AYRTON SENNA’S SUPER MONACO GP II ‘91 SEASON by Coruko Bardo Name corrections for drivers, teams, engines and circuits from 1991 F1 season. CHANGES (team - driver - nationality): > Original # Modified >> S-League > Madonna - A. Senna - Brazil # McLaren - Senna - BRA >> A-League > Millions - N. Jones - England # Williams - Mansell - GBR > Firenze - I. Germi - Italy # Ferrari - Capelli - ITA > Bestwal - M. Blume - Germany¹ # Benetton - Piquet - BRA >> B-League > Tyrant - G. Gould - Canada # Tyrell - Gilles* - CAN > Joke - L. Dufay - Italy # Jordan - Andrea* - ITA > Dardan - K. Alfven - Finland # Dallara - Lehto - FIN > Minarae - J. Nono - Italy # Minardi - Gianni* - ITA >> C-League > Losel - W. Dehehe - Brazil # Lotus - Moreno - BRA > Lares - P. Arai - Japan # Larrousse - Suzuki - JPN > Feet - J. Rampal - FRA # Footwork - Olivier* - FRA >> D-League > Rigel - T. Chardin - France # Ligier - Comas - FRA > Blanche - P. White - Austria² # Brabham - Brabham - AUS > Cool - A. Delvaux - Belgium # Coloni - Gachot - BEL > Moon - K. Yepes - Spain³ # Modena - Chaves - POR *Gilles Villeneuve (Tyrell), Andrea de Cesaris (Jordan), Gianni Morbidelli (Minardi) and Olivier Grouillard (Footwork). ¹The Bestwal (Benetton) reference pilot was supposed to be Michael Schumacher due to the German nationality. However, the face resemblance is way closer to Nelson Piquet (whom also drove for Benetton in 1991), so I decided to do such change. ²The Blanche (Brabham) reference pilot is David Brabham, but the programmers mistook Australia with Austria. ³The Moon (Modena) reference pilot is Pedro Chaves, but the programmers mistook Portugal with Spain.