============================================================================== BLUE LAKE WOODS I -- VERSION 1.00 Kid Chameleon MAP4A port to James Pond 3 Created by Saxman February 20, 2024 ============================================================================== For fun, I ported Blue Lake Woods I from Kid Chameleon over to James Pond 3. Use an IPS patcher to apply the patch to the original James Pond 3 ROM. I have also included the LVL file for use with Chedditor, or for playing with the Amiga port of James Pond 3. I used Chedditor to reconstruct the level, and K-E to view the original level from Kid Chameleon. Once I finished building the map, I decompressed it with Pond Packer and modified the uncompressed file in HxD to set the width and height (something not yet supported in Chedditor). Then I compressed it again and inserted it into the James Pond 3 ROM. I would be very interested to see other levels converted over to James Pond 3 to see how well they play. I've created all the tools necessary to make it happen, so if anyone wants to see that happen, go for it! - Saxman