ReConstruct: Phantasy Star IV v1.2 (Mar 26 2021) ==================================================================================================== Disclaimer ========== - Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (c) Sega. All rights reserved. - No ownership is claimed by FlamePurge over Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium or the franchise from which it originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc. is strictly prohibited. - This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis. FlamePurge is not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while using this patch. - Apply this patch only to "Phantasy Star IV - The End of the Millennium (U) [!].bin" with the following specifications. Hashes: CRC32 - FE236442 MD5 - 84CBD0FF47F3C8E9D21D2C2FC39185FA SHA1 - BC7FF6D6A8408F38562BC610F24645CAD6C42629 - The appendices are not required to play this mod, but may assist a Phantasy Star II adventure regardless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A short list of features in the newest version of my project. * The utmost care was used to update lore terms and assure consistency across the franchise. * Menu selections and location labels have been expanded for readability. * Every bug fix by lory1990 has been implemented. * The script has been meticulously poured over so it reads more naturally, fixing a few mistranslations along the way. This has been thanks to lory1990's Phantasy Star IV disassembly, as well as mziab taking the time to teach me how it all works. The end result is a reconstruction worthy of this game, an act of apology from one fan to others, who all expected more out of the localization. Please enjoy! ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Overview ======== - Implemented all of lory1990's bug fixes thanks to his PSIV disassembly. (Credit to lory1990) - Script updated to read more naturally, including more sensible line breaks and improved joke localization, as well as conveying information as succinctly as possible. - Lore terms conform to standards set by Phantasy Star I and II. - Several mistranslations corrected. (Thanks to mziab and The Cutting Room Floor) - Proper case text for menu selections, menu labels, location labels, enemies, equipment, items, and abilities. - Item and equipment names updated, taking advantage of the full 10-letter limit where necessary. No longer are dashes used in lieu of spaces. - Ability names slightly updated, in certain places renamed to avoid unsightly abbreviation. - Gryz can equip most knives. - RYKR-RING is a helmet for Hahn, Gryz, Demi, Raja, and Kyra. (Credit to mziab) - Two unused pieces of equipment have had their stats adjusted. - Intro scroll adjusted so the music no longer begins looping before the text finishes. - Several menu selections expanded to avoid awkward abbreviations. (Credit to mziab) - Expanded location labels. (Credit to mziab) - Updated and corrected soundtrack titles. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Changelog ========= v1.2 Patch / v1.2a Readme (Aug 20 2021) - Updated appendices are now included. There have been no changes to the patch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2 (Mar 26 2021) - Fixed some typos in CLIMCENTER, MYST VALE, guild assignment Silver Soldier, and SILENCE TM. (Thanks: ThegreatBen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1 (May 13 2020) - Fixed two Phantasy Star I references in Uzo. - Corrected Bayamare Gift Shop's name from "Baya-Malay" to "Baya Malay". - Amended spelling of item AERO-PRISM to match Phantasy Star I and II. - Updated name of armor LTHR-CLOTH from "Hide Tunic" to "Hide Vest", to account for that "Tunics" are what I've renamed women's fibrillae-based armor in other Phantasy Star mods. - Revised name of enemy DEZO OWL and term Dezo Penguin to account for impending update to my Phantasy Star II mod. - Fixed a typo. (Thanks: nosynose) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 (Mar 20 2020) - Script updated to naturalize the language used, resulting in a generally more polished experience all around. Jokes have been revised and restored where possible; characters will say less to deliver the same information; a few translation errors have been corrected. (Credit: mziab, TCRF) - The intro scroll has been adjusted so the music no longer begins looping before the text finishes. - The prologue text overlaying large graphics of Chaz and Alys has been reworded to break in a more appropriate spot. - All caps menu text has been rewritten in proper-case, keeping with the original spirit of this mod. In addition, most mid-word dashes are now replaced with a space. (Credit: ladyabaxa - fixing the post-battle item drop display using byte $57) - Restored enemy ACACIA to S.SWORD CV and enemy SHADMIRAGE to THE EDGE. (Credit: lory1990) - Gryz can now equip weapons DAGGER, HUNT-KNIFE, TITNDAGGER, CRMC-KNIFE, LASR-KNIFE, PLSMDAGGER, TORNDDAGGR, and LACODAGGER. - Item RYKR-RING is now a helmet (18 DEF, 10 MDF) with no elemental resistances. It can be equipped by Hahn, Gryz, Demi, Raja, and Kyra. - Items, item descriptions, and abilities carefully examined to correct typos and avoid abbreviation, as well as deviances from established lore terms. This includes renaming the "magic" skill names to be in-line with Phantasy Star I. Skills marked with ` indicate names pulled directly from the first game. * MEDICE > Heal` * FLAELI > Fire` * TANDLE > Thunder` * HEWN > Wind` * TELELE > Terror` * BINDWA > Rope` * WARLA > Wall` * EFESS > Holy * LEGEON > Raze * DIEM > Kill * NEGATIS > Doom (Note: In Japanese, PSIV's MEDICE is "Medisu" and PSI's HEAL is "Hiiru". However, as MEDICE is an Esper magic skill, I felt this was a fitting change.) - The four dummied items have been named and given proper descriptions. In addition, the map's planet labels have been translated. However, the items are still not implemented in game. (Credit: mziab for finding the label data) * NOTHING > Blood Axe (Also received stat adjustments: 82 ATK, 30 DEF) * NOTHING > StarSlashr * NOTHING > Protector (Also received stat adjustments: 120 DEF, 45 MDEF) * NOTHING > Algol Map - The Protector is now considered body armor, rather than a story item. This means that while it still can't be sold or discarded, it can be properly equipped. - 16 soundtrack titles have been corrected/renamed to avoid poor English and adhere to the international Phantasy Star names and terms. - Slight changes to the 8x16 (dialogue) and 8x8 (menu) fonts. The 8x8 font's numbers are now bold, matching the rest of the font. - Incorporated all of lory1990's bug fixes. (Credit: lory1990) * LV 99 bug fix for all characters, including Seth. * Characters not in the party are able to gain more than 1 level per battle. * Wren has proper charges for skill POSIBOLT at LV 91. * Stat display updates properly after LV up. * Menu cursor detection bugs fixed. * Corruption bugs after canceling several menus corrected. * Red cursor now aligns properly when in maps with custom scroll logic. * If the menu was opened directly after obtaining items CANCELLER and RYKR-RING, and helmets PALMA-RING, MOTA-RING, DEZO-RING, and ALGO-RING, subsequent cutscenes wouldn't occur, leading to a softlock; this is fixed. * Stats/elemental attributes now update properly after exiting the EQUIP menu when there is nothing to equip. * Weapons no longer gain shield's element during physical-elemental attacks or skills that draw on a weapon's element. * Weapon SHADWBLADE's stat penalties reduced so wielder's stats no longer underflow. * Chaz's stats update properly when weapon ELSYDEON is automatically obtained. * Weapon TORNDDAGGR name display fixed. * Raja can no longer equip weapon PSYCO-WAND. * Armor that reduces physical damage incurred will still perform as necessary after defending. * Armor PSY-ROBE grants proper protection against psionic abilities. * Skill VISION depends upon caster's MENTAL stat. * Characters no longer lose buffs if items ANTIDOTE, CURE-PARAL, and SOL-DEW or techs ANTI, RIMPA, and AROWS are used on them. * Items TELEPIPE and ESCAPIPE are no longer discarded if used in battle. * Enemy IGGLANOVA is given proper status ailment immunities. * Using tech RYUKA to teleport back to PIATA before defeating the first enemy IGGLANOVA will no longer cause NPCs to speak blank text boxes. * AIEDO NPC no longer causes softlock if he flees into environment objects. * Missing dialogue added when examining cabinets in NALYA. * Chaz no longer says "This is terrible!" when examining houses in RYUON. * Collision detection corrected in RESHEL, ISLANDCAVE, and S.SWORD CV. * The first screens of ZELAN and KURAN have the dungeon bit properly set. * Palettes cycle in the AIR CASTLE correctly. * ISLANDCAVE map layout fixed. * Chaz revives automatically if KO'd after fighting Zio. * Simultaneously pressing D-Pad left/right no longer results in bugs/crashes. * Message for entire party dying of poison in the field is fixed. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Credits ======= - lory1990: Bug fixes and Phantasy Star IV disassembly. - mziab: Guidance on how to use disassembly; tools; pointing out mistranslations; expanding location labels; other assistance. - ladyabaxa: Fixing item drop display bug. - The Cutting Room Floor: Comparison between the 4 prototypes scripts to that of the final, helping locate translation errors. - Fantasy Anime: As always, providing helpful save files for testing purposes. - Sega ...and all you Phantasy Star fans out there! See you in the Algol system! ====================================================================================================