============================================================================== JAMES POND 3: LOST LEVELS! Patch created by Saxman November 17, 2023 ============================================================================== The Amiga AGA version of James Pond 3 includes a lot of 'LVL' files. As you might guess, these are the maps for the game. The foreground and background are created individually, increasing the number of LVL files found in the directory. However, doing a count of how many maps are referenced by the game versus how many LVL files there are reveals seven additional files that go unused! Many of these are actually early revisions of maps that are used by the game. But two of the files are completely different from anything else used by the game. These are SLIMEP06.LVL and SCAVEJ02.LVL. The existence of special trigger functions (e.g. data describing what will happen when a switch is activated) assigned to Lair of the Mush-Beast that match perfectly with the SLIMEP06 map suggests the latter was swapped out for the boss battle. The SCAVEJ02 map remains a mystery as to where it was going to be used. I have imported both of these maps into the Genesis version of the game with no modifications made to them. For convenience purposes, they replace Garden of Edam and East of Edam so you can access them quickly. If you like this, be sure to check out my other James Pond 3 content on Romhacking.net. There, I have ROM hacking notes, as well as an experimental level viewer called "CHEESE!". And at the time of writing this, I am working on a proper level editor for the game which I hope to get released soon. Enjoy! -- Saxman