene 5.ips ::TMNT Remix - Stage 8, Scene 1.ips ::Using SoR2 Level Editor v1.0, revised certain enemies to swap them out and slightly increase game difficulty. :: ::TMNT Remix - Kill End Screens 22098 BEQ 67.ips ::Using a trace log, located the offset by which the frame delay is present for the end credit screens. ::Changed a BNE to a BRA to immediately fade out the end screens. ::Then blacked out all their palettes except the last one. ::This is basically unfinished business, as I can't write code to point to new/different ending screens. ::The information on palette, screen picture, and tile mapping offset is located here: ::https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=29366.0 ::What's missing is ASM code. If anyone can help provide guidance, please feel free to contact me. :: ::TMNT Remix - 0235F8 #1.ips ::Using a trace log, located the offset relevant to the frame delay for the text credits. ::Code at $0235F8 is 53 79 00 FF 91 0E ::Using xvi32, replaced code as follows: ::4E B9 00 02 4C E0 (JSR $00024CE0) ::Then, at $024CE0, added the following: ::53 79 00 FF 91 0E ::53 79 00 FF 91 0E (basically doubles the increment, so it cuts the delay in half) ::4E 75 (RTS) :: ::TMNT Remix - Fix First Line.ips ::But... the end credits using the same function as the opening text, ::so the above match will cause it to end too quickly. ::Create a revised patch... ::Revised code at $024CE0: ::53 79 00 FF 91 0E (the initial increment) ::0C 40 00 1C (CMPI.W #$001C,D0 - a comparison of D0 to #$1C) ::67 02 (BEQ #$02 - If the comparison doesn't subtract to zero, increment again; else RTS) ::4E 75 (RTS) ::53 79 00 FF 91 0E (the second increment to speed up the end) ::4E 75 (RTS) :: ::TMNT Remix - Vaults.ips ::Vault adjustments for all turtles, particularly Mike & Raph. :: ::TMNT Remix - Mike Vault Color.ips ::Adjustment for Mike's vault color. :: ::TMNT Remix - Shredder Hit.ips ::Revised animation for the grab and hit on Shredder. :: ::TMNT Remix - Shredder Kick.ips ::Revised animation for Shredder's kick. :: ::TMNT Remix - Shredder Swap.ips ::Flipped horizontally last frame for Shredder's "final crash" animation. :: ::TMNT Remix - Caddies & Dinos.ips ::Thanks to Dha Lau Hoo, NOP'd $B4D2 to create the "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" effect; ::player can still move after beating a boss. :: ::TMNT Remix - Difficulty & Lives.ips ::Thanks to Dha Lau Hoo, revised byte at $040F to reset default difficulty to Hard. ::Then, used the Gens debugger to find the initial default lives setting at $0415. ::Reset that byte to provide for 9 lives, the equivalent of what the original game gave, ::when all continues were used. :: ::NOVEMBER 2019: ::TMNT Remix - Revised End Text.ips ::End Credit revision -- last screen. :: ::TMNT Remix - End Credit Turtles Screen.ips ::Using Sharpnull's compression tool, inserted a new ending screen. :: ::TMNT Remix - Final Credits.ips ::Revised credits to acknowledge Sharpnull's compression utility and MersoX's TMNT image. :: ::TMNT Remix - Final Story.ips ::Intro edit (story / attract mode). :: ::TMNT Remix - Mike Lying.ips ::Fixed the color in Mike's legs when he's down such that it does not conflict with Stage 4. :: :: ::*****CREDITS***** ::Big thanks to the following folks for their previous work on SoR 2 and in turn the available assets and documentation. ::1) Carzj for the original TMNT Edition hack. ::2) SCD for the restoration hack. ::3) Dha Lau Hoo the portraits tutorial and guidance on editing name titles at the player select screen. ::4) Metal64 for the character physics guide. ::5) Wake for help with formatting the color schemes for the new portraits. ::6) savok for the run code and guidance on making mini-portraits. ::7) Sharpnull for the image compression utility. ::8) J-Vizzle for playtesting. :: ::Special thanks to MarkeyJester, Reaper Man, and RadioShadow for guidance on hacking the SoR2 title screen! :: ::Credits as well the The Spriters Resource and Enscripture for the Shredder TMNT Tournament Fighters sprites. :: ::Plus Ti for the No Friendly Fire hack. :: :: ::*****MOVE LIST***** ::Regular Attack = B ::Flurry of Attacks = B repeatedly ::Charge Attack / Taunt = Hold and release B ::Blitz Attack = (L+L or R+R) + B ::Rear Attack = B + C ::Jump Kick = (L or R) + C + B ::Drop Kick = C + D + B ::(Grab) Power Hit = Wait one second, then B ::(Grab) Flurry Attack 1 = B repeatedly ::(Grab) Flurry Attack 2 = (L or R) toward enemy + B ::(Grab) Body Throw = (L or R) away from enemy + B ::(Grab) Slam = C + B ::Defensive Special = A ::Offensive Special = B + A ::(While Being Thrown) Counter = Hold U and tap C ::Throw Weapon = Pick up weapon, then hold C and tap B :: :: ::*****ADDITIONAL NOTES***** :: ::The following Game Genie or PAR codes may not work in this game: ::::Infinite continues (AL7T-AA62, or #$6002 at address $BB98) ::::99 lives on option screen ::::Various Infinite Energy / Health codes ::But then... do you REALLY need them anyway??? :: ::FYI to the reader... this hack is inefficiently coded. ::Sprites in Pancake 2 sometimes look fine in the utility but glitch in game. ::There were at least 2-3 sprites in the original TMNT Edition with this problem, ::which are fixed in this game by replacing that sprite on the sprite map with a ::new one in expanded ROM. Sometimes sprites I added had the same issue, ::so I simply added another instance of the problematic sprite and mapped to that one instead. ::The end result fixed glitches but at the cost of more space. ::Since my ultimate goal was to be able to play the game on real hardware, ::and I'd need to pad the game to 4MB to accomplish this anyway, ::I didn't try to improve the efficiency in the sprite table. :: ::Raph's knife use and charge move do not register a hit. Pancake 2 disallows it. ::This is also an issue in the TMNT Edition hack. :: :: ::*****BATCH FILE ASSEMBLY***** :: copy "Streets of Rage 2.gen" a.bin ::flips "SoR 2 Tmnt.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Turtles and Shadows (Walk, Hit).ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - TMNT Portraits, Palettes.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Fix Mikey Attack.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Fix Mikey Standing Frame.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Fix Raph Shock.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Raph Run.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Revised Story.ips" a.bin ::flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Press Start.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - DBLZ.ips" a.bin ::flips "Streets of Rage 2 (TMNT Hack) - Turtles Shadows (Walk, Hit).ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - KO.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Garcia,Garuda,Mosquito.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Cigar Restored.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Hi Scores.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Credits.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Post Credits.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Names.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Stage 3 Pirate.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - New 99 Lives Option.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Air Combos, Less Gravity, Walk Jump Physics.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 (TMNT Hack) - Mikey Throw.ips" a.bin flips "Streets of Rage 2 - Fwd Jump Speed.ips" a.bin ::flips "Streets of Rage 2 (TMNT Hack) - Sepia Portraits.ips" a.bin ::flips "Streets of Rage 2 (TMNT Hack) - Color Portraits.ips" a.bin ::ren a.bin "Streets of Rage 2 - Turtle Power v1.25 [U] [h].bin" flips "Streets of Rage 2 - ToR Title Screen.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - 5D94 Palette 5BB0 Animation.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Pick Up Shadows.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike Grab.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Flips.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph Grab.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo Grab.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don Grab.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike Taunt.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don Taunt.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph Taunt.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo Taunt.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Grabs.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Being Hit.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike Use.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph Use Knife & Pipe.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don Use.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo Use.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph Attack & Weapon.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike 31 Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo 31 Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph 31 Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Raph 31 Attack Frame.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don 31 Attack.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Mike Back.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Leo Back.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Don Back.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Blood & Turtles.ips" a.bin ::ren a.bin "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... of Rage v1.25.29 [U] [h].bin" flips "TMNT Remix - Run, Vault, Rems Longer Jump.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Remix Title Screen.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - JPN Palette.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Top 10.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Mini Port.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Galsia.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Restore Jump.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Credits.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Remix Title Screen v2.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT of Rage - Japanese Title Screen.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stats and Speed Swap.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Attack Stats.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Music Moves.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Donnie Recolored.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Donnie Player Select.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Battle.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Leo Duel Palette $1094A.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Raph Duel Palette $1097A.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Don Duel Palette $1095A.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Mike Duel Palette $1091A.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Shredder Palette - A5FA, 08AA.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Story.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Turn & Run.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Ultimate Warrior.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - End Text.ips" a.bin flips "Ti -Streets_of_Rage_2_(U)_[no_ff].ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - No Continues.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Remove Region Lock.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - BTST #7,($00A10001), BNE to BRA (Rem JPN Text).ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Credits Revision.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 1, Scene 1.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 3, Scene 6,7.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 4, Scene 2,4.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 5, Scene 1.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 6, Scene 5.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Stage 8, Scene 1.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Kill End Screens 22098 BEQ 67.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - 0235F8 #1.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Fix First Line.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Vaults.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Mike Vault Color.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Shredder Hit.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Shredder Kick.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Shredder Swap.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Caddies & Dinos.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Difficulty & Lives.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Revised End Text.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - End Credit Turtles Screen.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Final Credits.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Final Story.ips" a.bin flips "TMNT Remix - Mike Lying.ips" a.bin ren a.bin "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix v1.52.1 [U] [h].bin" flips -c -i "Streets of Rage 2.gen" "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix v1.52.1 [U] [h].bin" "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Rage Remix v1.52.1 [U] [h].ips" @pause