Kimba (Leo in Japan) the White Lion, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. It is considered by some people that the manga and its adaptation in TV anime form directly inspired the creators of The Lion King movie. Unfortunately, while we have two movies with similar plots and themes The Lion King (1996) for Simba and Jungle Emperor Leo (1997) for Kimba, we only have one follow-up game. This romhack was inspired by Kimba and aims to fill the void of a missing Kimba game. Changes include: - redrawn title from 'the Lion King' to 'Leo the Lion' - palette swaps to bring correct coloring to both Kimba (young Simba) and Caesar (old Simba) - retouched animations to bring correct tail coloring as well as signature purple ears with a black stripe - changed Simba to Kimba title card in exile level intro ========== Apply the patch file to: Lion King, The (World) for Genesis. Original File/ROM SHA-1: 24CBE4E75EC10E8E0FFBDB400CF86ECB072D4DA9 Original File/ROM CRC32: 5696A5BC