Sonic1Jammed: Sonic 1 with jam layouts and features wrapped up in a nice options menu The Main features: - includes Revision 00, Revision 01, Easy and Original Layouts. (Original is just Revision 01 but with a fix to prevent jumping over the level in SLZ2.) - Can enable or disable the level order for easy mode separately from Easy mode itself. (Easy mode has files for every level, unsure if they're different from normal I never checked) - Can enable or disable the spindash - Same with Time Overs - Switch bug behavior between original and Jam's (or S2 I guess) Both patches are the same they just correspond to the two most common revisions of the game. Steam version used Revision 1 if you have that. v2.1.1 changes: Fixes bosses not actually using easy hit count due to typo. v2.1 changes: Fixes the rest of the bosses in easy mode not having the smaller hit count. v2.0 changes: Big update from devon fixing a lot of easy mode things and adding in missing features: Includes: - Port over easy mode Final Zone boss - Apply easy mode hit count for Labyrinth Zone boss - Fix spike bug not being disabled - Default to 3 continues on start for easy mode