Hello, I'm CALDM and this is a Sonic The Hedgehog 1 Hack. The Hack: Sonicu The Cubehog is a Hack that has the objective have a similar mechanic to another game called Geometry Dash made by RobTop Games. The Hack modify things like: Gameplay, Graphics, Pallete Colors, Level Design, Boss Battles, Sound, Title Cards & Special Stages. Gameplay: Controls: A, B or C = Jump Down = Roll Start = Pause You control Sonic, that is in a shape of a cube, which can be called "Sonicu". Sonicu run fast, but when he jumps, he can jump high and his speed slows, when he touches the ground or platform, he runs again. When he rolls, his speed slows, so with that, you can jump on obstacles easily, but use wisely. your objective is to reach the end of a act to complete, on the acts, you will encounter obstacles, enemies, springs, and others. there will be moments that you need have to jump carefully and moments that you have to interact with certain things to dodge or to reach another platform. When you start the game you have to completed almost all the zones, except for Corrupt Zone. Graphics: Sonic's Sprite has been changed, he's now a cube to be more similar to Geometry Dash and objects like bumper and monitor had only graphical changes. Pallete Colors: I decided to make change on pallete colors, the zones have changed for better or worse. Level Design: The Zones have changed to be more similar to Geometry Dash, some had graphical changes of Tiles to Chunks and the difficulty of the zones has changed for better or worse. Zones: Blue Hill: It's Green hill, but the grass is blue and the others like earth, sky and water are more lighter. Rock: It's Marble, but most of the area is covered by rock and most of part it's gray. Bumper Yard: It's Spring Yard, but it's almost night and the bumpers are present to help or not. Corrupt: It's Labyrinth. but don't go. Sky Dark: It's Star Light, but the stars are not present to illuminate it the area. Broken Heart: It's Scrap Brain, but more painful. Final: It's Final, but has some obstacles and the boss can be hard if you not be careful. Boss Battles: Defeating Dr.Robotnik is easy, only requires one hit to defeat him, only thing to bother is the platform. When you defeat Dr.Robotnik, you have to release the animals, release the animals carefully. Sound: Almost all zones have the same soundtrack, only Corrupt Zone have changed, some acts follow the music. The ending soundtrack have been changed and the jump sfx have been disabled. Title Cards: Title Cards have been modify to make the names more sense. For example: Zone: Blue Hill Title Card: Blue Hill and not Zone: Blue Hill Title Card: Green Hill Special Stage: Controlling Sonicu is heavier than normal. The 6 Special Stages have been modify for better or worse: Special Stage 1: It's simple and contains 3 paths, one lead to bumpers where you will get stuck until you restart, other leads to rings and the other leads to the 1st Chaos Emerald where you must be careful to catch or you will hit the goal or will go to glitch area. Special Stage 2: You are in glitch area and you must find a way to get out, when you enter the special stage, try to take the 2nd Chaos Emerald in a giant square. Special Stage 3: It's a maze where you must find the right path to the 3rd Chaos Emerald with less visibility. Special Stage 4: It's a path that leads to the 4th Chaos Emerald, try to reach by changing the rotation and avoiding and using bumpers. Special Stage 5: The path to the 5th Chaos Emerald has some areas that must be avoided or you will fall to the glitch area. Special Stage 6: Bumpers everywhere. The Story: Sonic was sleeping, the morning comes up, when Sonic awakes, he realizes that he is different, your body is shaped into a square, he gets desperate for a moment, but then he thinks that Dr.Robotnik have done this, so he goes on an adventure with this new body to confront Dr.Robotnik, through his adventure, he will notice that he wasn't the only one that had change. Ending (SPOILER ALERT): Even having defeated Dr.Robotnik and saved the animals, Sonic wasn't back to normal, he gets frustrated and thinks why he is still a cube, maybe if he had collect the 6 Chaos Emeralds, maybe he could be back to normal. True Ending (SPOILER ALERT): Even having defeated Dr.Robotnik, saved the animals and collected the 6 Chaos Emeralds, Sonic wasn't back to normal, he gets frustrated and thinks why he is still a cube, maybe the Chaos Emeralds and Dr.Robotnik wasn't the real reason of Sonic becoming a cube or maybe theres one more Chaos Emerald to be collect, but is out of reach. Credits: I work in this Hack alone, but i wouldn't have been capable to make it without their help: The Website: Sonic Retro: Guides & Programs SCHG: Guides The Human Beings: AnimeMaster222: Tutorials & Hints FraGag: Code Spike behavior  Egor305: Code Press Start Button Selbi: Sonic 1 Text Code Generator Mercury: Sonic 1 Special Stage Editor Xenowhirl: Rotsprite & SonMapEd Stealth: SonEd 2 MainMemory: Sonlvl Christian Maas: XVI32 Context Project Ltd: Context Clownacy: Sonic 1 Disarm Master Sonic and all related characters belong to Sega Geometry Dash and all related characters belong to RobTop Games ... That's it, Enjoy.