---------------------------------------- FLAT LETHAL LAVA LAND V0.2 - by messiaen ---------------------------------------- This patch is an adaptation of the Flatworld concept to Lethal Lava Land, it replaces the polygons/collision from the level with a flat plane. I created individual solidity for some objects, so you can move them around and replicate them as many times as you want. To make them solid, you must select the appropriate behavior (see list below). There is a sample 2-star level included, so you can get an idea how to use the custom objects. Area 2 doesn't work properly, so forget about it for now. IMPORTANT: YOU *MUST* DELETE THE M64GEOMETRYDATA.M64 FILE FROM YOUR TT64 FOLDER BEFORE OPENING FOR THE FIRST TIME THE PATCHED ROM TO FORCE THE POLYGON DECODING PROCESS. To get the appropriate Objects/Behaviors descriptions in TT64 interface, you need to replace the original descriptions files (main_labels.txt and object_labels.txt) with the ones included in this package. If you are unsure about this procedure or about the polygon decoding, install this patch on a second copy of Toad's Tool 64. Solidity Behaviors: ------------------- 56E4 - Solid Platform With Arrows (model 0C) 5714 - Solid "Flat" Platform With Arrows (model 0B) 56FC - Solid Octogonal Lava Platform (model 05) 577C - Solid Volcano (Normal scaling) 5758 - Solid Volcano (300%) 572C - Solid Volcano (200%) 576C - Small Inverted Pyramid (200% scaling) Special Behaviors (enemies can detect its collision). ----------------------------------------------------- Use these *VERY* sparingly, especially if you already have one or more volcanos in the level. 5790 - Octogonal Lava Platform for Enemies 57A4 - "Flat" Platform With Arrows" for Enemies 57B4 - Solid Platform With Arrows for Enemies --- My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/frauber ---