Ultimate X-Men v.1.1 January 26th, 2021 BillyTime! Games -------------------- Ultimate X-Men is a patch for X-Men on Sega Genesis designed to alleviate difficulty as well as correct a few design choices of the original game. Details and patching instructions can be found in the readme. -------------------- Changes: -------------------- General: *Computer automatically resets when destroyed, reset button no longer needed. (Mojo's Crunch) *Health no longer lost when falling into a pit *Mutant power rengerates faster *Can always switch to other X-Men without any limit -------------------- Wolverine: *Wolverine regenerates health at a faster rate *Claws Use no mutant power (As a side effect, beserker rage is effectively disabled) *No mutant power lost when wolverine falls into a pit *Wolverine jumps slightly higher -------------------- Nightcrawler: *Nightcrawler's teleport uses less mutant energy (Down to 80 from 155) *Nightcrawler jumps slightly higher -------------------- Gambit: *Gambit's card toss uses less mutant energy (Down to 60 from AA) -------------------- OPTIONAL: Ultimate X-Men SRAM Patch -------------------- How To Save & Load: -------------------- Saving: The game saves upon starting a new level (Leaving the Danger Room) Loading: Walk up to the black panels to the right of the character select computers, crouch and jump to load game. How to Patch: -------------------- 1.Grab a copy of X-Men (USA).md 2.Grab Floating IPS (https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1040/) 3.Patch your rom with the corresponding IPS file